When Japan still hadn’t surrendered after the dropping of two atomic bombs, Truman let the Japs know that Hirohito could remain Emperor of Japan (if the people of Japan so chose.) That is when Hirohito ordered the surrender of Japan. Hirohito threw his generals under the bus to save his own neck. Actually, the Russian declaration of war was a far greater shock than the two A-bombs. Fire bombing of Japans cities by B-29s had caused more destruction than those two bombs. Hirohito mentioned the A-bombs as a way of distracting attention from his own cowardice.
The US motivation in dropping the A-bombs was never about “saving the lives of US soldiers.” It was all about forstalling Russian advances in the far east and intimidating the Russians. The “saving lives” bit was US government propaganda to try to justify those unnecessary A-bomb attacks. Proof of this is the fact that the USA could have easily canceled its planned invasion of Japan and turned the Japs over to the Russians who would have been only too happy to invade and subjugate Japan (and put the war criminal Hirohito on trial too!)
As for our country’s possession of nuclear weapons, here we have more insidious government propaganda purporting that these evil devices are somehow “necessary” for our safety. This is the lie of the millenium. Our nuclear weapons are NOT keeping us safe at all! Rather they place us in mortal danger. A peace based on fear is no peace at all, and the great problem with the “deterrence” protocol is that the side that strikes first in a nuclear war is the side that will win such a war. And a soon as one side becomes convinced that the other is about to launch a first strike, it will be compelled to strike pre-emptively. This scenario is not a fantasy, it has come close to happening more than once!
As for the MAD protocol having prevented a conventional WW III, this is pure speculation. Even if true, so what? Do the postulators of this idea have any idea of what the coming global nuclear war is going to be like? Read Jeremiah 25:32-33 and you will get the picture: the dead will be scattered across the the world from end to end with no one to bury them. They will stay lying on the ground like dung!
Unilateral nuclear disarment is a viable solution, and, in fact, the only one. The idea that the Russians would launch a nuclear attact against a nuclear disarmed USA is just silly. Why would they?–since they would have nothing to fear from us anymore. As for rogue states such as N. Korea, let the Russians deal with them. With the US no longer threatenting Russia, Russia would have a free hand to do so.
Global nuclear war is deliniated in Holy Scripture. It is the natural outcome of man’s rejection of YHWH’s Law: To love our Creator and to love our neighbors. Genesis 8:21— YHWH promised never again to destroy mankind as He had done with the Deluge. Yes my friends, this time we do it to ourselves with the “inventions of our own hands,” (Psalm 9:15-16)