Tell me how you feel about Pagans

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Well, as you may guess by the title and my name, i’m a pagan.
I was raised by atheists in a roman catholic country and a few years ago i found the practice of druidry for myself.
I often meditate outside, singing songs, playing my flute and talking to my many gods.
I feel quiet right doing all that, it feels like it’s the right thing for me.
Now, i ask you guys how you feel about pagans and what you think will happen to me once i die, afterlife and such.
The catholics around here seem stressed whenever they see me and i often hear things like “you’ll be tortured in hell for all eternity!”, but do you guys actualy beliefe that?
My gods don’t care if anyone beliefes in them, they don’t need us humans, we need them (or rather i need them, you guys need your god).
And, if you really think like that too, how could your god be so loving if he’d throw me in hell only for doing the most human thing of all, a mistake?
But that question doesn’t matter that much to me, only how you feel about pagans and what you think will happen to a guy like me.
Well, I respect every human being. I love every human being.

I feel that you are searching and that is a good thing, we are born with a “God shaped hole” that we seek to fill.

I would suggest looking at some books, like this one:

If you lived near me, we’d have coffee and some long conversations
Absolutely nice of you!
Thanks for the nice answer, and i’ll look into that book 🙂
I don’t mind pagans. It would be better if they all became Catholics though and directed their energy towards the true God and the true Church.

I almost got into practicing earth religion at a weak moment. Due to lack of time I didn’t pursue it. I’m rather glad now as Catholicism does all the same things that paganism claims to do, only better and with the real God.
Pagan practice puts you at risk from the demonic and it doesn’t make God happy either.
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They need to stop worshipping demons/themselves and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And I say this out of love for their souls.
I’m not religious at all, so I hope you don’t mind if I post on your thread. I wanted to ask about your beliefs - you list your religion as Gaulish, which I’ve never heard of before. Could you tell us a little about what Gaulish is?
Well, gaulish is actualy just the language which was spoken in my country about 2 thousand years ago, but it’s a celtic language and my beliefes are also celtic.
I beliefe in a few gods, my main gods being Danu (a river goddess, also the sun) and Cernunnos (lord of the hunt, also the moon).
I pray or rather talk to them, sing songs for them and ask them to help me.
I guess just as any other religious person would do with their god/s…
I get along equally well with pagans as I do everyone I meet. My ancient ancestors were all pagans. How do I feel about you folks, you ask? I think you have a most interesting outlook and approach to life, some of which I can adapt to my own way of thinking. There are common threads that run through all faith/belief traditions and Christianity cannot claim to have never borrowed a pagan custom or two. 🙂
Thanks for loving my soul i guess, but that old thing is fine as it is…
Well, one of my gods is the god of the underworld and he looks an awfull lot like Satan, but he’s a nice lad…
Personally, modern-day paganism in the West has a similar association as yoga parlor Buddhism: something people pick up in the West because it is different and does not put as much demands on your lifestyle as the Abrahamic religions. Also, it seems like paganism is more associated with women wanting something different while men tend to be more content with being apathetic to all things spiritual.
And, if you really think like that too, how could your god be so loving if he’d throw me in hell only for doing the most human thing of all, a mistake?
With regards to your salvation, Jesus says and the Church has always upheld, that you/we will spend eternity in one of two places; Heaven or Hell. Jesus speaks of Hell several times in Scripture and the real possibility of spending eternity in Hell, if one chooses to live a life outside of what Jesus commands us to do.

Does that mean that I or any other Catholic knows for certain that is where you (as an individual) will spend your eternity? No. That judgement is reserved for God alone and if you asked me, personally, where you will spend eternity upon your death and you actively choose not to follow Christ, I’d tell you that I don’t know what God will decide for your fate.

However, I would tell you not to hang your salvation based upon the possibility that God will view your “mistake” of not believing in Him as not deserving of spending eternity outside of His Kingdom.
My gods don’t care if anyone beliefes in them, they don’t need us humans, we need them (or rather i need them, you guys need your god).
Our God cares very much if we believe in Him, but His love is so great that He wants us to freely choose Him, not out of obligation, but Love. A parent who doesn’t care about the welfare of their child, is probably prone to not having rules, consequences or even the promise of a better life if they simply follow their parent’s guidance.

Why would you want to follow a god who doesn’t care about you?
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I don’t think you will necessarily end up in hell cos the mercy of God is great, but I do worry for you that you may open yourself up to demons and so have a very hard time of things whilst here. I will pray for you.
I believe, well we all do if we are true to our God’s will, that you are greatly loved by God whether you love him and know him or not. Of course he wants you to know him and love him, but not for his own good, but for your good, so that you will live an eternal life. Love is after all, willing the good of another. You are whether you know it or not, loving his creation, the world, with your practice which if I am not mistaken, that revolves somewhat around the seasons of the year and nature. So you respect his creation which is a good thing and you dont seek harm which is also good. You will be judged on what you have done in life one day just like we will do. I would say be careful that all you do is in love. It’s quite brave of you to ask this on here. I hope you find what you were looking for.
I chose them exactly out of that reason, they’re gods and not parents…
In their eyes i’m just an animal like all others, but i’m free to talk with them.
I’d rather be free than having a god telling me what i can and can’t do…
I wish someone had introduced the Catholic Church to me when I was dabbling in Wicca and Celtic Reconstruction a decade ago. I think what I was missing in Protestant Christianity- a religious experience fully enveloping all 5 senses with ritual, smell, sound, chants, beautiful art… etc… I thought I had found in paganism. However the Catholic Church has all of that. The liturgy is beautiful and engages all the senses with deep mystery and reverence. Please consider going to a traditional Catholic parish that still uses icons, statues and incense - just for the experience. I think you posted here for a reason. May God be with you.
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There’s nothing at all wrong with pagans, except it’s an illogical position to hold. (Tuvok mode engaged

First, in order to understand your reasoning, what is your definition of a “god”?
“Real” god…
Hmm, how do you know that?
I thought you beliefe in your god, not know as a fact that he exists?
Well, i beliefe in my gods, maybe i’m wrong, maybe i’m right.
Do i care?
Nah, i’m just living my life happily as a pagan, it feels right…
Maybe i’ll rot in hell, maybe we both end up in helheim or the otherworld…
Maybe there’s no god at all, all of them or one we humans didn’t “invent” yet…
We just can’t know, we can only beliefe…
I’d rather be free than having a god telling me what i can and can’t do…
We are just as free. We can choose to walk with Christ or go our own path. Our God sees as more than animals, we are made in His image and likeness. If your gods see you as an animal, then again why follow them? Why devote any time or effort into following any god who is so indifferent to you as a person, that they don’t even care what happens in your life?
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I chose them exactly out of that reason, they’re gods and not parents…
In their eyes i’m just an animal like all others, but i’m free to talk with them.
I’d rather be free than having a god telling me what i can and can’t do…
So it’s the paternal role of God which you disagree with then? Think about why a parent tells you what to do and not to do; it’s typically for your own good and out of love. It is the same with the Laws and commandments of God, He directs us toward the Good out of love. Sometimes it isn’t necessarily pleasant, but the outcome is best.

Following spirits who tell you what you want to hear and to follow your passions will ultimately only lead to ruin, if not in this world then certainly in the next. God bless you.
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I find your views regarding why you follow your gods a little puzzling. In a sense it seems like your beliefs are more atheistic. With some of the atheists that I have known, they view their lives in a similar way as you, with regards to having total freedom because there is no god to care anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

Yet, you freely choose to follow gods who tell you they don’t care and you don’t matter.
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I have known quite a few pagans. One of my absolute best friends on the planet is Pagan. I don’t feel anything about you other than the same love I try (and often fail) to have for everyone.

I do want my pagan friends to become Christians. When you love someone you want the best for them. I genuinely feel the best for them would be Christianity. Nevertheless, I don’t proselytize. I try to live by example, and I’m always an open book with them.

They have all had probing and sometimes challenging questions about Christianity. I’m the friend they can ask without having holy water and exorcism prayers shouted at them. They appreciate that! Ha!
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