Way in the beginning. Post #14
So you just say they’re not really married then?Way in the beginning. Post #14
No but we live in a society that says that they are and I think that does need to be explained. Otherwise you may have the child making an inappropriate comment or and wondering why Daddy is telling them one thing and their friend another. Given your personal situation they may even be told differently by their mother.Do you think they are married?
I hope so. I think it’s more likely if the explanation is more like two men or two women can’t get married. The law says they can but laws get things wrong. For example at one time a woman wasn’t allowed to own property/vote.In the end, they will see that daddy was right.
Good grief. How very patronizing.In the end, they will see that daddy was right.
Or perhaps the church will simply change it’s terminonolgy so that the sacrament is “Holy Union” or something and carries no social implication but is also a time when one can apply for “marriage” benefits of the state.And when they are old enough to distinguish State practice, I will explain that.