Ted Turner Compares FoxNews To Hitler

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Tue Jan 25 2005 15:53:55 ET

Ted Turner called FOX an arm of the Bush administration and compared FOXNEWS’s popularity to Hitler’s popular election to run Germany before WWII.

Turner made the controversial comments in Las Vegas before a standing-room-only crowd at the National Association for Television Programming Executives’s opening session.

His no-nonsense, humorous approach during the one-hour Q&A generated frequent loud applause and laughter, BROADCASTING & CABLE reports.

While FOX may be the largest news network [and has overtaken Turner’s CNN], it’s not the best, Turner said.

He followed up by pointing out that Adolf Hitler got the most votes when he was elected to run Germany prior to WWII. He said the network is the propaganda tool for the Bush Administration.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s certainly legal. But it does pose problems for our democracy. Particularly when the news is dumbed down,” leaving voters without critical information on politics and world events and overloaded with fluff," he said.

A FOXNEWS spokesperson responded: “Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind – we wish him well.”

In 1996, Turner apologized to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for comments he made comparing FOX head Rupert Murdoch to Hitler.


Sore loser. What part does he hate the most- when the other point of view is given time? He is so used to the one way bias he doesn’t recognize free speech anymore.
Sore loser. What part does he hate the most- when the other point of view is given time? He is so used to the one way bias he doesn’t recognize free speech anymore.
A FOXNEWS spokesperson responded: “Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind – we wish him well.”

'Bout sums it up pretty good.
So FOX is wrong twice a day or Ted Turner? Either way, it’s funny.
😃 ha, ha… how P.C. am I feeling today?..

In my opinion Ted may not be all that far off base, but he is not someone I would turn to for views on this sort of thing!!

Earlier this month, a year-long study showed that Americans who relied on the FOX News Channel for their coverage of the Iraq war were the most likely to believe misinformation about the war, whatever their political affiliation may be. Those mistaken facts, the study found, increased viewers’ support for the war.
Let’s get the word out by writing letters to the editor and complaining to our local FOX News affiliate highlighting these troubling findings:

Most FOX News viewers believe U.S. troops have found “clear evidence in Iraq that Saddam Hussein was working closely with the al-Qaeda terrorist organization.” President Bush himself admits they have not.

More FOX News viewers than viewers of any other network believe the U.S. has found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq since the end of the war. The American weapons search team reports it hasn’t found any.

More FOX News viewers than viewers of any other network believe world opinion was in support of the war. International polling found very little support for the war without United Nations approval.
As the Washington Post reported, “The fair and balanced folks at Fox, the survey concludes, were ‘the news source whose viewers had the most misperceptions.’ Eighty percent of Fox viewers believed at least one of these un-facts; 45 percent believed all three.”

These are not matters of opinion; they are factual mistruths that FOX News viewers believe more than the viewers of any other network. This is cause for concern to all viewers who expect fair, accurate news coverage.

The study is the result of several nationwide surveys conducted by Knowledge Networks and analyzed by the University of Maryland’s Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA). More information about the study is at the end of this alert.

Not surprisingly, FOX News is not reporting the study, though other major outlets are. To ensure FOX News viewers learn the truth about the news they’re watching, we must get the story out in local papers.

Earlier this month, a year-long study showed that Americans who relied on the FOX News Channel for their coverage of the Iraq war were the most likely to believe misinformation about the war, whatever their political affiliation may be. Those mistaken facts, the study found, increased viewers’ support for the war.
Let’s get the word out by writing letters to the editor and complaining to our local FOX News affiliate highlighting these troubling findings:
Not only did I not get all my news from FOX, I would not trust this study. I knew people in Iraq working on the effort, and they told me the MSM was doing a very poor job. As they say, the truth may fall somewhere in the middle. I sure as heck wouldn’t trust the dribble from Rather, Jennings, Koppel, Couric, Sawyer…

How about the MSM coverage of the Right to Life March? Did you get accurate reports on MSM. We don’t have to go all the way to Iraq to find biased coverage.

Try again Matt25…
now wait just a minute, a Catholic bishop got reamed for comparing 45 million murders by abortion to the mass murders of Hitler and Stalin, on the astonishing grounds that he insulted their Jewish victims by equating the sufferings of any other class with theirs. I am waiting for the equivalent outrage against TTs comparison. Until the cows come home, if necessary.
As an outsider looking in I used to watch both, don’t have FOX anymore, only because I didn’t want to give SKY anymore of my money.

Who cares, I have EWTN on Hotbird now, and apart from that don’t watch a lot of TV, It’s great to have a Catholic station for a change.

As for CNN, I used to like it, now I find it boring, so I only take small doses of it.

Earlier this month, a year-long study showed that Americans who relied on the FOX News Channel for their coverage of the Iraq war were the most likely to believe misinformation about the war, whatever their political affiliation may be. Those mistaken facts, the study found, increased viewers’ support for the war.
Let’s get the word out by writing letters to the editor and complaining to our local FOX News affiliate highlighting these troubling findings:

Most FOX News viewers believe U.S. troops have found “clear evidence in Iraq that Saddam Hussein was working closely with the al-Qaeda terrorist organization.” President Bush himself admits they have not.

More FOX News viewers than viewers of any other network believe the U.S. has found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq since the end of the war. The American weapons search team reports it hasn’t found any.

More FOX News viewers than viewers of any other network believe world opinion was in support of the war. International polling found very little support for the war without United Nations approval.
As the Washington Post reported, “The fair and balanced folks at Fox, the survey concludes, were ‘the news source whose viewers had the most misperceptions.’ Eighty percent of Fox viewers believed at least one of these un-facts; 45 percent believed all three.”

These are not matters of opinion; they are factual mistruths that FOX News viewers believe more than the viewers of any other network. This is cause for concern to all viewers who expect fair, accurate news coverage.

The study is the result of several nationwide surveys conducted by Knowledge Networks and analyzed by the University of Maryland’s Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA). More information about the study is at the end of this alert.

Not surprisingly, FOX News is not reporting the study, though other major outlets are. To ensure FOX News viewers learn the truth about the news they’re watching, we must get the story out in local papers.
Fox news is the only outlet that tells me the same stories that my friends and next door neighbor in Iraq tell me is going on in Iraq. I find it interesting that there will be elections on sunday in Iraq and Fox is the only news outlet talking about it.
now wait just a minute, a Catholic bishop got reamed for comparing 45 million murders by abortion to the mass murders of Hitler and Stalin, on the astonishing grounds that he insulted their Jewish victims by equating the sufferings of any other class with theirs. I am waiting for the equivalent outrage against TTs comparison. Until the cows come home, if necessary.
True. I plan to pay no attention to the news on TV a lot of it is just simply junk and its worthless.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Michael C:
Fox news is the only outlet that tells me the same stories that my friends and next door neighbor in Iraq tell me is going on in Iraq. I find it interesting that there will be elections on sunday in Iraq and Fox is the only news outlet talking about it.
So does the BBC
Viewpoints: Iraq elections
	 		     		 		                                                                	 		                     	 		                           	 		 			 			 				http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40747000/jpg/_40747531_elections.jpg 				Voters will choose an interim assembly that will write the constitution
		 		 		 	  	   	**Elections will take place in Iraq on Sunday despite dangerous insecurity in large parts of the country.**    It has been estimated 40% of the population may be unable to vote, raising fears that the new assembly will not adequately reflect Iraq's ethnic composition.
But some Iraqis believe the elections will still prove a milestone.

We asked six commentators what effect they thought the elections would have.

What do you think about the elections? Please use the form at the bottom of the page to tell us your views.
                                                                                        	          	    	[ 	"Holding them now does not allow the insurgents to claim a victory"   ](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4187267.stm#yahia)
	          	         	**Yehia Said, Iraq specialist, London School of Economics**
“This election is not truly representative”
**Farid Sabri, spokesman for the Iraqi Islamic Party **

“A national slate will benefit religious fundamentalists”
Michael Rubin, Iraq analyst, American Enterprise Institute
“They should have been put off. There must now be dialogue”
**Larry Diamond, democracy specialist, Hoover Institution **

“Around 65% of Iraqis are very anxious to vote”
Editor of electoral news in the Iraqi Media Network

“The elections are crucial for the empowerment of women”
Zainab al-Suwaij, American Islamic Congress
well, he’s an american in america and has an opinion… can you discuss it without all the venom, or would it be better not to give him the time of day which just draws more attention to his case…?
Is this at all surprising?

When you can not win the arguement using your bias and distortations it is much easier to dismiss someone with labels than it is to deal with the Truth of the matter.

After all there are users here who call us conservates Nazis.

Some just do it in a nicer more veiled way.

Steph700 said:
😃 ha, ha… how P.C. am I feeling today?..

In my opinion Ted may not be all that far off base, but he is not someone I would turn to for views on this sort of thing!!
Earlier this month, a year-long study showed that Americans who relied on the FOX News Channel for their coverage of the Iraq war were the most likely to believe misinformation about the war, whatever their political affiliation may be. Those mistaken facts, the study found, increased viewers’ support for the war.
Just out of curiousity, and not making any statement whatsoever on the accuracy (or lack thereof) of FOX regarding the war situation – what is your reaction to my “rephrasing”?

“Earlier this month, a year-long study showed that Americans who relied on [CNN and the network news channels] for their coverage of the [election, abortion debate, Church sexual-abuse crisis, birth control statistics, Sudan, euthanisia in Holland…on…and…on…] were the most likely to believe misinformation about the [election, abortion debate, Church sexual-abuse crisis, birth control statistics, Sudan, euthanisia in Holland…on…and…on…] whatever their political affiliation may be. Those mistaken facts, the study found, increased viewers’ support for [false “facts” about the election, abortion debate, Church sexual-abuse crisis, birth control statistics, Sudan, euthanisia in Holland…on…and…on…].”


I think the answer is be smart and actually listen to FOXNews when they tell us to get the full story – and don’t get it only from them. Maybe FOX is wrong about some things, they are human after all, but all these other networks are equally wrong!! Therefore, I get my news from no single source, but I keep tabs on what all the organizations are saying.

I have always noticed that FOX does a much better job of showing stories that truly affect me as a concerned and faithful Catholic – for example, all the stories that I have seen about what is happening in the Sudan* (hmm… where is the outcry to those deaths? Oh, those people don’t matter I guess.)* come on FOX first, only begrudgingly picked up later by CNN.

Basically, FOX picks up on the morality stories, both the heart-warming and the heart-wrenching. CNN never touches morality unless it’s bad morality. :rolleyes:

In any case, I do not get cable anymore, but we do have a local EWTN station, so we mostly watch EWTN these days and get our news off of the Internet – much more reliable since if I see something weird on CNN’s site I can quickly run it through Google and get the full story through multiple sources.

What’s funniest about this is that the photo makes Turner himself look like Hitler, his face all twisted with rage. A case of projection perhaps?

I don’t watch Fox news exclusively because they do too much show biz and Laci Peterson stuff, and usually I drift toward MSNBC and then end up at EWTN. But a lot of my political pals watch Fox all the time, and I think really their views are probably already formed and Fox just reinforces them. Whereas on the other channels it seems like they’re constantly pounding you with “anyone who supported this war is a moron” and it does get to you after awhile.

Maybe I’m imagining it but I sense a bit of schadenfreude in their reporting of war casualties. War is hell and someone who is trying to be supportive while it’s going on would want to avoid that constant harping on it. Just human nature I guess.
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