I just gotta let this all out:
In response to earlier posts about “hooking up” I regret to inform you that large majority of people my age
dont think pre-marital sex is 1) a big deal 2) moral unacceptable.
I think that this is largely due to the wonderful culture we live in today. Hormone driven teenagers pretty much think any sort of rebellion is cool. What’s more rebellious than having sex? Sex ed. teachers tell us to abstain, so abstainance must be uncool. Besides, everyone else is “doin it”, right? Turn on the tv, sex is everywhere (like you needed to be told that) and almost everyone on tv is “doin it” and telling us its just fine. There arent any serious consequences to pre-marital sex on the show “Friends” or most other shows. The worst I know of is MTV, wow, there’s actually a
gay version of the show “Room Raiders”. How about “The Real World?”, sex, drunkeness, homosexuality, watch it all here! What’s worse is that society tells us guys its manly and natural to sleep with as many girls as possible. But for girls, it’s slutty. Something doesn’t add up.
There IS still hope out there. I wasnt always supportive of chastity, I wasnt a good Catholic a while back and hormones do crazy things, in case you old people forgot. The reason I’m still a virgin is because of my Athiest/Agnostic girlfriend is committed to waiting for marriage. That’s right, my **Athiest/Agnostic **girlfriend. I’m sooo glad she sat on me… Not every teenager is “doin it” and thinks it’s just fine. I had a conversation about it with 3 female floormates today and 2 are waiting for marriage and the third regrets losing her virginity. TV shows seem to be showing more attention to the side-effects of pre-marital sex and pregnancy too. Not much more, but it’s there.
Things I thnk parents/clergy/whoever should do to remedy the situation:
- Talk about sex and sexuality. Teach kids about it. DONT, for goodness sake, teach it as something dirty or worse, not talk about it. And “Just say ‘no’” doesn’t work well without some explaination and support.
- Kids need better role models. It’s soo cliche, but it’s soo true. And no, Paris Hilton and 50 cent arent good role models, but you all knew that.
- Take back the media. Not just the TV or music but anything carrying a message. I’m against government censorship, but not against turning the TV off and writing letters of disapproval. For example, when I was 13-14, a department store (cant remember which one) ran an underwear ad featuring a guy and a girl together in their underwear, in the same ad. My CCD teacher called the store customer relations and learned she was one of thousands complaining and was issued an apology.
I like violent video games, I admit it. But I;m 19 and I know what I’m doing isnt real and I dont let it influence me. Parents pay attention, that’s all. Did “DOOM” make Harris and Klebold shoot up their school? No, they had deep psychological problems, but they used “DOOM” as an outlet for their pain rather than something positive.
Ther, I’m done, just had to get that out. Parents: morality isnt dead, fellow young people: your not alone either.