Study finds disproportionate abuse by 'gays'

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2005 A six-year study of sexual abuse committed by foster parents in Illinois found a highly disproportionate percentage of the cases were homosexual in nature.

About one-third were same-sex while estimates are that no more than 3 percent of people in the general population say they engage in homosexual acts.

An article in the March issue of the peer-reviewed publication Psychological Reports presented data analyzed by Dr. Paul Cameron, chairman of the Colorado-based Family Research Institute.

Cameron believes it’s likely the Illinois figures reflect the situation among the nation’s estimated half-million foster children.

“What’s shocking, is that 34 percent of the molestations were homosexual,” Cameron told the Illinois Leader.

According to a DCFS spokeswoman, the agency does not track the sexual orientation of prospective foster or adoptive parents.

“We track our foster and adoptive parents on the basis of their being single or married. That’s it,” Marjorie Newman told the paper last year.

The agency would not say whether the information would lead to a change in policy.

The study showed 1 percent of Illinois foster and subsidized-adoption children are molested and 3 percent are abused physically every year.

“Professional societies are so taken with gay rights they are ignoring the evidence,” said Cameron. “Just last year, the American Psychological Association [APA] declared opposition to ‘discrimination against lesbian or gay parents adoption, child custody and visitation, foster care and reproductive health services.’”

Cameron added, “How does the APA answer this new evidence?”

Last year, Newman said the DCFS does not “discriminate based on gender, race, sexual orientation, sexual preference. There is no law that says that a gay or lesbian person cannot adopt.”

The Leader acquired information from DCFS through the Freedom of Information Act indicating most sexual abuse of children was by foster fathers, but that foster mothers were responsible for over three-fourths of physical abuse.

The study found 966 foster parents violated their charges. Of those who engaged in both physical and sexual abuse, eight of the 15 abused children of their own sex.

Cameron said Illinois, which has about 60,000 children in 4,300 foster or adoption-subsidized homes, was the first state to disclose details about abuse.
Well I’m sure NAMBLA will have something to say about this! This sort of report could cut down on their access…
This makes sense. Homosexual acts are disorderd. Child sexual abuse is disordered. Those that engage in homosexual acts need help, not promotion.
0% of the offences were homosexual.

100% of the offences were paedophile.

Sexual offences commited by adults against children are motivated by entirely different desires than consexual sexual act between adults. The Church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. It does not teach that there is any connection between homosexuality and paedophile activity. There is none.
Matt25 said:
0% of the offences were homosexual.

100% of the offences were paedophile.

Sexual offences commited by adults against children are motivated by entirely different desires than consexual sexual act between adults. The Church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. It does not teach that there is any connection between homosexuality and paedophile activity. There is none.

The Church teaches that homosexual acts are disorderd. The Church teaches that acts of pedophilia are disoredered. The Church teaches that disordered acts of sin weaken the intellect and the will. The homosexual lifestyle is defined by sex, with multiple partners being “normal” and young partners often “optimal”.

The statistics above show that homosexually inclined persons abuse children at a higher rate than non-homosexually inclinded persons. That is a statistical connection that cannot be discarded out of hand. It is not up to the Church to teach us every statistical, physiological, and psychological connections. It is up to the Church to teach us what is right and what is wrong.
Matt25 said:
0% of the offences were homosexual.

100% of the offences were paedophile.

Sexual offences commited by adults against children are motivated by entirely different desires than consexual sexual act between adults. The Church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. It does not teach that there is any connection between homosexuality and paedophile activity. There is none.

So you are the expert on homosexuality and pedopehlia? I hardly consider your opinion on the subject valid, particularly given that you invariably represent homosexual interests.

However, if there were a true pedopehlia problem there would not be the disproportionate level of homosexual predators would there? After all most pedophiles (just as most men) are heterosexual. We would expect if men were accepting foster children to be able to sexually abuse them there would be proportionally as many if not more females abused.

Frankly we’ve just had several horrible cases where homosexuals either procured adoptive or foster children in an effort to have them for sexual gratification. One young man committed suicide rather than testify against the state worker who had a pattern of sending boys to homosexual foster homes as well as the man who abused him. As a result the charges were dropped. The good news is that there were other boys who will testify with respect to other charges. Another case a "married’ homosexual couple has been charged with using their foster child for purposes of pornographic movie making. He was also a stand up member of the Unitarian church and Sunday school teacher. Excuse me when I hurl. I think it’s outrageous that a male child would be placed in a homosexual home. I would feel the same way about a female child being placed in a single male foster parent situation. Why are we risking our children and sacrificing them to the tolerance god?

Lisa N
Matt25 said:
0% of the offences were homosexual.

100% of the offences were paedophile.

Sexual offences commited by adults against children are motivated by entirely different desires than consexual sexual act between adults. The Church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. It does not teach that there is any connection between homosexuality and paedophile activity. There is none.

So you know that 100% of the acts occured to children who were prepubescent?

That is the definition of pedophilia. Acts with children that are postpubescent would be homosexual.
Lisa N:
So you are the expert on homosexuality and pedopehlia? I hardly consider your opinion on the subject valid, particularly given that you invariably represent homosexual interests.

However, if there were a true pedopehlia problem there would not be the disproportionate level of homosexual predators would there? After all most pedophiles (just as most men) are heterosexual. We would expect if men were accepting foster children to be able to sexually abuse them there would be proportionally as many if not more females abused.

Frankly we’ve just had several horrible cases where homosexuals either procured adoptive or foster children in an effort to have them for sexual gratification. One young man committed suicide rather than testify against the state worker who had a pattern of sending boys to homosexual foster homes as well as the man who abused him. As a result the charges were dropped. The good news is that there were other boys who will testify with respect to other charges. Another case a "married’ homosexual couple has been charged with using their foster child for purposes of pornographic movie making. He was also a stand up member of the Unitarian church and Sunday school teacher. Excuse me when I hurl. I think it’s outrageous that a male child would be placed in a homosexual home. I would feel the same way about a female child being placed in a single male foster parent situation. Why are we risking our children and sacrificing them to the tolerance god?

Lisa N
This comment is off topic and is just an observation: It is interesting to note that the Unitarian Church is pro Homosexual and also pro-Euthanasia.

end of hijack

the “study” was simply a web search of newspaper reports of the whole English speaking world. 15 situations were found. The info from the stateof Illinois was not on the same sex/opposite sex nature of the abuse.

A look at the study finds several interesting features:

90% of abusers were MALE. it is clear that if one is using proportional statisitics, it is men who are a danger to children and they would be best off with lesbians or heterosexual women.

Men who abused both male and female children were counted as homosexual.

25% of the male abusers of boys were married men.
the “study” was simply a web search of newspaper reports of the whole English speaking world. 15 situations were found. The info from the stateof Illinois was not on the same sex/opposite sex nature of the abuse.

A look at the study finds several interesting features:

90% of abusers were MALE. it is clear that if one is using proportional statisitics, it is men who are a danger to children and they would be best off with lesbians or heterosexual women.

Men who abused both male and female children were counted as homosexual.

25% of the male abusers of boys were married men.
Don’t worry the radical feminist are catching up.God Bless
This comment is off topic and is just an observation: It is interesting to note that the Unitarian Church is pro Homosexual and also pro-Euthanasia.

end of hijack

The irony is that they “believe in the dignity of all persons…” or so they claim. Just don’t be a person who is too young or two old. Not safe!

Lisa N
I have asked this before, and if someone has posted it, please reference me to it.

Can anyone cite a scientific study that shows that homosexuals engage proportionally more pedophilic activities than heterosexuals?
Matt25 said:
0% of the offences were homosexual.

100% of the offences were paedophile.

Sexual offences commited by adults against children are motivated by entirely different desires than consexual sexual act between adults. The Church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. It does not teach that there is any connection between homosexuality and paedophile activity. There is none.

A 45 year old man having sex with a boy who is an adolescent is homosexual in nature, not paedophilic in nature.
Molestation and pedophilia are so different from homosexuality. I believe people who molest children or adults often just have a perversion dominance thing…while most of the time there sick sexual attitude is heterosexual…i believe these twisted people have a high occurance of homosexuality becuase of the weird and sickening way they view sex…these things just develop. This is totally different from 2 consenting adults that have a same sex attraction. I mean…I was reading today about a lesbian couple that had been together 45 years! Do you really think this is just a perversion? And do you really think lesbians are in it just for sex? Do you think thats all they do? Do straight people spend all day doing that? Do you ever think that gay couples actually are in it more for the companionship and love that they have all the time rather than the small sexual part of the relationship? Sorry this got so off topic but these things are different…homosexual does not mean molester.
I seriously think the forces that bring 2 lesbians together are completely different factors than what brings 2 homosexual males together.

For example: by and large, lesbians don’t molest children or adolescents. Homosexual men are very attracted to young men or as they call them ‘twinks’ (‘chickens’ to those of you in the UK)
Matt25 said:
0% of the offences were homosexual.

100% of the offences were paedophile.

Sexual offences commited by adults against children are motivated by entirely different desires than consexual sexual act between adults. The Church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. It does not teach that there is any connection between homosexuality and paedophile activity. There is none.

Really? On what facts do you base this since, in order to be classified as pedophelia, the child must be pre-pubescent and the ages of the children were not given. Your bias is obvious.

You have no basis or qualifications to make such a sweeping statement. Further, such a statement is both naive and dangerous. The simple fact is that people do really messed up things. Child sexual abuse is one of them. Homosexuals are not saints who are somehow above this. And, as these statistics PROVE, they are more prone to these heineous activities than the rest of the population.
I seriously think the forces that bring 2 lesbians together are completely different factors than what brings 2 homosexual males together.

For example: by and large, lesbians don’t molest children or adolescents. Homosexual men are very attracted to young men or as they call them ‘twinks’ (‘chickens’ to those of you in the UK)
you know, im not trying to be discriminatory but I agree. Women seem to be more apt to do it out of genuine love for each other. Not to discredit the committed relationships of homosexual men. But its weird…lesbianism has never really bothered me but I will admit homosexual men do kind of disgust me. However, their private life is none of my business and i wouldnt deny them the right to do it. But youre right…its the gay men who seem to have the problems.
you know, im not trying to be discriminatory but I agree. Women seem to be more apt to do it out of genuine love for each other. Not to discredit the committed relationships of homosexual men. But its weird…lesbianism has never really bothered me but I will admit homosexual men do kind of disgust me. However, their private life is none of my business and i wouldnt deny them the right to do it. But youre right…its the gay men who seem to have the problems.
It isn’t being discriminatory, it is chemical. Men have more testosterone.
I have asked this before, and if someone has posted it, please reference me to it.

Can anyone cite a scientific study that shows that homosexuals engage proportionally more pedophilic activities than heterosexuals?
One study entitled “Homosexual Parents” from Adolescence 31 (1996) showed that rates of sexual molestation by homosexual parents occured in 29% of the case studies, compared to only 0.6% by heterosexual parents.

Male-on-male sexual abuse of children accounts for about one-third of instances, even though heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals in the general population by about 20-to-1. The book The Gay Report (Summit Books, 1979) reported data that showed 73% of adult homosexuals surveyed had had sex with adolescent boys. A study in Behavior Research and Therapy found that male pedophiles who preferred male victims were sexually attracted to males of all ages. W. D. Erickson reported in Archives of Sexual Behavior 17 (1998) that 86% of male pedophiles against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.

– Mark L. Chance.
Molestation and pedophilia are so different from homosexuality. I believe people who molest children or adults often just have a perversion dominance thing…while most of the time there sick sexual attitude is heterosexual…i believe these twisted people have a high occurance of homosexuality becuase of the weird and sickening way they view sex…these things just develop. .
Good point. These aberrant behaviors DEVELOP. They are not hardwired in. No one is born a sexual sadist, a pedophile, or a homosexual. Through whatever process though, once sexual arousal and satisfaction become associated with something particular, whether violence, small children, or those of the same sex, it is extremely hard do treat. The recidivism rate of pedophiles is extremely high. It is very difficult for someone who has a fetish or who associates sex with violence to undo that pathway.
This is totally different from 2 consenting adults that have a same sex attraction. I mean…I was reading today about a lesbian couple that had been together 45 years! Do you really think this is just a perversion? And do you really think lesbians are in it just for sex?. Do you think thats all they do? Do straight people spend all day doing that? Do you ever think that gay couples actually are in it more for the companionship and love that they have all the time rather than the small sexual part of the relationship?
No, but it is the thing that distinguishes this particular relationship from all other same sex relationships, such as friendships. I have some very dear female friends that I love very much. We are companions, we are confidants, I am closer to some of my friends than I am to my mother or sister. OTOH we have no sexual feelings toward each other. That makes our relationship inherently different than a lesbian relationship because it is defined by sexual attraction first and other factors second.

Further I have no concern if two women or men want to live together and I don’t have the slightest interest in how they get their sexual kicks as long as it’s not illegal. I just do not want to hear about the sexual aspects of that relationship.
Sorry this got so off topic but these things are different…homosexual does not mean molester.
I don’t think too many of us believe all homosexuals are pedophiles. However it would be hoplessly naive to ignore the reality that young males are EXTREMELY attractive to homosexuals. I do not mean pedophelia but the attraction to teens such as was the case in the Church. Further according to all statistics I’ve seen, homoexuals are over represented in pedophelia vis a vis their proportion in society. I think we have to acknowledge reality and protect children even is that means someone doesn’t get unlimited access to children as their “right.”

Lisa N
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