Swimming - is it a sin?

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Dear friend

I was so slow in typing that the post timed out before I could complete it, sorry about that…anyway continued…

Concupiscence, yes I can in all honesty accept that, but i cannot accept in that conscupicence condemning another, that I cannot accept your intent does not make another culpable and neither does the Gospel of Christ Jesus, no He is all Mercy and He is all Kindness and if you see a different Lord to me then we do not worship the same Lord Christ Jesus and Truine God.

A soul immersed in Christ Jesus will admit their own fault and protect another than blame anothe rfor their own sins and failings, a soul in Christ Jesus is most gracious and forgiving to other and most harsh unpon the ‘self’ of themselves.

Eyewash! I can’t be doing with those who look about and make other souls culpable for their own sins, you own your own sins as I own mine and we owe reperation to God for that and we shouldn’t ever look about to make another responsible; not even falling back on concupiscence, we own the sin and we need to be sorrowful and make a good confession in love we run to God and desire union again with Him. Run to Jesus!

Don’t mock and scoff, it isn’t worth it, it’s all just pride…be remorseful and be honest with God.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Heck no, Why would it be a sin. I can’t see why it would be. I am in swim team and I always swim with females. It isn’t a sin. if swimming is a sin, then just hanging out with people would be a sin too or going to school would be a sin too. There is no way it is a sin
Heck no, Why would it be a sin. I can’t see why it would be. I am in swim team and I always swim with females. It isn’t a sin. if swimming is a sin, then just hanging out with people would be a sin too or going to school would be a sin too. There is no way it is a sin
Dear friend

Exactly no it is not a sin because your intent is good and innocent and you see men and women as children of God and accept them as such, you swim and innocently do so.

You are beautiful and thank you for your post.

It is the Light of Christ Jesus I waited for.

We are a family, blood, flesh, mind and spirit in Christ Jesus , that is all humanity. We have to cling together and help and love each other, it hurts me so much when we set up camps against each other, I hate pride so much that would do this to each other. I feel so sad and burdened, it really upsets my spirit when people would divide rather than unite.

Love , love, love, always love at any cost, love

God Bless you always and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

Do I have my head stuck in the sand or do I have my heart sheltered in Christ Jesus?
Again, to deny that men are heavily stimulated by visuals is, most certainly, to be denying reality.
For too long women have been viewed as a sexual sin of enticement for men and on the other hand men a sexual sin of enticement for women.

People who are rooted in Christ Jesus do not view THEMSELVES this way and therefore do not allow others to treat themselves this way, whether they swim half naked or clothe themsleves up to the eyeballs!
So, you would have no problem giving your teenage boy a Victoria’s Secret catalog or a poster of a half naked girl to pin up in his room?

Why is it that hedonistic advertising agencies will readily acknowledge the reality of men being very visual in their sexuality? “Easy,” they will say. “Sex sells.” That’s why we have half-naked people on the covers of all the magazines on the newsstands. They know men are wired this way and they are determined to capitalize on it.
It is easier for sinners to say hide yourself from my view should you corrupt me, but there is nothing sinful of those who are asked to hide…What an absoluet hypocrisy of those with a mind to sin!!! How awful of those whose mind is so corrupt…look away if the good Lord’s work offends you so much, you who would be rooted in flesh only!
What is this!?!? That’s like shoving a bottle of Jack Daniels in front of a recovering alcoholic and then claiming innocence when he gives intot he temptation to drink. In this sex-saturated world, men are overly-stimulated. To thrust visuals of half-naked women in front of an average Joe and expect him to contain himself is irresponsible.

Why is it so necessary to dress this way? What is so horrible about dressing modestly? Do you acknowledge that people even SHOULD dress modestly?
Men and women are more than clothing, the flesh is more than this and the soul is infinitely more than this.

If I hear one more word about women having to clothe themselves and men being at liberty to dress how they like I think I may explode from the double standard of it!
I agree. There are a ton of ads exploiting male sexuality as well as female sexuality. However, why is it that 9 out of 10 ads that exploit human sexual tendencies use FEMALES as their subject? Why is it that advertisers use half-naked females to get hits on their websites? Because they know that men will be attracted to this. They are wired for visuals.
Men must accept their failings as much as women must and work to the glory of God and stop condemning the beauty of what God made in both male and female, it is the glory of His work creating them in flesh, mind and spirit.
I am not condemning the beauty of God’s work. Where have I said that the body is evil? No where. However, with that logic you must accept the idea that sex outside of marriage is okay because sex is good. You are putting forth the premise that because something is good as created by God, that it must not be hindered by social mores or “standards”. It should be free to be expressed HOWEVER the individual wants it to be. And if it is an occasion for others to sin, THAT’S THEIR FAULT. I am not my brother’s keeper.

I accept my failings and I am trying to grow in virtue. I accept my sins as is evidenced by the fact that I regularly attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I know that I will stand before God and give an account of MY SINS, including my sins of lust. However, I must ask, “If multiple men - saintly men who are trying to live Christian lives - are saying, ‘Please help us in our striving for Christian virtue’, why is it that our sisters in Christ insist that they will not do any such thing?”

If something I was doing was causing others to fall, I’d want to know. Especially if it was something that I was doing inadvertently.
If people desire to condemn the flesh let them go ahead but they drink condemnation upon themselves because they reveal purely their intent and not how God intended the body to be viewed, God says the human body is sacred and so it is, end of discussion…anything outside of that view is a corruption of God’s view of humanity and shows their sinful intent.
Where am I condemning the flesh. Our bodies are holy. That is true. But they should be TREATED as holy. We don’t treat the Eucharist as common bread because it is holy. We do not give it out for everyone. No, it is only for those in covenant communion with God and His Church.

How are we to treat our bodies which are holy? We are to guard its holiness and save it for those to whom we will be united to in covenant communion (ie, spouses)? Are we not throwing pearls before swine when we flaunt private parts in public?
Feminist in America have pushed for gender neutrality in all things, ignoring the most basic maxim of the sexes, “male and female created He them.”
I think you are mixing your metaphors (or some such). We were talking about swimming, and related modesty in dress; I am not convinced it is the feminists who are promoting skimpy bathing suits as that is anything but androgenous, or gender neutrality.

I guess you are welcom to your opinion about a woman not baring her midriff, but given the fact that most women don’t have a stomach you could bounce a quarter off of (i.e. flat, or taut), I fail to see that is is an issue. I mean, I just don’t start drooling over fat tummies.

I would agree that for the sake of decency, they might not want to bare that less then model-like tummie; and I chose the word decency because I most definitely did not mean modesty. It should be hidden not because it will incite men to passion, but because it just isn’t a pleasant sight.

I can’t believe the number of young women who seem to think they are in high style with skin showing between their jeans and their top; it makes me want to go out and purchase a digital camera, take a shot, and run over to them and ask them if they have any idea how they really look - young starlet it ain’t!

I don’t know, maybe it is just me, but I don’t see a bare midriff, within reason, to be something particularly sexually attractive. And I am refering to, for example, the swim suits in Lands’ End; the bottom is not a thong; it probably comes up higher than most jeans. I just can’t see what the fuss is about.
No swimming is not a sin, whoever told you that is just crazy. Efven though i don’t care to go swimming cuz I odn’t how to.

this is a random question, but i just gotta know:

does your church have a crucifix in the sanctuary or a “risifix”, as in the risen Christ in front of the cross?

We all have different opinions as to what is appropriate swimwear (and clothing in general), which is understandable since culture plays a role in modesty. But there are some thing we can agree on.
  1. Purity requires modesty
  2. Modesty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of clothes.
  3. Teaching modesty to parents and adolescents means awakening in them respect for the human person.
I agree with St. Augustine the “Appearance arouses yearning in fools”

Now before anyone jumps up to reply to my “puritanical” mindset, let me state that the above was taken from section 2520-2527 of the catechism. It is not Puritan, it is Catholic.
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