One of the primary things about our church that I appreciate is that when it comes to what we consider the basics, we do all agree. I realize that some Catholics here might not priortize them the same way, and that you put more emphasis on some areas, but there are areas that we do agree, correct? For example, we both agree in the Virgin Birth, the Diety of Christ, his death, burial and ressurection, that it is by grace, through faith, proven by works (ok, so we may not exactly agree on that one, but I have read enough threads to understand that that is what I do have in common with a lot of the posters here) that we become children of God. I know catholics add baptism and communion (the Eucharist?) as requirements also, but I’m not going to argue those points. I have been baptized, and do celebrate communion, even if it’s not done exactly the same as my catholic brothers.
Just a question, and not to cause an argument, but if this is true:
“We Catholics believe the Church has taught that one eternal, unchanging Truth for 2000 years.”
then why, just like the protestants, has the Church undergone so many changes (Vatican I and Vatican II come to mind) in the past 2000 years, and why is it constantly changing even now? I may be showing my ignorance; I’m just beginning my research into this fascinating history. What is the reason for all the additions to the Bible? What is wrong with, as catholics put is, sola scriptura, if what was written and handed down when the Canon was accepted hasn’t changed?
Perhaps this should be on another thread, if so, I apologize! I hope you understand the tone this is written in, truly searching, not wishing to be condemned nor to condemn, but to understand.