I feel terrible [except on payday…]about getting the GEICO gecko job that Hawkmaid wanted so desperately…she heard that they were looking for ‘cute’, so she dressed up in her junior high cheerleader outfit, painted oversize freckles on her face, and rode to the tryout on her [in]famous bicycle [the red Murray with the balloon tires, training wheels, and handlebar-mounted basket…she even added streamers to the handlebar grips…].
The GEICO crew took one look at her, and sent her next door, where they were casting for the part of ‘Little Debbie’…the woman in charge there was an elderly former WWI nurse, who saw the ‘freckles’, and immediately thought ‘Smallpox!!’…she had Hawkmaid sent to the nearest hospital and put in quarantine…she’s still there, and probably will be for the foreseeable future - there isn’t a doctor in the area who’s seen smallpox, so the quarantine will remain in effect until they find one…
The GEICO crew took one look at her, and sent her next door, where they were casting for the part of ‘Little Debbie’…the woman in charge there was an elderly former WWI nurse, who saw the ‘freckles’, and immediately thought ‘Smallpox!!’…she had Hawkmaid sent to the nearest hospital and put in quarantine…she’s still there, and probably will be for the foreseeable future - there isn’t a doctor in the area who’s seen smallpox, so the quarantine will remain in effect until they find one…