In the last few weeks I have been trying really hard to figure out exactly how I can be the best wife and mother to my family. While I’ve always heard about submission, I’ve never tried to apply it to my life. We have some new friends who are also trying to apply men’s/women’s roles to their marriage. My husband grew up with a single mom, and frankly hates the idea of submission. So to prove his point he is completely failing to be loving in any way, shape, or form. He has demanded that the only way he will feel loved is to keep the house spotless at all times. I’ve been fairly succesful, except for when I had a meeting last week, and we got home at the same time. I hadn’t had a chance to do a full clean, because I was gone all day, so he got mad, and his punishment of choice is swearing, which he knows I hate. I’ve also discovered the book Dressing with Dignity, and while I don’t agree with everything the author says, and am not about to throw away my pants, but I have been discerning how I can dress with dignity and femininity. He thinks it is stupid and has forbidden me from wearing skirts/dresses, again, to make a point.
He is completely refusing to live his side of the relationship, and not being loving at all, because he says that if I am the wife that God has called me to be that it will change his heart, if what the bible says is true.
I don’t know what to do. I feel like he is completely sabotaging any attempts that I make to be holy. It’s almost like if I fail, then he has the right to be angry at me, and blame me for anything that goes wrong in his life.
He is completely refusing to live his side of the relationship, and not being loving at all, because he says that if I am the wife that God has called me to be that it will change his heart, if what the bible says is true.
I don’t know what to do. I feel like he is completely sabotaging any attempts that I make to be holy. It’s almost like if I fail, then he has the right to be angry at me, and blame me for anything that goes wrong in his life.