friends ask why she gained fifty pounds…
Hawkmaid’s weight gain, far beyond the ‘freshman ten’ can be explained by her living conditions…after her ouster from the Tappa Kegga Beer sorority, she took up residence in the abandoned garage behind Pizza King…since she still had her bicycle, [the red Murray with the balloon tires, training wheels, and handlebar- mounted basket…] it was only natural for her to get an evenings-and-weekends job there delivering pizzas.
It didn’t take long before the awesome aroma got to her, but she couldn’t just eat the pizza and deliver an empty box…
The most popular evening-and-weekend pizza in a college town is always the XXXL party size 18-inch 16-cut monster, and most orders are for at least a few of them…Hawkmaid convinced the owner that, since all these pizzas are going to parties, it makes good sense to serve smaller slices…the 16-cut became a 24-cut. Now, it was easy for Hawkmaid to feed herself…she’d remove a slice from each pizza, slide the others around a little, and nobody knew the difference…on weekends, she found she could get away with two slices from each, since the beer was flowing so freely…
With all the exercise on the bike, the weight gain came slowly, but everything worked out well in the end…now, with the weather getting colder, she can use the insulation, and the added weight will give her better traction in the snow…