Support for nuclear weapons

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I find it incredible to see that some Catholics (or any person holding Christian values) would say that it is still necessary for the USA to possess even a single nuclear weapon. Our country should stand down and dismantle every one of its nukes. Yes, the USA might forfeit its self-appointed role as “policeman of the world.” So what? We have no biblical mandate to play that role.
Let’s look at that. What would happen if the US got rid of all our nukes? First, the US would immediately be vulnerable to nuclear blackmail from lots of directions. We would be forced into international concessions that would cripple our economy and eventually the economies of many of our allies and trading partners.

The following wars would be likely:
  • Israel would be attacked by nearly all its surrounding countries, causing them to start a full-on nuclear war.
  • India might attack Pakistan, possibly with nukes.
  • N. Korea would almost certainly attack S. Korea and would probably would conquer it.
  • Russia would take back some of its former USSR satellite countries by force.
  • China would almost certainly go imperialistic. They would take Taiwan first, then they might even go after Japan and Vietnam.
Can we know any of that for sure? No. Can we look at the nuclear chessboard and make reasonable assumptions of what is likely? Most definitely.
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I consider Holy Scripture sufficient evidence for the coming disaster or global nuclear war. I have made my case for this, and you have not refuted it. “Opinion,” sir, lies on your side of the fence.
That’s gotta be a joke. I can tell you they are real. I have handled them. I have had legal custody of them. I wouldn’t put anything past the Masons. though!
As I mention in my recent post, unilateral disarmament would actually lead to nuclear war. I think that is more than an opinion. That is a consensus of people who understand the balance of power involved.
The one thing that we can know for sure is that our continued deployment of nukes will lead to a global nuclear war in the 21st century. That is not a conjecture, it is carved in stone by Holy Scripture. The USA (and the rest of the world as well) can live under a Russian nuclear umbrella. But we will not be living at all after WW III.
My experience with munitions along with my intellect/reason/math skills.
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Scripture does not seem to give an indication about when this will happen, Scripture does not indicate that this will happen in the 21st century.

However we have the message from Our Lady at Fatima. She is holding back the firey sword of judgement and shielding us from it. It might seem like things are in a dire state, but all is not lost. She said that the Pope will consecrate Russia (even though it will be late) and asked people to say the Rosary and do the First Five Saturdays devotion. The final battle will be over the family and it looks like that battle has started, but that battle is not over. Yes, it can look like all is lost, but it is often that when all seems lost that the battle is won.

The destruction is not inevitable. If it was inevitable then why did Our Lady give her message at Fatima?
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No the biblical writers did not say anything about nuclear weapons. Funilly enough nobody knew what a nuclear weapon was when the bible was being written, just like it doesn’t mention the internet or south park.
This idea assumes that Russia would feel compelled to launch a nuclear ICBM attack on the USA if the USA were to accomplish unilateral nuclear disarmament. But that idea makes no sense. Why would they make such an attack against a nation that no longer threatens the existence of Russia? No, the reason that Russia will launch a nuclear attack on the USA is because they will come to believe that the USA is about so do the same to them. Nuclear deterrence and MAD are fear based protocols, and, as our blessed Francis has said, this is not a Christian peace and it is not a true peace.

Our Creator has mandated that both individual humans and nations follow His Law: to love our neighbors and to love Him. We have no order from Him to hold a nuclear umbrella over the State of Israel or over any other country, including our own. YHWH said that He would return His chosen people to their homeland, and He has done so. The continued existence of their state is His problem, not ours. No, our problem is to follow His Law, and that, really is our only mandate from Him.
Sir, your statement denies the foresight and omniscience of Holy Scripture which most certainly does describe a global nuclear war.
the ccc mentions a final “cosmic event” which will occur in time, at the end of time.

We already have the “northern lights phenomenon”, which I believe was prophesized in the early 1900’s by the Blessed Virgin at Fatima to the kids.
Brendan, see the warning of our lady of Akita which is about the coming disaster of “fire from the sky,” a catastrophe greater than the deluge.
Another indication is that the Prophecy of the Popes lists just one more pope after Francis. Under this last Pope “…the terrible Judge will judge his people. The End.”
Are you Catholic? Can you give me a Catholic bible commentary source that supports what you are saying?
The prophecy about the popes, from what I understand that prophecy hasn’t been accepted by the Church (unless you can show me otherwise).
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If you’re talking about America:

Either America has them, or you hand the world over to Putin, China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS.
Is it acceptable to support the possession of nuclear weapons and the threat to innocent civilians that this deterent entails, but at the same time not support ever using them?
That is a good question, Brendan. My take is that we do have to power to change our destiny which would be to follow our Creator’s Law by ridding ourselves of our nukes. Our Creator knows that we will fail to do this, and that is why global nuclear war is inevitable.

In 1595 the Prophecy of the Popes was printed in the LIGNUM VITAE, a work that was approved for publication by the Catholic Church, and the Church has never repudiated it Of course the Church has not formally endorsed it either but the same can be said for the Shroud of Turin. In 1942 Pope Pius XII chose for the title of his autobiographical film, “Pastor Angelicus.” That is his prophecy of the popes motto, and for him to chose that motto for his title constitutes a tacit endorsement. The dramatic occurrence of the unlikely motto of “Religio depopulata” in 1914 is a strong indication that the prophecy is valid.
No I am not and cannot, but that does not automatically mean that I am wrong. FYI, I have respect for the Pope and the Catholic Church and attend Catholic mass at times.
I never said Russia would launch a nuclear attack against the US. I said they would have no deterrent to retaking former Soviet Bloc territory and committing nuclear blackmail against the US economically.
To be fair the OP didn’t ask if Catholics should or shouldn’t believe in nuclear weapons. The Catholic Church wouldn’t support your evidence or your assertion regarding the Holy Spirit inspiring writings that relate to nuclear weapons: Proving Inspiration | Catholic Answers

Since you are not Catholic; carry on as you were!
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