That would not be wise, would it? It is not a question of law, which is why I would never expect my opinions to be any but my own. It is more a question of prudence and judgement. My primary source in this is, as for most of us, my experience, specifically as an adult male. For further reference, I could suggest Jason Everet’s If You Really Love Me.
In any case, I was very fortunate to be able to take my daughter to one of Jason’s Pure Love seminars. We purchased his book which she read all the way through. She would be the first to agree with me in my standards of decency. This is a good thing in that she is soon to turn 18 and will be on her own.
If you find men’s style bathing suits to be a problem, then that would be an interesting point and one that we men would need to think about in judging what is proper dress.
Let me say again, I do not see this as a matter of Law. If it was, it would probably be addressed in the catechism.
Dear friend
Thank you for your reply.
Then you see that you make a law unto yourself because of what you glean from your own intent and what you presume about others intent.
That is not what we are called to do.
Adam and Eve ran naked in the Garden of Eden, they didn’t mind their nakedness nor even recognised it. The flesh was innocent and the intent was also.
We can take their nakedness in two ways, literally they were naked or we can take it as they knew no shame, they were blameless in spirit, innocent and in union with God.
Either way is correct.
We perpetuate to some extent our own demise into sinful patterns of behaviour, some handed down generation after generation.
We have viewed the body as a shameful source of sin and especially women’s bodies. You may care to accuse me of being a feminist, I am not, I am a Catholic and as such am a people-ist!
If men and women are to live in mutual love and in Christ Jesus they must realise that they both bear resemblance to God, made in the image of Him. That their differences in the flesh are a compliment to each other and not a source to drive a wedge between them. They are as one in union in marriage, as ‘one’ does not denote difference but pronounces unity, as the Truine God is one though three seperate persons so the unity of man and woman in marriage is a reflection of this union of the One God.
You are probably worried more for your daughter than your son. I can see why you worry. All parents worry, it goes with the territory of parentage , to worry!
But in that worry we must be careful not to hand down generation after generation that the male and female persons are differing in that one’s body is a source of sin and the other is not. That is not true.
What is perpetuated here is a shame upon God’s creation who designed female bodies the way He did in His image, as He did also for male bodies. I see that more of a sin against God’s design than I do against the feminity of women. To take something beautifully made by the Hand of the Almighty and deign it sinful is an affront to God Himself.
It is always the intent of people that is the sin, not what God has so beautifully created.
Such surpression of persons is not love, it does not say ‘you are beautiful, I love you’, it says, ‘you are beautiful but you will cause sin!’ How? Is a woman such an awful creation she is the breeder of sin, that she will by just her very existance in her body cause men to be seperated from God, is she a lesser demon that brings about sin?
I cannot tolerate this view.
I will not tolerate this view of women, just as I would not tolerate it if the same was implied about the wonderful men God has created.
To perpetuate such a philosophy is a great affront to God and to the whole of humanity.
This philosophy is built on a corrupt/sinful intent.
To every person, young or old, slave or free, male or female, they must realise their dignity in Christ Jesus and that their dignity, their spirit, their body, their mind, their holiness, their whole person, is freedom in Him, in His likeness, in Himself, in Him, in His Love and in His Mercy and that we see this in the uniqueness of each other which is a facet of Him.
God Bless you and much love and peace to you