Study finds disproportionate abuse by 'gays'

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This seems to be the pertanent study:

The Gay Report (Summit Books, 1979) reported data that showed 73% of adult homosexuals surveyed had had sex with adolescent boys

MYTH #2: Lesbian and gay adults are a danger to children
 FACT:     Sexual abuse of children occurs primarily within the
 family.  Most sexual abuse of children outside the family is
 committed by paedophile (people who engage sexually with
 children).  Adult lesbians and gays are no more likely to be
 paedophile than heterosexuals.
 *    Paedophile frequently do not differentiate between male and
 female victims; they are motivated more by power, control, and
 hostility than by sexual desire-and victimize girls twice as
 often as boys. -Freud K et al.`Erotic gender differentiation in
 Paedophilia` Archives of Sexual Behaviour 1991
 *    A study of 930 women in San Francisco showed that of those
 who had been incestuously abused, 95% of the abuse had been
 perpetrated by a male relative-usually the father or uncle. 
 -Russell D. the Secret Trauma, Basic Books, 1986
 *    A study of sexual-abuse offenders concluded that a
 heterosexual adult is more likely to be a threat to children than

Myth #2 - Most sexual abuse of boys is perpetrated by homosexual males.

Pedophiles who molest boys are not expressing a homosexual orientation any more than pedophiles who molest girls are practicing heterosexual behaviors. While many child molesters have gender and/or age preferences, of those who seek out boys, the vast majority are not homosexual. They are pedophiles.
                     Originally published in “In the Family” magazine Fall, 2003

                     **                         Q: I've heard therapists say that a male adult who sexually abuses a boy isn't necessarily ‘homosexual.' This seems confusing: If he isn't homosexual, then why would he sexually molest boys, instead of girls?**

                     This is a very good question, and there are several ways to respond to it. First, we need to clarify our definitions. When discussing sexual abuse and molestation of children, there's often conflict over terminology. One frequently quoted researchers on the topic of homosexuality and child molestation, [                         Gregory Herek, a research psychologist at the University                         of California](, defines pedophilia as "[a psychosexual disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners, which may or may not be acted upon](" He defines child sexual abuse as "actual sexual contact between an adult and someone who has not reached the legal age of consent." Not all pedophiles actually molest children, he points out. A pedophile may be attracted to children, but never actually engage in sexual contact with them. Quite often, pedophiles never develop a sexual orientation toward other adults. 

                     Herek points out that child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to "actions," without implying any "particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator." In other words, not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles. Pedophilia can be viewed as a kind of sexual fetish, wherein the person requires the mental image of a child--not necessarily a flesh-and-blood child--to achieve sexual gratification. Rarely does a pedophile experience sexual desire for adults of either gender. They usually don't identify as homosexual–the majority identify as heterosexual, even those who abuse children of the same gender They are sexually aroused by youth, not by gender. In contrast, child molesters often exert power and control over children in an effort to dominate them. They do experience sexual desire for adults, but molest children episodically, for reasons apart from sexual desire, much as rapists enjoy power, violence and controlling their humiliated victims. Indeed, research supports that a child molester isn't any more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual.

                     In fact, some research shows that for pedophiles, the gender of the child is immaterial. Accessibility is more the factor in who a pedophile abuses. This may explain the high incidence of children molested in church communities and fraternal organizations, where the pedophile may more easily have access to children. In these situations, an adult male is trusted by those around him, including children and their families. Males are often given access to boys to mentor, teach, coach and advise. Therefore, a male pedophile may have easier access to a male child. In trying to make sense of an adult male's sexually abusing a male child, many of us mislabel it as an act of homosexuality, which it isn't. 

                     Feminists have argued for years that rape is not a sex act–it is an act of violence using sex as a weapon. In the same way, a pedophile abusing a child of the same sex is not perpetrating a homosexual act, but an act of violence and exploitation using sexuality. There is a world of difference between these two things, but it requires a subtle understanding of the inner motivation of the abuser.
Matt25 said:

MYTH #2: Lesbian and gay adults are a danger to children

FACT: Sexual abuse of children occurs primarily within the
family. Most sexual abuse of children outside the family is
committed by paedophile (people who engage sexually with
children). Adult lesbians and gays are no more likely to be
paedophile than heterosexuals.
  • Paedophile frequently do not differentiate between male and
    female victims; they are motivated more by power, control, and
    hostility than by sexual desire-and victimize girls twice as
    often as boys. -Freud K et al.Erotic gender differentiation in Paedophilia Archives of Sexual Behaviour 1991
  • A study of 930 women in San Francisco showed that of those
    who had been incestuously abused, 95% of the abuse had been
    perpetrated by a male relative-usually the father or uncle.
    -Russell D. the Secret Trauma, Basic Books, 1986
  • A study of sexual-abuse offenders concluded that a
    heterosexual adult is more likely to be a threat to children than

Myth #2 - Most sexual abuse of boys is perpetrated by homosexual males.

Pedophiles who molest boys are not expressing a homosexual orientation any more than pedophiles who molest girls are practicing heterosexual behaviors. While many child molesters have gender and/or age preferences, of those who seek out boys, the vast majority are not homosexual. They are pedophiles.

This is the research that I came up with.

**Child Molestation & Homosexuality

The 1948 Kinsey survey found that 37% of the gays and 2% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-17-yr-olds, and 28% of the gays and 1% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-16-yr-olds while they themselves were aged 18 or older. (18)**

In 1970 the Kinsey Institute interviewed 565 white gays in San Francisco: 25% of them admitted to having had sex with boys aged 16 or younger while they themselves were at least 21. (19)

In The Gay Report, 23% of the gays and 6% of the lesbians admitted to sexual interaction with youth less than 16 years of age. (20)

In France, 129 convicted gays (21)(average age 34 years) said they had had sexual contact with a total of 11,007 boys (an average of 85 different boys per man). Abel et al reported similarly that men who molested girls outside their family had averaged 20 victims each; those who molested boys averaged 150 victims each. (22) 985, 31 (60%) were homosexual. (15)
Matt25 said:

Originally published in “In the Family” magazine Fall, 2003

Q: I’ve heard therapists say that a male adult who sexually abuses a boy isn’t necessarily ‘homosexual.’ This seems confusing: If he isn’t homosexual, then why would he sexually molest boys, instead of girls?

This is a very good question, and there are several ways to respond to it. First, we need to clarify our definitions. When discussing sexual abuse and molestation of children, there’s often conflict over terminology. One frequently quoted researchers on the topic of homosexuality and child molestation, Gregory Herek, a research psychologist at the University of California, defines pedophilia as “a psychosexual disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners, which may or may not be acted upon.”

So the abuse of post pubescent boys by men is a homosexual activity.

You are guys are talking past each other.
So all of a sudden the Kinsey survey is cited as Gospel. Don’t you have any shame?
Kinsey’s report is very flawed.
To deny that homosexuals have a greater likelyhood than heterosexuals to molest children and adolescents (especially the latter) is just plain silly. Any statistical source that you use will will bear this out. In any case, it is sexual deviancy.

Why are so many people living in a state of denial?
To deny that males have a greater likelyhood than females s to molest children and adolescents (especially the latter) is just plain silly. Any statistical source that you use will will bear this out.
Why are so many people living in a state of denial?
To deny that homosexuals have a greater likelyhood than heterosexuals to molest children and adolescents (especially the latter) is just plain silly. Any statistical source that you use will will bear this out. In any case, it is sexual deviancy.

Why are so many people living in a state of denial?
No you are just perpetuating an untruth, and it is sinful to bear false witness even against your enemies.

Paedophiles commit offences against children. Men are more likely to get unsupervised access to boy children than girl chidren. Therefore many boy children are abused.

Most abuse in any event takes place within family circles. If the boyfriend or husband of a childs mother has sex with the woman and also a abuses boy child does that make him a homosexual only pretending with the mother. Or a heterosexual abusing a boy just because he can. Or a paedophile manipulating every relationship he is in for his own ends.

You tell me.
Are you guilty of twisting the truth though? Having sex with adolecents is not pedophilia, and I think you know it, it is a homosexual behavior.
Thank you Fix for starting this thread. I volunteer to teach Confirmation (high school froshes and sophs) in the The Diocese of Orange. We have been given a video produced by the Diocese to show to the teens. I’m not real thrilled with this. I had an opportunity to watch it this morning. The first segment began with a group of teens from Mater Dei High School talking about “Sexual Abuse of Minors”. They explored a range of topics, from comfort with the subject matter, to trusting adults, trusting priests, not being alone with adults, etc. One student even brought up the connection with homosexuality and commented that he would be interested to see if any studies had been done and what statistics might be available. Does the video mention that the U.S bishops’ National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People had commissioned the John Jay College of Criminal Justice to gather nationwide statistics from the clergy sex abuse scandal and prepare a report? Nope. Were any of the statistics from the report provided in the video? Nope.

For anyone interested, I have provided this Wanderer editorial on other threads which summarizes the statistics:

The video downplays the role of homosexuality in this scandal. In another segment, various “myths” are presented and then refuted by the “facts”. The myths are dramatized by various people making “uninformed” statements. When they get to the “myth” about the homosexual connection, it is dramatized by an older, cranky white guy, complete with beer gut and loosely tucked shirt, standing at his front door ready to slam it shut after offering his opinion, blaming the gays. The “fact” given in response is that homosexuals are no more likely to molest than heterosexuals…pure propaganda. (I would like to use this in my group as a lesson in the art of manipulation and how to detect it. But I’m afraid that doing so might undermine their confidence in our leaders (maybe that could itself be a point of discussion). I would also like to provide handouts with the missing statistics. But the statistics are so disgusting I’m afraid they’re not mature enough to deal with them. My inclination is not to show the video at all if the whole truth can’t be presented. Any suggestions?)

In some respects, I think the video is useful. One segment has a teen talking to a law enforcement person about how predators use a process called grooming to gain the trust of their victims. Another segment has a teen talking with a counselor about what happens when an incident of abuse is reported (i.e., will her parents be informed, will her accusation remain anonymous, will she have to testify in court, etc.)
Matt25 said:

Originally published in “In the Family” magazine Fall, 2003

Q: I’ve heard therapists say that a male adult who sexually abuses a boy isn’t necessarily ‘homosexual.’ This seems confusing: If he isn’t homosexual, then why would he sexually molest boys, instead of girls?

This is a very good question, and there are several ways to respond to it. First, we need to clarify our definitions. When discussing sexual abuse and molestation of children, there’s often conflict over terminology. One frequently quoted researchers on the topic of homosexuality and child molestation, Gregory Herek, a research psychologist at the University of California, defines pedophilia as “a psychosexual disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners, which may or may not be acted upon.” He defines child sexual abuse as “actual sexual contact between an adult and someone who has not reached the legal age of consent.” Not all pedophiles actually molest children, he points out. A pedophile may be attracted to children, but never actually engage in sexual contact with them. Quite often, pedophiles never develop a sexual orientation toward other adults.

Herek points out that child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to “actions,” without implying any “particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator.” In other words, not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles. Pedophilia can be viewed as a kind of sexual fetish, wherein the person requires the mental image of a child–not necessarily a flesh-and-blood child–to achieve sexual gratification. Rarely does a pedophile experience sexual desire for adults of either gender. They usually don’t identify as homosexual–the majority identify as heterosexual, even those who abuse children of the same gender They are sexually aroused by youth, not by gender. In contrast, child molesters often exert power and control over children in an effort to dominate them. They do experience sexual desire for adults, but molest children episodically, for reasons apart from sexual desire, much as rapists enjoy power, violence and controlling their humiliated victims. Indeed, research supports that a child molester isn’t any more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual.

In fact, some research shows that for pedophiles, the gender of the child is immaterial. Accessibility is more the factor in who a pedophile abuses. This may explain the high incidence of children molested in church communities and fraternal organizations, where the pedophile may more easily have access to children. In these situations, an adult male is trusted by those around him, including children and their families. Males are often given access to boys to mentor, teach, coach and advise. Therefore, a male pedophile may have easier access to a male child. In trying to make sense of an adult male’s sexually abusing a male child, many of us mislabel it as an act of homosexuality, which it isn’t.

Feminists have argued for years that rape is not a sex act–it is an act of violence using sex as a weapon. In the same way, a pedophile abusing a child of the same sex is not perpetrating a homosexual act, but an act of violence and exploitation using sexuality. There is a world of difference between these two things, but it requires a subtle understanding of the inner motivation of the abuser.

Great explanation! Its a control dominance thing not a sexual thing!
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