Touche, but isn’t there also the fact that our spending outpaces or at the very least is comparable with them, meanwhile their working class is covered while we have millions without coverage (our uninsured pop. is literally the size of a moderately large nation) and that’s not counting uninsured folks (unaffordable deductibles or hyper expensive medications) as well as folks who find their insurance companies not being there for them when they need them most?Netherlands has the highest tax rates of all and France is not far behind.
France may be struggling (but if I understand if they were successful with pension reform in the 90’s maybe they’d be a better place) but the Dutch (Netherlands) seem to be doing well for themselves, why can’t we be like the Dutch (in respect to policies), the people there seem content and well provided for yet we have so many stories of people having a difficult time so why not be like the Dutch where the people seem (relatively) okay?
Regarding the NHS (speaking of which, did you hear about the Tory win there, are you a GOPer/Conservative, would you wish for the same to happen to America though doesn’t the GOP like the Tories need to moderate, have a platform helping the people), maybe we could structure our Community Health Centers to be like a pseudo-NHS, have an option for those who find themselves without coverage/decent coverage, ya get me? I realize though, we may have structural issues to deal with like we’ll need more doctors and nurses so free medical/nursing schools scaled up, tuition free, free room and board, free books and subsidize some mental health professional (perhaps substance abuse treatment) training programs while we’re at it?
What can be done to reduce the number of struggling here? Also, how can we lower the deductibles, I hate deductibles especially once you have premiums (I’m open to Universal Catastrophic Coverage where we get a generous income based deductible though and after that we’re home free with the government covering the rest). By the way, how are you sir?