Sudden disbelief, stopped participating in mass

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Dear Scared…I am amazed at the number of people that I am hearing these same things from…I’m beginning to believe it is demonic oppression attacking believers. It will lift…but it will take some time. Be persistent in prayer and ask for help from God. Especially do I recommend the rosary…because it has helped so many going through this…God bless…will keep you in my prayers too…
Hi Dorothy;

Right now the only prayer I can say is a simple help me. So it will be a very slow process.

That is a very good prayer!
I have had to fight to go to Mass many times.

One thing to remember is that the Church doesn’t require us to participate at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obilgation.

Instead, the Church requires us to hear Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This means that we are required to be present at the Offertory, Consecration, and priest’s Communion.

My suggestion is to go to a different Mass, or a different Catholic Church where one feels more comfortable. Sometimes the problems we have at church have nothing to do with us at all. Sometimes the problem is with what is going on at church.

Also, I have found that it is easier to go to a daily Mass, than a Sunday Mass. I would suggest that even if one gets a priest’s dispensation from Sunday Mass, that one attend daily Mass. I have found that when I attend daily Mass, it is easier for me to handle Sunday Mass.
Hello All:

Well, after much searching, and continueing to go to mass, getting more angry as I sit there I have come to a decision. Today at mass, the message was dealing with a turn about, giving into God. Well, after sitting there in both spiritual and physical pain, I have come to the conclussion that I am doing no one good by being there. So this week I will ask my parish priest to dispense me from attending Sunday and Holy days of obligation until after my counselling is done. The time frame for this will be close to a year. I will seek permission to come when I have to take my child to lector, sing etc. It is too far for me to drive home, then drive back. I could sit in my car, but at -30 it gets a little chilly. I simply can’t sit in church and continue to boil, I have to find some way to cope with the anger, I feel like a hipocrite sitting there, not sure what I believe and still take the body of christ, which I have been told that as long as I am not in mortal sin I am to do, no matter how I feel. At least with the dispensation, I won’t be in mortal sin for not going. Of course I run the risk of never returning to the Catholic Church, but there is little else I can do at this point.

Hi scared,
God has provided a Short cut through all this, don’t ya know ?
Jesus said; “No one can come to me unless The Father who sent me draws him.” We have to be drawn., not pushed.
Are you going to Mass becaused you are PUSHED by an obligation, or because THE LOVE OF GOD draws you ?

Many Catholics are Catholic, not because they WILL to be, but because they are FORCED to be.
We were “required” to go because of habit and not because of Love.
"He who does not abide in Love, abides in death."
If we go to Mass for any reason other than LOVE… we are just “dead meat” walking around.
How can anyone Worship God if we do not LOVE HIM in return?

Here is what you can do.
Go to Mass… Just as you are…take an honest LOOK at your life, especially The Love Jesus has for you and
the Love you have for Him in return… what ever it is.
At the Altar look for the invitation of the Priest when he says; “Lift up your hearts” and we say;
“WE lift them up to the Lord.” at that moment offer your heart to God. ** WILL IT.** To what ever you give your heart, your body follows.

When you DO THAT. you will be fulfilling these (2) Scriptures;
"You too are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, unto a holy priesthood, offering sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2: 5
**“And now brothers, I beg you through the mercy of God to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual worship.” ** Romans 12: 1
In essence, you are invited to “throw yourself” into Christ’s death, since you are already Baptized into his death. (Romans 6: 3)

Will yourself onto The Altar (as the drop of water is dropped into the wine) or in the same way you “DROP”
your dirty clothes into the WASHER.

Jesus promised; All that the Father gives me shall come to me; no one who comes to me will I ever reject."

Just as you put your dirty clothes in the washer…
The WASHER gives them back to you CLEAN.


Hello gusano:

For now I go to mass out of obligation to my child. My child is heavily involved in the church and loves it. If I don’t go the child doesn’t go, not old enough to drive and church is many miles away. So walking is out.

I am not sure if God exists, let alone love him.

You said: Jesus promised; All that the Father gives me shall come to me; no one who comes to me will I ever reject."

I understand that the church is NOT God or Jesus, but the church represents them, so the equation is I have gone to the church and I have asked, but I have been rejected, and on more than one occasion. So for me the words are hollow and don’t ring true, it is a part of questioning, questioning if there is a lord.

A lot of people praying for you here, scared.

But you know your issues go way beyond whatever is going on in church and way beyond any intellectual appropriation of faith. Faith issues are just one of the arenas where your other struggles manifest themselves.

Hang in. Get the help you need. Stay tuned for your child. Above all, get the help you need.

When you suffer these catastrophic doubts, offer them up consciously for all the souls who haven’t your stamina. Faith is more than a good feeling about God: it’s an act of the will. It means trudging through the swamp and picking up the cross we are given. The cross is custom crafted for every customer. Yours, it seems, is doubt and fear. God love you.
Dear Scared,

Just because you cannot feel the presence of God, **does not ** mean He is not there. He is always with you. I have struggled with similar feelings. They do not have to be permenant or devasting to your soul, but it is a serious problem and you must combat it as soon as possible.

Talk to a priest you trust immediately. A priest in confession can be a good place to start.

Participate in the Sacraments as much as you can. If you don’t feel you are in a state to receive the Eucharist, fine, but go to Mass and go to Confession as often as you can. Adore your Lord and your God in the Blessed Sacrament and take your problems to him. If you can receive, I would strongly reccomend you do so. Again, even and especially when you cannot feel Him, He is there.

Pray. Prayer is paramount. If all you can muster is the name of “Jesus” or “God” over and over, do it. Pray the Rosary if you can. Even if it’s just the words, say them. Pray for the faith to pray. Pray especially to St. Michael and Mary. Pray for trust in Christ.

Read. St. Faustina and St. Catherine and St. John of the Cross come to mind. Be around observant Catholic people and talk to them.

You are in my prayers.

Hello gusano:

For now I go to mass out of obligation to my child. My child is heavily involved in the church and loves it. If I don’t go the child doesn’t go, not old enough to drive and church is many miles away. So walking is out.

I am not sure if God exists, let alone love him.

You said: Jesus promised; All that the Father gives me shall come to me; no one who comes to me will I ever reject."

I understand that the church is NOT God or Jesus, but the church represents them, so the equation is I have gone to the church and I have asked, but I have been rejected, and on more than one occasion. So for me the words are hollow and don’t ring true, it is a part of questioning, questioning if there is a lord.

Hi scared,
(1) " But without Faith, it is impossible to please Him.
Anyone who comes to God must believe tht He exists, and that he rewards those who seek him."
Hebrews 11: 6

If in your mind you are allowing the enemy to persuade you that “God doesn’t exist”…the enemy is saying that God is a liar
and you are entertaining the enemy’s whisperings.

Would you allow Crows, Raccoons, wasps, & spiders in our house ?

CHOOSE today whom you will serve; If God IS GOD , follow and serve him.
If Beelzebub is god, follow him.

By the way, you are already serving THE LIVING GOD in that you are serving THE FAITH OF YOUR CHILD. keep it up willingly !

all you need to add is your “YES” to the Living God you don’t know…and after that He will begin to reveal Himself to you.

I place your entire life; Body soul and spirit on the Altar along with myself as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12: 1)

God Bless

Hello All:

I gave it one last shot. I asked for spiritual help and have been turned down. The reason, the counsellor should be doing it, not the priest. So it is done, I am done. If God is out there he sure wants to make it tough to follow him. Hard to follow when you are not sure where he is or how to get there. I have searched, I have sought, the saying seek and you shall find, obviously doesn’t apply to me.

I am in the process of writing to inform my Bishop that I will be leaving the Catholic Church. I will write it then leave it for a couple of weeks just to be sure it is the right thing to do. If it is it will be sent.

Thank you for all your help and prayers.

Hello All:

I gave it one last shot. I asked for spiritual help and have been turned down. The reason, the counsellor should be doing it, not the priest. So it is done, I am done. If God is out there he sure wants to make it tough to follow him. Hard to follow when you are not sure where he is or how to get there. I have searched, I have sought, the saying seek and you shall find, obviously doesn’t apply to me.

I am in the process of writing to inform my Bishop that I will be leaving the Catholic Church. I will write it then leave it for a couple of weeks just to be sure it is the right thing to do. If it is it will be sent.

Thank you for all your help and prayers.

With all due respect, this is a rather lame cop-out.

You’re “giving it one last shot”?

Might we speculate as to what would have happened if Jesus Himself had decided, right before they drove the nails through His palms and feet, that He had already “given it a fair shot” with this redemption of mankind business?

You said at the end that you will wait “to be sure that it is the right thing to do.”

I will inform with all certainty right now, so that you know and are not under the veil of invincible ignorance, that it is most definitely the WRONG thing to do to turn away from the truth.

I have also found a great deal of difficulty in finding a spiritual director as late. If you expect the Catholic life to be tea and crumpets and full of spiritual thrills, you have it wrong.

I suggest one thing for you, if you are unwilling to pray: Rent Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ, go to a room by yourself and watch from start to finish. Consider that a sin so heinous as deliberately apostasizing is but another nail driven into the flesh of the Savior and another whip that we scourge him with at the pillar.
Hello All:

I gave it one last shot. I asked for spiritual help and have been turned down. The reason, the counsellor should be doing it, not the priest. So it is done, I am done. If God is out there he sure wants to make it tough to follow him. Hard to follow when you are not sure where he is or how to get there. I have searched, I have sought, the saying seek and you shall find, obviously doesn’t apply to me.

I am in the process of writing to inform my Bishop that I will be leaving the Catholic Church. I will write it then leave it for a couple of weeks just to be sure it is the right thing to do. If it is it will be sent.

Thank you for all your help and prayers.

With all due respect, this is a rather lame cop-out.

You’re “giving it one last shot”?

Might we speculate as to what would have happened if Jesus Himself had decided, right before they drove the nails through His palms and feet, that He had already “given it a fair shot” with this redemption of mankind business?

You said at the end that you will wait “to be sure that it is the right thing to do.”

I will inform with all certainty right now, so that you know and are not under the veil of invincible ignorance, that it is most definitely the WRONG thing to do to turn away from the truth.

I have also found a great deal of difficulty in finding a spiritual director as of late. If you expect the Catholic life to be tea and crumpets and full of spiritual thrills, you have it wrong. There are crosses in life. Deaths, illnesses, tragedies, disasters. Everything. None of it can compare with what He suffered.

I suggest one thing for you, if you are unwilling to pray: Rent Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ, go to a room by yourself and watch from start to finish. Consider that a sin so heinous as deliberately apostasizing is but another nail driven into the flesh of the Savior and another whip that we scourge Him with at the pillar. Watch the great sacrifice on Calvalry. Nothing you will ever do in life, no other church you seek out, if you seek anything at all, nothing will make it worth your while. Life is a gift. You can make an exhaustive effort, keep trying, keep looking for a priest to help, keep praying, endure the bad spots, or you can give up and explain this to the Lord on Judgment Day: “I just didn’t feel like trying any more.”

Hopefully you know what the right thing to do is. Part of it will involve torching, shredding, or otherwise violently disposing of that letter to the Bishop you composed.
Hello All:

I gave it one last shot. I asked for spiritual help and have been turned down. The reason, the counsellor should be doing it, not the priest. So it is done, I am done. If God is out there he sure wants to make it tough to follow him. Hard to follow when you are not sure where he is or how to get there. I have searched, I have sought, the saying seek and you shall find, obviously doesn’t apply to me.

I am in the process of writing to inform my Bishop that I will be leaving the Catholic Church. I will write it then leave it for a couple of weeks just to be sure it is the right thing to do. If it is it will be sent.

Thank you for all your help and prayers.

Is this the same way you deal with ANYTHING that is “difficult” in your life ?

Before you mail the letter … Read in your Bible **Sirach chapter 2: ** ( all)

Mike O:
With all due respect, this is a rather lame cop-out

Hopefully you know what the right thing to do is. Part of it will involve torching, shredding, or otherwise violently disposing of that letter to the Bishop you composed.

It occurred to me that before one can “Come to God”
one has to Repent., & Believe the Good news.

Heb. 12: 4 - 17…**“In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.
Moreover, you have forgotten the encouraging words addressed to you as sons:
“My sons, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord, nor lose heart when he reproves you;
For whom the Lord Loves, he disciplines;
he scourges every son he receives.”
Endure your trials as the discipline of God, who deals with you as sons.
For what son is there whom his father does not discipline ?
If you do not know the discipline of sons, you are not sons, but bastards.”

“God disciplines us for our true profit, that we may share in his holiness
Without holiness no one will see the Lord”

Instead he falls away and becomes a “Bitter root” Like Esau **

Is that what you want ?

you are scared for a good reason.

Read what happens to those who “Absent themselves from the Eucharistic Assembly”
Heb 10: 19 - 29

The enemy wants to destroy your Hope
While Jesus OFFERS you a Living Hope from behind the veil

With close custody guard your heart & your tongue for in it are the sources of Life. Proverbs 4: 23

I will sleep like a “Spanked and Powdered Baby”
Because I sleep IN MY BAPTISM…I hope you will too.

To gusano and Mike O:
gusano you said

“Is this the same way you deal with ANYTHING that is “difficult” in your life ?”

I tackle my problems head on, until I realize sometimes it is better to walk away and fight another day. Sometimes you even have to stop fighting and lay down and accept defeat. Think of it this way, Is this the hill you want to die on?

I have fought and fought, only to be constantly turned away. It reminds me of the Christmas story when the lord said he would visit and eat with the person. Three times the lord came in three different forms and three times he was turned away. I have gone to the lord’s servant and four times have been turned away. No I don’t run from difficult things, I take them on, try to find the right way. I may be weaker than others, maybe others would fight longer, harder, stronger. I have no fight left. Sometimes one must cut their losses and walk away.

gusano you also said:
It occurred to me that before one can “Come to God”
one has to Repent., & Believe the Good news.

Heb. 12: 4 - 17…“In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.
Moreover, you have forgotten the encouraging words addressed to you as sons:
“My sons, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord, nor lose heart when he reproves you;
For whom the Lord Loves, he disciplines;
he scourges every son he receives.”
Endure your trials as the discipline of God, who deals with you as sons.
For what son is there whom his father does not discipline ?
If you do not know the discipline of sons, you are not sons, but bastards.”

“God disciplines us for our true profit, that we may share in his holiness
Without holiness no one will see the Lord”

Instead he falls away and becomes a “Bitter root” Like Esau

Is that what you want ?

you are scared for a good reason

Yes, I am very scared, I do know that to leave means that in the short term I will have peace. I also know if I believe the teachings that I am damning myself to hell with no hope of attaining heaven. Even the lord said to forgive 77 x 7 = 539 times, I am well past that number. No it is not the option I wanted, I wanted to find peace within the church, or at least understanding that God exists, but that option is not open to me, so I could sit in a pew and be a hipocrite, or I could leave. Either way I lose.

Mike O you said
“With all due respect, this is a rather lame cop-out”
What would you have me do, continue to be abused by being denied spiritual guidance? It is not like I went to a different priest, I went to my parish priest, who’s job and vocation it is to nurture the spiritually sick of his parish, it is no one else’s job.

“I will inform with all certainty right now, so that you know and are not under the veil of invincible ignorance, that it is most definitely the WRONG thing to do to turn away from the truth.”
I didn’t say it was a good thing. I have asked to be shown the truth for me it is dark with no light, but when a man of God says no, let someone else do it, how is that truth. The shear existance of God is something I question, to tell me it is the truth tells me nothing, to tell me to believe is nothing, no at this point I have to have hard concrete evidence. Even the quotes in the bible on refer to my sons’s never to my daughters. At any rate I am duelly informed that what I am doing is WRONG, but what is right again I ask is it right to stay and be spritually abused?
“I suggest one thing for you, if you are unwilling to pray: Rent Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ”
This is not a movie I ever intend on watching, why it is one man’s portrait of what happened, no to watch this and even think this is acurate is wrong, I can not accept what a Hollywood act thinks is right, it would have more credablity had it been written by theologeons who are schollared in such works. This is my two cents.
Mike O you also said “Hopefully you know what the right thing to do is. Part of it will involve torching, shredding, or otherwise violently disposing of that letter to the Bishop you composed.”
That is one of the reasons I am letting it sit. To see if it is there is another way, but I highly doubt it.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey. 🙂
Hello All:

I gave it one last shot. I asked for spiritual help and have been turned down. The reason, the counsellor should be doing it, not the priest. So it is done, I am done. If God is out there he sure wants to make it tough to follow him. Hard to follow when you are not sure where he is or how to get there. I have searched, I have sought, the saying seek and you shall find, obviously doesn’t apply to me.

I am in the process of writing to inform my Bishop that I will be leaving the Catholic Church. I will write it then leave it for a couple of weeks just to be sure it is the right thing to do. If it is it will be sent.

Thank you for all your help and prayers.

Dear Scared,

Hopefully you are aware that it is not Our Lord Jesus Christ who is misunderstanding you or turning you away…it is one of his priests, according to your messages.

I cannot fathom how someone can be in a no-win situation. The Lord is aware of your suffering and is suffering with you. I will continue to pray for you…
What would you have me do, continue to be abused by being denied spiritual guidance? It is not like I went to a different priest, I went to my parish priest, who’s job and vocation it is to nurture the spiritually sick of his parish, it is no one else’s job.
Is it not about what I would have you do…I am not your spiritual director. I mentioned to you that I am also having trouble finding a director. But I am not planning to exit the Church. Difficulty is always there. Mother Teresa felt spiritual dryness for the last 40 years of her life. Think about that for a moment. 40 years. I am willing to bet that you have not even been alive that long, and that is how long Mother Teresa had tremendous personal difficulty with her prayer. And she was up every day from early in the morning changing the soiled garments of people dying in their beds in Calcutta.

You need to keep looking and keep praying. Contact religious orders in your area by phone, by e-mail…if you care or have any remnant concern for the state of your soul, you will surely make the effort.

If you were sick with a fatal disease but knew that there was a doctor within 40 miles of your home who could heal you, would you “give up” after finding that your primary physician was not the doctor with the cure? I hope not.
I didn’t say it was a good thing. I have asked to be shown the truth for me it is dark with no light, but when a man of God says no, let someone else do it, how is that truth.
I do not know if you are exaggerating here, but if the priest quite literally told you to “find someone else,” then DO find someone else.
The shear existance of God is something I question, to tell me it is the truth tells me nothing, to tell me to believe is nothing, no at this point I have to have hard concrete evidence. Even the quotes in the bible on refer to my sons’s never to my daughters. At any rate I am duelly informed that what I am doing is WRONG, but what is right again I ask is it right to stay and be spritually abused?
There are countless proofs for the existence of God, metaphysical, rational, theological, mystical, Scriptural, and otherwise.

If you can find it, check out the book “Kolbe: Saint of the Immaculata.” If you are firmly convinced of the need for rational proofs of the existence of God, read the book and you fill find towards the middle one of St. Maximilian’s conversations.

He meets a group of strangers on the train and convinces them, atheists, agnostics, and skeptics, that God exists by expounding one of St. Thomas Aquinas’s metaphysical proofs.

Now, I do not recommend that you base your faith on miracles, but if you are once more firmly in need of something, begin reading about some of the great miracles in the 20th century (Fatima and Eucharistic miracles). Avowed atheists have come to their knees when faced with these, but they are not widely known of in the world at large. Consider as your read about this that these are miracles from God, Whose existence you doubt:

Who, might I ask, is “spiritually abusing” you? The priest that turned you away? Consider that St. Therese of Lisieux went to Rome and begged the Holy Father to allow her to enter the convent early; he deferred to her superiors and she was crushed. But soon she became a Carmelite and went on to be a great saint.

Use the examples of the saints, scared, because they suffered much, much more than you and I put together have suffered or might ever suffer. And yet they worked through it with divine help.
This is not a movie I ever intend on watching, why it is one man’s portrait of what happened, no to watch this and even think this is acurate is wrong, I can not accept what a Hollywood act thinks is right, it would have more credablity had it been written by theologeons who are schollared in such works. This is my two cents.
I recommend this not for any special affinity I have for Mel Gibson, but because the movie is a very graphic depiction of how the Savior suffered.

There is no need to read deep Hollywood conspiracies into its construction; Gibson was in fact castigated by many of the Hollywood elite. Hollywood hated this movie; it espouses everything they stand against.

If you know of something else that will affirm your need for visual evidence–because it seems you need to “see” to believe, though Christ said to St. Thomas: “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed”–then use that instead.
To see if it is there is another way, but I highly doubt it.
If your mind is made up, why have you come here asking for help? Clearly you don’t “doubt it,” because you are here. If you doubted there was a solution, you would not still be trying.
Mike O you said:

“Is it not about what I would have you do…I am not your spiritual director. I mentioned to you that I am also having trouble finding a director. But I am not planning to exit the Church.”

Finding a spiritual director for spiritual growth is one thing and I know it is extermely difficult to find one. This didn’t need to be more than a one or two time thing to put me back at least believing God exists, I will not be able to spiritually grow until other issues are settled, but to settle them it is strongly recommended that even if I am not attending mass, at least still believe in God. I was not able to even explain this to the priest.

You asked if :If you were sick with a fatal disease but knew that there was a doctor within 40 miles of your home who could heal you, would you “give up” after finding that your primary physician was not the doctor with the cure?

The answer of course is yes, however, here our doctors are bound by an oath and they must attend to the patient, they don’t get to say no sorry, let someone else handle it. The priest made a choice.

You spoke that you didn’t think I had been alive for 40 years, sorry pasted that age. I have read Mother Tereasa an amazing woman. Even though she went through spiritual dryness, she always had access to someone to help her. Even in your own case you have indicated it is hard to find a spiritual director.

We have only one religious order remotely close, but due circumstances at this point I am unable to entertain that idea, although if I am able to hang on a couple of months that option will become more of a possiblity.

Mike O you said: "I do not know if you are exaggerating here, but if the priest quite literally told you to “find someone else,” then DO find someone else. " Let me clarrify here. I am seeing a catholic counsellor who is currently gone for 6 weeks, in his professional opinion I was to go back to my priest for help. It is the priest who said it is up to the counsellor to do it. So it is like a dog chasing it’s tail you go round and round and never will get resolution. So I have sought other help only to be told to go back.

You said there are countless proof of God’s existance, I can read until I am blue in the face, with doubt in my mind reading is not going to help. If it were that easy it would be done.

You also said:“Who, might I ask, is “spiritually abusing” you? The priest that turned you away? Consider that St. Therese of Lisieux went to Rome and begged the Holy Father to allow her to enter the convent early; he deferred to her superiors and she was crushed. But soon she became a Carmelite and went on to be a great saint.”

First there is no relevant corrolation between someone who wishes to enter religious life and someone who doesn’t know if God exists. She was not being told to leave, only wait. It may sound odd, but when a person in a positon of power, uses that power to cause harm, physically, emotionally or spirtually it is considered abuse.

You also said:“If your mind is made up, why have you come here asking for help? Clearly you don’t “doubt it,” because you are here. If you doubted there was a solution, you would not still be trying.”

It causes me great pain to come to the decision to leave, through all my life not matter how bad things have been I have always know that God was there, I don’t know that now. The constant turmoil that surrounds my day and nights have caused so much pain that I need it to stop and very soon. I can’t continue to fight and search it has already cost me dearly.


you said:"Hopefully you are aware that it is not Our Lord Jesus Christ who is misunderstanding you or turning you away…it is one of his priests, according to your messages.

I cannot fathom how someone can be in a no-win situation. The Lord is aware of your suffering and is suffering with you. I will continue to pray for you…"

I do understand that if God exists it is not he who is doing this, rather one of his represtatives. I am not sure that the lord is either aware of suffering with me.

This didn’t need to be more than a one or two time thing to put me back at least believing God exists, I will not be able to spiritually grow until other issues are settled, but to settle them it is strongly recommended that even if I am not attending mass, at least still believe in God. I was not able to even explain this to the priest.
I and others have already pointed out possible areas of solution for you. On the one hand you protest that you are in a deep spiritual crisis, and yet you you know that you need only “one or two” visits with someone to put you back on track? You should continue to go to Mass even if you don’t “feel good” about it.
The priest made a choice.
You spoke that you didn’t think I had been alive for 40 years, sorry pasted that age. I have read Mother Tereasa an amazing woman. Even though she went through spiritual dryness, she always had access to someone to help her.
You seem to be making this priest out to be a representative of the Church at large. He isn’t. If you are so viciously tempted to renounce your faith because a single priest would not help you…you can probably fill in the blank there. And you are incorrect about Mother Teresa; SHE was the one who others went to for help! She did not always have help; indeed, if God chooses to afflict us with crosses, it does not matter if we have spiritual directors; some of these things are weathered only with prayer and suffering. It is something we must accept as Catholics.
You said there are countless proof of God’s existance, I can read until I am blue in the face, with doubt in my mind reading is not going to help. If it were that easy it would be done.
You have dismissed another avenue that most certainly help you; with DOUBT in your mind, the best thing to do is ALLAY the doubt by confirming with reading and other things that God does indeed exist! You have dismissed everything people have suggested to help you. I am beginning to believe that you wish to see it your way. Everyone has made suggestions and you dismiss them all. Either you want help, or you do not and have wasted time posting this thread. I suggest you begin taking the advice of a number of Catholics on here who have given you suggestions. You don’t have to listen to me, but listen to the others. They know what they are saying. Listen to the saints; they have been through it. Read the books. That is how to escape from doubt.
First there is no relevant corrolation between someone who wishes to enter religious life and someone who doesn’t know if God exists. She was not being told to leave, only wait. It may sound odd, but when a person in a positon of power, uses that power to cause harm, physically, emotionally or spirtually it is considered abuse.
That is not true. Some of the greatest saints had the most agonizing doubts, even about the existence of God. One such person (not a saint, but soon to be one, likely) was Mother Teresa; she had doubts about the existence of God for the last 40 years of her life.
It causes me great pain to come to the decision to leave, through all my life not matter how bad things have been I have always know that God was there, I don’t know that now. The constant turmoil that surrounds my day and nights have caused so much pain that I need it to stop and very soon. I can’t continue to fight and search it has already cost me dearly.
What has it “cost” you? Suffering? That is the vocation of the Christian. Keep looking. Remember what the Lord said: “He that asks shall receive, he that seeks shall find, and to him that knocks it will be opened.”

We obviously differ on many things. That is fine, I will agree to disagree with you.

As for the priest he is the represtative for our pastoral care region, not something I can just drive down the block and find another church, if it were that simple I would do it.

My issues are complex and I will have many ups and downs during counselling, the church is part of the problem recovering from this will be a long process. When I said I needed spiritual help, yes I do, but in small doses as the counselling progresses.

If I have offended anyone it was not my intent.

I will go on and try to muddle through. Thanks for those who have helped and yes many I can’t do right now, or won’t help, doesn’t mean I didn’t take them to heart and maybe at some point they will help, just not right now.

I will know in a couple of weeks if the letter is sent.

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