Lol. Of course it’s not! It’s against nature!
It should never be relevant to her experience.
It should never be relevant to her experience.
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It’s actually not my way of thinking. Its Catholic Teaching that same sex couples cannot Marry one another. Not just Sacramentally, but naturally either! Catholics would be wrong to say same sex couples can Marry in any fashion. Yes, we can know that the State recognizes and declares them to be Married, and I’ve expressed that I will and now have, explained this to my children, when they are old enough enough to grasp that whole concept!Clearly we have two different viewpoints regarding the value of being honest with children. I am not going to convince you to my way of thinking. You sure as heck aren’t going to convince me to your way of thinking.
I’m not convinced it’s so much the method, but what we actually believe. If we believe that ss couples cannot be Married, even naturally, how can we believe the State has any authority to call them Married? It’s just not possible. It’s a serious deception! The Supreme court was deceived in their thinking, which attempts to deceive the whole Nation!I do want to be clear about one thing. I don’t want to dismiss the importance of parents teaching their faith to their children. It is so important. That isn’t what I have been debating. There are different ways of teaching your kids, and I just disagree with the method you propose.
Believe it or not, I have also. Yes we have fundamental differences of belief. It’s not simply a matter of “method”, but what we believe. But I’m glad you are here, and open to discussion.With that, I think I am going to bow out. It seems fruitless to continue on. I enjoyed the dialogue, though. Thanks.
More than you realize has to be understood in understanding what is actually going on with SSM. “Secular world” “Natural Marriage” “Deception” “Sexual Relations between same sexes and its relation to Marriage”. Just because a 5 yr old can understand certain aspects of each of these things on their own, doesn’t mean they can fit them all together for a proper understanding of Truth and error happening.The concept of same sex marriage being wrong in the Catholic church and okay to do in the secular world is easier to understand than death and burial, cremation or donation to science.
I’m not sure that you have. What would you say to your children if they make a friend or have a classmate being raised by a same sex couple?I already expressed the depth I would probably go with my 5 yr old. You even liked it. It’s only an introduction, and they would conclude, “oh, well Jesus knows best.” Its not really understanding much at all. Its trusting like a child.