Study: When Counting Premiums, US Workers Heavily Taxed

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I think the ER is lacking though, aren’t they mostly geared towards stabilizing patients which isn’t so helpful for those in need of more routine and regular care. Maybe pair it with Community Health Centers can be do more like the primary and preventative stuff and maybe more if they had more help or give a generous grant to hospitals (we already did but maybe something bigger to account for a larger uninsured population) so they can create their own indigent health care systems?
Our hospital has a program that I believe started in Chicago. It’s called "Aunt Martha’s (dumbest name ever, IMO), and its purpose is to have patients use it for their routine health care instead of using the ER.

It seems to be working really well. We have cut down quite a bit on the huge number of people who come to the ER because they “can’t sleep” or “feel nervous.”

I don’t know a lot about how Aunt Martha’s charges, but I believe it’s the same way as the ER–covered by Medicaid if you qualify, so it’s not like a regular doctor’s office. I think ? AP Nurses staff Aunt Martha’s with a doctor presiding, and the nurses do the exams and determine the course of treatment, which usually doesn’t involve hospitalization.

If the patient has a genuine emergency (e.g., gunshot, stabbed, raped, heart stops beating, blood sugar levels through the roof, broken bone, etc.), they are still encouraged to go to the ER.

I think it’s a start and it’s working well so far. One reason why health care is so expensive for people who do work at gainful employment is that they have to charge enough to cover all the people who use the ER as their “family doctor.”
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First I would’ve improved ACA by adding the Government Option, which Obama had in his proposal, but Nancy Pelosi removed because of pressure.

Then, I would’ve expanded Medicare down to age 55
For the record, the House bill had considered age-55 Medicare but Nancy rejected it. However she did propose a “robust” public option which included anti-abortion measures as well. But Liebermann in the Senate, the 60th vote, wouldn’t sign onto the public option provision.

The Senate passed its own version, which later became law.
It’s a start, but only a start. It’s great for mild, acute conditions, preventative health care, and keeping milder cases out of the ER.

But consider someone with a condition like ALS, who must first visit a lot of specialists to rule out other neurological conditions. Community health centers simply cannot fill that void. Another example: We have another thread on CAF with a mother who visit multiple pediatricians before a smart one finally discovered that her son had a form of cancer requiring urgent and immediate treatment. Finally, one of my family members was in a horrible accident that involved multiple surgeries, physical and occupational therapy sessions, and two weeks of hospitalization. Community health centers won’t help here, either. It’s not just lower-income Americans who are suffering, but an entire middle class getting squeezed out by medical bankruptcy. What we need is a massive systemic overhaul.
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And moreover the preventative care is usually a fraction of the cost. So we all end up paying more because some people would rather pay to treat a heart attack ($$$$$) than some pills ($)
Yeah well I don’t remember it that way, but I always believed that Nancy Pelosi was the worse thing for Obama’s presidency.
Obama was excellent as president!

Had class that we haven’t seen in a long time
I love my health care. I dont want you, elected officials, or the Pope telling me how I need to spend my dollars. Take care of your own life, stay out of mine.
Actually, a single-payer system will give you even more choice and competition. You could select ANY doctor you want OR opt for your favorite private insurer and private doctor. Then we’d really be able to stay out of your life.

Currently, you insurance company dictates how you spend your dollars- and all of the major ones fund abortions - and which providers you’re aloud to see in network.
Actually, a single-payer system will give you even more choice and competition. You could select ANY doctor you want OR opt for your favorite private insurer and private doctor. Then we’d really be able to stay out of your life.
not in the current plans by the dem candidates, the private companies could not cover what the public plan did. now, this is subject to change because there is nothing but conjecture at this point.

the only reality is that Vermont and California couldn’t come up with plans that worked.

remember what Gruber said,
“the stupidity of the American voter” made it important for him and Democrats to hide Obamacare’s true costs from the public. “That was really, really critical for the thing to pass,”
why wouldn’t the democrats do it again, except hide more than just cost but also coverage?

has warren admitted the tax implications of her plan yet? already hiding it from us.
Had class that we haven’t seen in a long time
I don’t think it’s “class” to vote against the “Born Alive” act (Illinois). It’s evil. It makes you fear what else Barack Obama was capable of. Thank God for Senators and Representatives who stymied him.
A little pill over time can add up to lots of money.

Drug prices are much much more expensive in the US than in the rest of the world.
I like my health care too.

I also know that job loss is highly likely and my health care disappears. Anything can happen.

Also just because I’m squared away doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care about others. We should all help each other.

Single payer may or may not be the way to go. What I do know is that our healthcare system is in need of reform. It’s like the system as it’s set up is currently rigged for maximum profit for insurance and drug companies. Our health is what is sacrificed to the altar of Mammon.
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Also just because I’m squared away doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care about others. We should all help each other.
I have often said we need a voluntary system in which people that work and yet can not get health care can have 12.5% of their check go to medcaid. Other can also have 6% of their checks go into that system to help those who need health care help.
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I keep mine just the way it is. I LOVE my health care. You are not smart enough to tell me how to run MY life.
Policy-making doesn’t center around how happy phil3 is. It’s about everybody. That’s why we have a Social Justice teaching in the first place.

Nobody is trying to tell you how to run your life. Quite the contrary. Single-payer health care broadens your freedom of choice.
The way it was worded in Illinois when Obama voted against it, was the right thing to do.

All the physician groups opposed it as Doctors would’ve gone to prison because a mother thought she saw her preborn dead baby move.
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