As I am no longer following all of the religious liberty cases, I cannot say if one is making it’s way to the Court.They aren’t forcing the Catholic church to accept gay marriage…
And while it is not a US case, you are incorrect that people may not try to force the Church. In British Columbia, a gay couple took on the Knights of Columbus over the issue of renting the Knights’ facility for a wedding reception. Canadian Law is not identical to US Law, and my recollection is that the Knights ended up paying a hefty fine for their refusal.
The case in the US against a florist (Arlene’s Flowers) was not a Catholic Church matter, but it was a !st Amendment attack. A gay man had used the florist a number of times, and the florist and the gay man apparently knew each other fairly well. When he was having a wedding, he wanted her to do the flowers; she declined, and although he used another florist, it got into the news and the state Attorney General as well as the ACLU went after her.
it went to the Supreme Court, who sent it back down for reconsideration in light of the Colorado Case, and the Washington SC held the same outcome as before - she lost. It is not clear if she is again appealing to the US SC, and/or whether she will be able to maintain her business - there were indications the AG was trying to close her down.