tjm,I have always liked Barbara’s music . I will always remember her in that old movie she was in with Robert Redford. I think she has every right to her support what ever politics she likes. She also has the right to use any language she choses.
Here’s the problem with that. It depends on where you are-the venue. And how it’s advertised. If it’s a concert, where the general public pays to listen to her sing, then it’s not ok to voice your opinion. Along the same lines as a woman wearing a swimsuit to Mass. Just not appropriate. And if the concert doesn’t have a warning that foul language may be used, again, not appropriate. Maybe I’d like to hear her, and have my child learn to appreciate her wonderful stylings of some real music, I would have a real problem with her dropping the f*** bomb. If she goes on Barbara Walters or Larry King and slams President Bush, that’s an appropriate venue.
I once went to a concert where a portion of the proceeds went to AIDS research, and while I have no problem trying to fight a horrible disease, I had to get up and walk out when they spent more than a couple of minutes trotting out town celebrities and thanking them for their support. In another concert, we went to hear a foreign (Filipino) singer, and the first half hour was an advertisement for a townhouse complex in Manila. The crowd eventually got so vocal, they stopped the tape and went on with the concert. Again, not appropriate.