Teaching Kids the Truth About Marriage

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Do you think they are married?
No but we live in a society that says that they are and I think that does need to be explained. Otherwise you may have the child making an inappropriate comment or and wondering why Daddy is telling them one thing and their friend another. Given your personal situation they may even be told differently by their mother.
In the end, they will see that daddy was right.

And when they are old enough to distinguish State practice, I will explain that.
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In the end, they will see that daddy was right.
I hope so. I think it’s more likely if the explanation is more like two men or two women can’t get married. The law says they can but laws get things wrong. For example at one time a woman wasn’t allowed to own property/vote.
In the end, they will see that daddy was right.
Good grief. How very patronizing.
And when they are old enough to distinguish State practice, I will explain that.
Or perhaps the church will simply change it’s terminonolgy so that the sacrament is “Holy Union” or something and carries no social implication but is also a time when one can apply for “marriage” benefits of the state.
Here is an article written by a Catholic priest with a PhD and a Thd:

Here are his summary points:

So let us:
  1. Make sure we do not allow ourselves to be confused and deceived into accepting same-sex unions as marriage.
  2. Discuss with our children the true nature of marriage and the reasons for it. This will help provide an antidote to the insanity and moral confusion of our age.
  3. Pray to The Holy Family for our own families.
  4. Pray for all of those who struggle with same-sex attraction. May God have mercy on them and give them the grace to live pure and holy lives.
Pope Francis:

When asked about marriage for same-sex couples, the Pope said, “Let’s call this ‘civil unions.’ We do not joke around with truth.”
Change the church sacrament because the state says that wrong is right and right wrong? What an appalling idea.
Yep. It’s all backwards mentality.

And in the end, what the Devil wants is to normalize same sex “marriage” in the minds of our youth.

Its spiritual warfare, and strategy.

I understand a relativist approaching things this way, but not a Catholic. Or any Christian!
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Also, why would the Sacrament of marriage, or whatever it might be called, have no “social implications”? Marriage is a foundation of social implications!
As I said above, you do you.

I will explain to my children how I see fit to explain it to them and at what age, and you go ahead and do the same.
Obviously. The problem, is when Catholics suggest that it’s being dishonest to tell a 5 yr old that same sex couples can marry. As Pope Francis related, it’s not marriage, but a civil union.
In the eyes of the world it is still called marriage. Whether valid or not doesn’t matter, it is still called marriage. There is nothing wrong with telling a five year old that a same sex marriage is a marriage. It is marriage in the eyes of the law. It is then your responsibility to tell them the difference between a state sanctioned marriage and a Catholic sanctioned marriage.

You are playing a semantics game and I will not play it.
That’s kinda the point. You are playing the semantic game either way. We are put in that position because the State is calling marriage something which is contrary to the established meaning of the term. They have done this to themselves. We do not have to play their game.
Believe what you wish. Teach your kids as you wish. I don’t really care one way or the other.

Just stop using blanket statements in how all people should believe and teach.

For the record, it doesn’t bother me that there are same sex marriages and they are called marriages. People are going to do what people do. And what they do in the bedroom doesn’t affect me in anyway in the least.

I am secure enough that when I get married again it will be a marriage, whether same sex couples are getting married or not.
That’s very telling.

If you cared, and recognized the effect this move has on the minds of society, you might understand better.

It’s not just about you.
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It’s telling that I want to stay out of other people’s bedrooms where I don’t belong?

I value my privacy and I treat others as I want to be treated. So, I value you their privacy.
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