Do you have a different example of something which they claim the Catholic Church lied about?
I think it is more general. The Catholic Church is big on claiming it is the one “Truth”.
No. The Catholic Church Teaches that Jesus Christ is the Truth. And that She is the infallible Teacher of the Word of God. So, if that is their claim, then they don’t understand Catholic Teaching.
Rather than claiming it just doesn’t know on some issues, it has an answer for everything.
Lol! That’s funny. Because Protestants also come after the Church for Teaching the existence of mysteries, which no one can understand. So, again, if that is their claim, they don’t understand Catholic Teaching.
Often times, the answers are based on opinions and ideas of men.
And that’s wrong, why?
Of course the Church says the information comes from the Holy Spirit, and that is fine as a belief. But there is no fact there.
So, you’re opposed to answers coming from men and answers from the Holy Spirit. So, what’s left?
The ones I know who left did so because they were taught all the teachings of the Church, as young kids, as if it was all fact based.
Which it is. There are more facts in support of the Catholic Religion than any other religion in the world.
It isn’t, and as they grew into adults with critical thinking skills they realized that.
On the contrary, it is my experience that they simply took the word of some person who decided they didn’t like the Catholic answer.
It was presented to them as fact, when instead they were ideas borne of faith and other things. They were sold a bill of goods when they were at their most vulnerable, by people they trusted. Then, as adults, they realized the information wasn’t factually relevant to their lives.
As I see it, they were presented the truth and they didn’t like it. Rather than accept the truth, they moved to an easier religion, a Catholic lite, where they could do what they want and declare themselves saved.
So, we have different experiences with people who have left the Catholic Church. I can tell, however, that you don’t understand Catholic Teaching very well, either. So, you have listened to their complaints and accepted their errors as facts.
Whereas, I do understand Catholic Teaching and I can support Catholic Teaching from Tradition and Scripture. So, when you are ready to accept the word of men who are guided by the Spirit, we can discuss that.