Support for nuclear weapons

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Back in the seventies a good friend of mine showed me a manual he had…sorry I can’t recall exactly if it was a NASA…Defense Dept. or other govt. agency…the manual was from the sixties…and among other things it showed drawings of satellites and descriptions of their use for military purposes in space…this was many years before President Reagan initiated the star wars program…my friend would never tell me where he came into possession of that manual and never mentioned it again even if I asked him…so even to this day I wonder just how far advanced we really are in space technology…weapons technology and what ever else…we…the general public may know even less than what we think we do
Looks to me like the Lord is doing all the killing in those two passages. I don’t see anything that describes the way nukes actually work. I don’t see a timeframe or humans doing any of the violence.

I can see how you could read all that in there, but that’s on you.
In addition to China and India pressing forward with nuclear electric power, France already gets about 80% of its electric power from nuclear. [There is an internal “debate” on nuclear power in France.]

Most countries get around 20-30% of their electric power from nuclear.

South Korea may be getting 50% of its electricity from nuclear.

The discussions get emotional. People stopped studying physics in high school and college decades ago.
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Looks to me like the Lord is doing all the killing in those two passages. I don’t see anything that describes the way nukes actually work. I don’t see a timeframe or humans doing any of the violence.
In support of my opinion I offer Genesis 8:21 where YHWH says that He will never again cause any kind of world-wide disaster comprable to the Deluge.
Also we have Psalm 9:15-16:

The nations have fallen into the pit that they dug themselves,
they are caught by the feet in the snare that they set.
YHWH had made Himself known, has given judgment:
He has trapped the wicked in the work of their own hands.

Isaiah 2:19 offers the advice to go deep underground to escape the “brilliance.” That is the only defense from a nuclear attack.

Jeremiah 25:32 says:

See! The disaster spreads from nations to nation.
A mighty tempest arises from the far ends of the world.

I know that you don’t agree, but to myself that looks like a nuclear war becoming global.

Then their is Luke 12:49:

I have come to bring a fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already.

I think that Jesus is predicting a global nuclear war here, but I acknowledge that the CCC takes a different view.

With global warming, rising sea levels, unabated population increases, and nuclear weapons proliferation and ugrading, it seems that the world is becoming a scarier place. Global nuclear war will become within the realm of possibilities.
Isaiah 2:19 offers the advice to go deep underground to escape the “brilliance.” That is the only defense from a nuclear attack.
Actually, it is not the only defense from a nuclear attack. I have been trained in nuclear survival, a grim topic of its own, and all that depends on where you are relative to ground zero, whether it’s an airburst or ground burst, etc.
So, how do you deal with this monster?

“Russia is also developing at least two new intercontinental range systems, a hypersonic glide vehicle, and a new intercontinental, nuclear-armed, undersea autonomous torpedo,” the report says.

However, the Washington Free Beacon first reported the existence of the drone submarine in September 2015.

Two months later, Russia revealed on state-run television a document showing the drone is known in Moscow as the Ocean Multipurpose System Status-6 and is being developed by the TsKB MT Rubin design bureau that built all current submarines in service with the Russian navy.

A test of the drone was conducted in November 2016, an indication the weapon is a priority nuclear program.

Defense officials have revealed that the drone submarine, code-named Kanyon by the Pentagon, will carry a very large nuclear warhead up to 100 megatons that will be capable of destroying entire port cities or harbors.

The Russians likely would use the nuclear drone torpedoes in a nuclear conflict for targeting the ballistic missile submarine bases at Kings Bay, Ga., and Puget Sound in Washington state.

Officials said the Kanyon likely will be outfitted with warheads in the “tens” of megatons. A megaton is the equivalent of one million tons of TNT.

A blast of that size could create massive damage over wide areas.

Additionally, the drone torpedo will be capable of traveling underwater at high speeds over long distances.

These tactical and theater-use nuclear arms are not covered by the 2010 New START arms treaty. The numbers of Russian tactical nuclear arms are increasing along with significant improvements in delivery systems—missiles and aircraft.

Russia has violated the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty with a new ground-launched strategic missiles.

“Moscow believes these systems may provide useful options for escalation advantage,” the draft report said.

Russia also is modernizing its nuclear-armed ballistic missile defenses.

“Russia’s increased reliance on nuclear capabilities to include coercive threats, nuclear modernization programs, refusal to negotiate any limits on its non-strategic nuclear forces, and its decision to violate the INF Treaty and other commitments all clearly indicate that Russia has rebuffed repeated U.S. efforts to reduce the salience, role, and number of nuclear weapons,” the report said.

The comment is a veiled criticism of the nuclear policies of former President Barack Obama who ordered the Pentagon to reduce the role of nuclear weapons.

As a result, U.S. nuclear forces have significantly atrophied and are in urgent need of costly modernization of both weapons and the infrastructure used to produce and maintain them.

The forthcoming posture review will call for a new nuclear strategy called “tailored deterrence” that seeks different ways to deter nuclear adversaries.
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Well, how do you improve relations with Russia?

The Russians have possession of 20% of American uranium. That’s not friendly.

There is evidence of Russian meddling with the American 2016 election with the Clinton campaign. That’s not friendly.

There are supersonic Russian bombers driving around near Great Britain. Not friendly.

Russia still has invaded into Ukraine. Not friendly.

So … where do we go from here?

Perhaps IGNORE their actions and not make an issue of them?

Give them the keys to the diamond mine?
There are supersonic Russian bombers driving around near Great Britain.
And of course there are no US planes driving around near Russia? And of course there are no US warships in the Black Sea near Russia?
There is evidence of Russian meddling with the American 2016 election with the Clinton campaign.
And of course the US has never interfered with a foreign election or a foreign government, such as Iran for example. And Obama never went to UK to give speeches meddling with the decision for Brexit?
Russia still has invaded into Ukraine.
And of course, the US has never invaded Iraq, never invaded Syria, never invaded Libya, never invaded Vietnam, never invaded Panama, never invaded Afghanistan, never marched its troops in Moldova? BTW, was there a vote for the US to enter Syria, or a vote to enter Iraq or Kosovo? I recall that there was a vote in Crimea and there were also polls taken there all of which indicate the will of the majority to join with Russia.
where do we go from here?
We promote better relations with Russia and remove all sanctions against Russia. It is better to promote peace and cooperation than to promote strife and support the arms race. More and more nuclear weapons is not the way to promote peace.
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That’s what Russia has always called the United States.

The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America - The Stalin Era (Modern Library Paperbacks) Paperback – March 14, 2000
by Allen Weinstein (Author),‎ Alexander Vassiliev (Author)

Visit these three books on Amazon and view other titles that cover other aspects.

Trust … but verify.
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Visit these three books on Amazon and view other titles that cover other aspects.
These books cover the communist period before 1989. Russia is a lot different now. For one thing, many new Russian Orthodox Churches are being built. More than 200 in the Moscow region alone since the collapse of the USSR. A recent poll shows that a great majority of Russian Orthodox have a good opinion of Catholics. The US is going down morally as it accepts and legalizes same sex marriage. In Russia today, they will not register same sex marriages. They will not allow pro-homosexual propaganda to be taught to children. This is part of the reason for the anti-Russia hysteria in the US today.
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These books cover the communist period before 1989. Russia is a lot different now. For one thing, many new Russian Orthodox Churches are being built. More than 200 in the Moscow region alone since the collapse of the USSR. A recent poll shows that a great majority of Russian Orthodox have a good opinion of Catholics. The US is going down morally as it accepts and legalizes same sex marriage. In Russia today, they will not register same sex marriages. They will not allow pro-homosexual propaganda to be taught to children. This is part of the reason for the anti-Russia hysteria in the US today.
The Russian espionage assault on the United States continues unabated.

NOTHING has changed.

And these are merely the cases that have been made public. If you do a search, you will probably find additional CURRENT examples of Russian espionage in the United States.

Some of these espionage investigations went on for ten years.

In 2009-2010 a Russian espionage ring was exposed by the FBI. Not ready for a book, but the FBI has revealed the details.

In 2010 yet another Russian espionage ring went public:

In 2010 another Russian espionage ring was unveiled and the story was turned into a television series.

How to Catch a Russian Spy: The True Story of an American Civilian Turned Double Agent Hardcover – June 23, 2015
by Naveed Jamali (Author),‎ Ellis Henican (Author)
3.5 out of 5 stars 109 customer reviews

For three nerve-wracking years, Naveed Jamali spied on America for the Russians, trading thumb drives of sensitive technical data for envelopes of cash, selling out his own beloved country across noisy restaurant tables and in quiet parking lots. Or so the Russians believed. In fact, this young American civilian was a covert double agent working with the FBI. The Cold War wasn’t really over. It had just gone high-tech.

2015: The case broke of a Russian citizen who was trained from the beginning to look and sound like an American and who was smuggled into the United States via Canada and a chain of false identities.

Slightly older case, but it lasted for many years and only “went public” in 2017:

Spies in the Family: An American Spymaster, His Russian Crown Jewel, and the Friendship That Helped End the Cold War Hardcover – May 9, 2017
by Eva Dillon (Author)
4.9 out of 5 stars 106 customer reviews
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The United States is making an effort to work with Russia.

But the facts are that Russia is still engaged in espionage in a major way against the United States.

That is the actual reality, not a virtual reality.

To believe that things have changed is to engage in wishful thinking.
But the facts are that Russia is still engaged in espionage in a major way against the United States.
US is spying on Russia:
U.S. officials said that CIA and other agencies now devote at most 10 percent of their budgets to Russia-related espionage, a percentage that has risen over the past two years.
In 2000 a former U.S. naval intelligence officer was convicted of espionage by a Russian court and sentenced to 20 years in prison, however, was later pardoned by Russian president Vladimir Putin.
“A top cybersecurity specialist in Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) was arrested on Wednesday reportedly on suspicion of leaking information to the U.S. intelligence community — a bombshell accusation that, if true, would mean Washington had a spy in the heart of Russia’s national defense infrastructure.”

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