Not really , i have a great imagination and I tried to imagine any way possible for why an atheist would want to give to charity to support a meaningless piece of meat (that evolved by blind chance and chemical interaction ). In a world without ultimate meaning, purpose or hope I can’t logically see why it would have any meaning at all.But giving to charity is not the same as eliminating poverty. Most religious people give money to their church to keep the ship afloat as well as to help with things like feeding the hungry or clothing the naked. Those are perfectly fine reasons to donate money, but there is no magic number of soup kitchens which, once reached, will have eliminated poverty. People donate to treat the symptoms of poverty, because the causes require things money can’t buy, like societal reform. Religion could be at the forefront for something like a movement to eliminate poverty, but it has never been. It is similar to the Catholic refusal to lead the way on reform with regards to slavery.
Is it for lack of imagination that you’re ignoring the more likely explanation: that you’re mischaracterising the atheistic worldview?
And I know of no rational believer that wouldn’t jump at the chance to eliminate poverty . I’m a believer and I dream of that day happening , even if it isn’t the most important thing to me.
Rationally and logically speaking, the state of someone’s soul is much more important then anything in this finite realm. That’s not an emotional statement , that’s a statement that just makes common sense .
Does it mean that I don’t care for the poor. Heck no . Every week I would load my SUV with snacks and take a bunch of my younger firmed with me and we used to go into the worst neighborhoods to pass out food to the homeless .
Are u seriously suggesting that any believer would nit want to eliminate hunger and homelessness ?
As a person about to lose his home , I’ll tell u the answer is a resounding NO.
But in an atheistic worldview where a person is just a piece of meat and nothing special why would any person make themselves live materialistically poor to help another person do better .
It is because we know as Catholics and as Christian that all my fellow human beings are special and are much more then a senseless piece of meat that here one day and gone tomorrow .
I have always believed that the only atheists that are truly honest and consistent with their worldview are nihilists .