Tell an outrageous lie about the previous poster REVIVED

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F_Marturana has a pet chihuahua named ‘Tex’…dumbest dog in the history of dogdom…somehow, she taught Tex to play tic tac toe…Tex lets her win occasionally so she won’t get depressed…
Adding, you can tell because I’ve got a pink circle for my initial.
Of course…how silly of me…my circle is green because I’m an alien…
boldlygo is trying a new diet. Just like some movies are so bad they’re good, he’s seeing if it’s possible to eat so much you lose weight.
ZMystiCat decides to try the diet too until it’s discovered that the diet is to gain weight not lose it.
ZMystiCat, after only two weeks on the non-diet, now has the dimensions [and weight] of a wrecking ball…the blindfolded stroll on the freeway results in total carnage…a Greyhound bus loaded with seniors headed for Canada to buy discount prescriptions literally bounced off ZMystiCat…they’re all in the local hospital now, and guess who’s getting the bill…
Boldlygo thougt Easter eggs would last until Halloween. The neighborhood kids were angry.
F_Marturana rolls her own cigarettes…it’s her own blend, consisting of corn silk, oregano, and dried coffee grounds, rolled in toilet paper…she and Tex, her pet chihuahua and best friend, sneak out and smoke behind the storage shed…
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Boldlygo only knows this because he’s a member of the cleaning staff for that area, and is stationed at the storage shed.

He’s the trash can.
Hawkmaid, of course, frequently uses that trash can during maid duties. The lid is also a favorite sitting area when smoking with F_Maturana.
ZMystiCat decided to join the party…unfortunately, the back yard slopes downhill toward the shed…ZMystiCat, who is shaped like a wrecking ball, tripped, and literally rolled down the slope, through the shed, and into the stream behind the yard…ZMystiCat could be stuck there for the foreseeable future, since Hawkmaid was left dazed and confused by the incident, and F_Marturana and Tex can’t stop laughing…
boldlygo, unlinke the rest of us, is actually using his real name. While he may not have seen any Star Trek, his mother was a die-hard fan.
MVitus is just saying that because he can look at all of the rest of us, hanging out in the hospital, awaiting a visit from the doctor…when in walks Boldly, wearing a stethoscope…upside-down…
Hawkmaid thought the stethoscope was a microphone and began to sing. But the singing was too hot to handle. All the patients including our motley crew of marauders got wet and started singing, “Here Comes The Flood” while trying to flag down Noah’s ark.
lilypadrees is a ‘hospital groupie’ - she just likes to ‘hang out’ at hospitals…two weeks ago, just before Halloween, she dressed up as a vampire, and went to the hospital’s blood bank to see what kind of reaction she could get…security was summoned immediately, and she was escorted from the premises, and told to never set foot on hospital property again.
She was heartbroken! She had to get back into her beloved hospital…
She worked all night and through the next day in her kitchen…after a few hours’ sleep, she resumed her work…
On the morning of All Saints Day, she showed up at the hospital, dressed as St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the patron of bakers, loaded down with enough baskets of cookies and sweet rolls to satisfy the sweet tooth of every hospital employee and patient…all was forgiven, and she’s once again a welcome visitor…
[She still has the Dracula cape in her closet…]
Boldly go was one of the security guards who escorted Lilypadrees out, and he whispered in her ear as she was shown out “Hey, dibs on cinnamon rolls”. Now we know how she got her badge back!
F_Marturana and her chihuahua, Tex, are avid fans of “Soul Train”…they’ve seen all 1,117 episodes at least twice, and dance along to every one…or try to…Tex has mastered almost all the moves, but F_Marturana has two left feet…
After taking all of lilly’s cinnamon rolls, Boldyly fell into a sugar coma for five months during which F_Martuna visited him. He knows involuntarily breaks into dance at the mention of Soul Train.

Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
Soul Train
My good friend mVitus knew that I had to go on a diet after all those cinnamon rolls, and he’s trying to provide me with lots of exercise to go along with it…
He also opened a shoe repair shop just up the street, and hopes to cash in on my newly-found urge to dance.
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But boldlygo is dismayed to find that the exercises are mental not physical.

And the shoes are for horses not people. Yes, mVitus opened a horseshoe repair shop and became a successful blacksmith after he and MrZoom won the Lottery. Boldlygo said, “Hey You! Give me back my Gold Ticket! I need it to visit Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.”