I’m sure we could tie it down to a rough estimate based on whatever evidence one would like to proffer.
Yours would be…?
Start a new thread.
I don’t think that we need to. The age of the earth/universe is part of the discussion. In case you missed the posts that did discuss it, here are a few samples (with apologies to the relevant posters for not including your name):
…instead of God’s 6 day creation.
the six day creation story is not about science. It’s not literal, the Church doesn’t teach that it is.
The science of evolution is not “instead of” Genesis.
If someone wants to promote a young earth creationist theory, you could bring it up in a religion / theology class…
It is also taught in schools that the universe is billions of years old and it’s development is governed by natural processes.
Geology is also taught. Along with the “ages” like Jurassic, Mesozoic, and so forth.
He simply chose to work over a huge span of time rather than a small span.
the same process that we have observed gradually unfolding over a period of millions of years…
The science clearly indicates an old Earth,
since the geological evidence supports billions of years…
The biology regarding evolution is often talked about in time frames of millions of years…
and the geologically rapid origin of biological diversity in the fossil record during the Cambrian explosion approximately 530 million years ago.
Schweitzer was trying to study thin slices of bones from a 65-million-year-old T. rex.