Best way to start with discussing NFP to an atheist (from my perspective) would be as follows:
- Condoms are yucky, and break or slip easily, so are not particularly effective. the Cap similarly horrible.
- Chemical contraceptives have lots of side effects & I don’t want to be on drugs… there is also a lack of research on the effects of such drugs on the next generation when conceived while taking such drugs (by accident) or shortly after stopping them
- I believe killing is wrong - All forms of “contraceptive” which prevent implantation of a fertilised embryo is a form of murder. (where murder is the premeditated taking of a human life). this rules out coils & IUD’s, morning after pill, and many forms of chemical contraceptive which will cause “spontaneous” abortions if their contraceptive effect fails to prevent fertilisation.
I plan to use a method (insert name of choice here: e.g. the Billings Method) which is natural, drug free, non medical and has been proven in clinical trials to be just as effective as most chemical methods, & better than barrier methods alone at allowing me to plan my family.
On a similar but related point I would challenge you:
are you resorting to NFP for “Serious reasons, for a limited time and with sadness” or are you automatically using it because the “World” tells us we should carefully plan our families and only have a small number of children?
Examples of Serious reasons may include:
extreme financial hardship (as opposed to simply not being in as luxurious a home as you would desire)
medical reasons: e.g. it’s considered medically dangerous to conceive within a year of having a C-Section
I recommend you read
Familiaris Consortio and
Humanae Vitae