I am disheartened that you have fallen victim to moral relativism yourself.Brad,
I am not placing the blame on the boy because in our civil society he really did nothing wrong (put aside the obvious moral law violation here). Think it through calmly without attachment to your feelings for the unborn. The simple truth is abortion is legal, the murder of the unborn is legal…that mother asked the boy to abort her babies for her. If the boy had driven the girl to the abortion clinic, the babies would not be less dead, but the boy would be eating dinner with his family tonight, rather then facing a suicidal life in prison. Sure, the boy did the deed, but he did not kill those babies anymore completely then if an abortionist had done it in a so-called legal manner. How exactly is the murder of those babies through extraction or salt or chemicals, etc…any more moral then jumping on them?
If abortion were illegal, then I would be with you all the way, but it is legal to murder our unborn…therein lies the problem. It is waaaay beyond hypocritical to place that kid in jail forever, but let aduly baby murderers (abortionists) walk free and become rich killing the unborn. Please, try to see that the young man did nothing that the abortionist would not have done…he aborted those babies. Why do you think Texas could not do anything to the mother? It is because abortion is legal and she used her so-called legal rights to have her friend abort her babies.
What is the superior law? God’s law or man’s law?
If it were legal for blonde haired persons to kill but illegal for black haired persons to kill and a black haired person killed someone in your family, would you NOT want him punished???
You have to seperate the severity of the sentence from whether is was just to punish someone for killing or not. I am not arguing about the severity of the sentence. I am arguing that he should be punished.
I am NOT saying what the abortionist does is OK. I am saying what the young man did was WRONG. You don’t decide right or wrong through comparisons with other people. That is moral relativism. Moral rights and wrongs are absolute, unchanging.
You and I agree that the law allowing abortion is wrong. You also seem to believe that the Texas law is wrong because it is discriminatory. Seeing as you disagree with BOTH laws, why do you trump the Texas law with the abortion law when the abortion law causes MUCH more death and mayhem??? The Texas law did exist. He DID do something wrong according to civil law.
If you think one day all the laws regarding abortion will turn in synchronization and all will be well, you are not understanding how this will work. You have to take moral, legitimate, steps to curb the tide against abortion. You cannot take the all or nothing approach. Nothing gets accomplished that way.
No person should stomp on the stomach of any female to kill the baby inside. The young man was not seeing himself as an abortionist. He was seeing himself as avoiding an abortionist because she was too late in term and they were looking to go around the law by causing death themselves.
Finally, the young man is not a boy. He was 19 years old. That is a young man, able to live on his own and make his own moral decisions, including fornication, which I know you think should be punished - yet you think he should get off the hook for killing the evidence.