I agree with this. And more and more countries are developing nuclear weapons. What would happen if even one nuclear bomb were detonated near a city? Untold thousands and perhaps millions of innocent people would die, whereas others would be enfeebled for life by the radioactive poisons.I find it incredible to see that some Catholics (or any person holding Christian values) would say that it is still necessary for the USA to possess even a single nuclear weapon. Our country should stand down and dismantle every one of its nukes. Yes, the USA might forfeit its self-appointed role as “policeman of the world.” So what? We have no biblical mandate to play that role.
Nuclear weapons are mankind’s ultimate creation of violence
Simply put, Curtis Lemay was right when he said “peace is our profession”, I work for the greatest peacekeeping force in the world.
I have a difficult time believing that the US armed forces are promoting peace. Consider the number of wars and conflicts in which the US armed forces have been involved:I was in the Navy. THAT is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world!
Nit-picking here, but if you’re referring to the famous picture of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, that napalm was dropped by a South Vietnamese Air Force pilot, not by the U.S. armed forces.I see pictures of children running and screaming as they are being burned to death by the napalm bombs dropped by the US armed forces.
Which nation do you think is the most influential at promoting peace around the world?I have a difficult time believing that the US armed forces are promoting peace.
The Vatican state.Which nation do you think is the most influential at promoting peace around the world?
True, but of course the South Vietnamese Air Force was being supplied with weapons from the USA. And that one example is not the only case because altogether 388,000 tons of napalm were dropped in Vietnam during 1963 -1973 period – more than ten times the amount of napalm used in Korea.Nit-picking here, but if you’re referring to the famous picture of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, that napalm was dropped by a South Vietnamese Air Force pilot, not by the U.S. armed forces.
I am not sure what this means?Maybe in 452.
I was thinking of more recent times such as after the year 2000. I thought that the Vatican had come out against the use of the atomic bomb?That’s a laugh. In earlier times the Vatican started a lot of the wars, most notably the Crusades.
I thought that Gaudium et Spes, “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,” Second Vatican Council, condemned their use when it declared: “Any act of war aimed indiscriminately at the destruction of entire cities or of extensive areas along with their population is a crime against God and man himself. It merits unequivocal and unhesitating condemnation”“Atomic bomb” is an out of date term that was never technically correct in the first place. Pope Francis was the first pope to make a statement that condemned nuclear weapons unqualifiedly. He did it in a public speech, not an official Church document. So it is not Church policy.