Ted Kennedy Proposes Monument to Himself

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ah, the love, chairty, and warmth you feel when the christians gather to point to the splinters of others… my favorite are the shots about his weight…

i can remember the kids in school when they were overweight… there was always a good kind christian to point out their attributes… usually very unkind and very hurtful… yep, not much has changed among the christians… how’s the song go? you will know they are christians by their…

sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will break your heart… now is when i’m reminded of why i’m glad to be a member of CA forums…
space ghost:
ah, the love, chairty, and warmth you feel when the christians gather to point to the splinters of others… my favorite are the shots about his weight…

i can remember the kids in school when they were overweight… there was always a good kind christian to point out their attributes… usually very unkind and very hurtful… yep, not much has changed among the christians… how’s the song go? you will know they are christians by their…

sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will break your heart… now is when i’m reminded of why i’m glad to be a member of CA forums…
If Kennedy had the politics of his older brother Jack, but behaved the same way, you wouldn’t exactly be singing his praises, would you??

Not that he can’t speak for himself…but I don’t see Space Ghost supporting anyone’s politics or singing anyone’s praises.

Rather he’s suggested that turning mockery into a team sport might be inappropriate in this forum.
Gosh, I hope he doesn’t break his arm patting himself on the back.
If Kennedy had the politics of his older brother Jack, but behaved the same way, you wouldn’t exactly be singing his praises, would you??

i have enough faults of my own, that excludes me from passing judgements on others about their faults… I am not without sin, and probably most here if honest would say the same…

that being said… it’s america, dump on whom you wish, but i promise you… be careful, you might find yourself in the crosshairs of judgement one day, and i am reminded of a statement that i heard one time… the level of accounting that you hold others too will be the measure that you are held accountable…

just a thought… Peace 👍
space ghost:
i have enough faults of my own, that excludes me from passing judgements on others about their faults… I am not without sin, and probably most here if honest would say the same…

that being said… it’s america, dump on whom you wish, but i promise you… be careful, you might find yourself in the crosshairs of judgement one day, and i am reminded of a statement that i heard one time… the level of accounting that you hold others too will be the measure that you are held accountable…

just a thought… Peace 👍
And those who don’t hold people accountable mirror their own accountability to principles…

Hey…that’s liberalism!!

just a thought…👍
And those who don’t hold people accountable mirror their own accountability to principles…

Hey…that’s liberalism!!

just a thought…👍
Oh, shoot, it that what you all were doing? It seemed so much more fun when you were just mocking him.
Island Oak:
Oh, shoot, it that what you all were doing? It seemed so much more fun when you were just mocking him.
Oh, rest assured, we were mocking him. 😃
And those who don’t hold people accountable mirror their own accountability to principles…

Hey…that’s liberalism!!

just a thought…👍
The state or quality of being liberal.

A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.
often Liberalism The tenets or policies of a Liberal party.
An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.
A 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, **stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, ** and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.
**A 19th-century Roman Catholic movement that favored political democracy and ecclesiastical reform but was theologically orthodox. **

could be… just a thought… 👍

space ghost:
The state or quality of being liberal.

A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.
often Liberalism The tenets or policies of a Liberal party.
An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.
A 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, **stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, **and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.
**A 19th-century Roman Catholic movement that favored political democracy and ecclesiastical reform but was theologically orthodox. **

could be… just a thought… 👍
Sounds just like John F Kennedy!!!

The democratic party today is NOT the the Party of JFK.

It’s the party of McGovern, the ACLU, and NOW.

Jack Kennedy, if time traveled from 1960 to today, would look around and find himself running for office as a republican!!!
Sounds just like John F Kennedy!!!

The democratic party today is NOT the the Party of JFK.

It’s the party of McGovern, the ACLU, and NOW.

Jack Kennedy, if time traveled from 1960 to today, would look around and find himself running for office as a republican!!!
nor is the republican party the party of Abe Lincoln…its the party of Jerry Fawell, Bob Jones University, and Opec, Enron…

both could use some help…

“From each other”

It’s only by working together will we be successful… I suggest helpful dialog, and less finger pointing… just a thought… 👍
It seems some on these forums (who have no sense of humor) believe there is something wrong with poking fun at others. And, God forbid, we poke fun at one of their liberal political sacred cows or political views, then it is “judgmental” and “mockery”? Could someone point me to one of the Ten Commandments or something in the Bible that condemns poking fun? Must we be sooo serious?
space ghost:
nor is the republican party the party of Abe Lincoln…its the party of Jerry Fawell, Bob Jones University, and Opec, Enron…

both could use some help…

“From each other”

It’s only by working together will we be successful… I suggest helpful dialog, and less finger pointing… just a thought… 👍
Jerry Falwell, and certainly not Bob Jones, have any mainstream power within the GOP. Evangelical Christians don’t look to either much for political insight. Talk radio?? Yes. Pat Robertson? Maybe. Dr. James Dobson, maybe, but certainly not those first two.

OPEC has existed and profits regardless of the party in power.

Enron, also, existed and profited under both parties, and in fact, cooked the books with “Look-the-other-Way” Clinton was in office.
Enron, and it’s crooked capitalism, was not and is not the poster child for the GOP, any more than it is for Democrats. Corruption knows no party.

HOWEVER, McGovernite foreign policy, lawsuit-happy anti-religious, and the abortion-on-demand types???..

…BIG POWER at the table of…the Democrat Party.
space ghost:
ah, the love, chairty, and warmth you feel when the christians gather to point to the splinters of others… my favorite are the shots about his weight…

i can remember the kids in school when they were overweight… there was always a good kind christian to point out their attributes… usually very unkind and very hurtful… yep, not much has changed among the christians… how’s the song go? you will know they are christians by their…

sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will break your heart… now is when i’m reminded of why i’m glad to be a member of CA forums…
He’s got a lot more than splinters in his eye. Can you say “bridge plank”?

If you can’t tell the difference between teasing an overweight kid who doesn’t have the ability to regulate his calories by cooking his own meals and a bloated and besotted adult man who has quite literally gotten away with murder then I don’t know what to say. My reaction to his behavior is irrelevant to my religion. In fact, if would be less than Christian to condone murder, now wouldn’t it?
La Chiara:
It seems some on these forums (who have no sense of humor) believe there is something wrong with poking fun at others. And, God forbid, we poke fun at one of their liberal political sacred cows or political views, then it is “judgmental” and “mockery”? Could someone point me to one of the Ten Commandments or something in the Bible that condemns poking fun? Must we be sooo serious?
Thou shall not kill? Just a try…

It isn’t our fault he is so easy to laugh at… :rolleyes: No seriousness allowed :tsktsk:
I am going to start my news years resolution right now. I will not say anything about Ted Kennedy if I can’t say something nice.

👋 See you on another thread.
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