Tell me how you feel about Pagans

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Do you consider them to be Christians or not? They tell me that they are Christians who believe that Jesus is God’s “only-begotten Son”,
As with all people, I pray that pagans come to know the light of Christ and to know, love, and serve Him in the Catholic Church. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. There is no god like our God.
The JW’s do not validly baptize. The JWs reject the Trinity, they are not Christians.
I have to ask you, why did you choose to be pagan? Were you seeking a true religion?
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It appears that the Christmas tree is of pagan origin as I don’t find any mention in the New Testament of Jesus recommending that we buy and decorate an evergreen tree at Christmas time or any other time of the year. But there is evidence of Romans and Druids celebrating the solstice by decorating their temples with evergreen boughs. And yet even though the love of decorating an evergreen tree during the winter solstice appears to be of pagan origin, nevertheless, at Christmas time, Roman Catholics bring evergreen trees into their churches and put them near the altar to stand near the statues and icons of the saints and the Mother of God.
Yes, there are many instances of aboriginal festivals being converted to observe a Christian festival, probably by the converts themselves. This is also what happens when peoples of different backgrounds intermarry or join their civililizations: that is, it is similar to the joining of family traditions when two people with very different backgrounds marry. Sometimes, too, traditions that are deemed “inappropriate” in one guise are deemed “appropriate” in another. For instance, I have been told that sometimes when missionaries disapproved of artistic motifs being used as tatoos (or when they disapproved of tattoos generally) they might have been quite approving of the same motifs showing up in jewelry. Thus an “aboriginal style” of jewelry might be born by the abrogation of the original form of the art, which was a tattoo, because the locals wanted to wear those motifs in whatever way they could make it work out.
Even the Christian festivals themselves evolved over time, and this is no secret. For instance, the Feast of Christ the King and the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker were born in the 20th century. Divine Mercy Sunday was instituted by St. John Paul II.
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I’ve never met a pagan in person, or if I have, I didn’t realize they were pagan. As far as the Internet goes, the pagans I’ve observed online seem to be glorified atheists who don’t actually believe in gods, instead following it because the culture appeals to them (sort of like Wiccans and Buddhists in the West).

Anything that isn’t “wretched Christianity” but gives them a sense of belonging in the world, in other words… but hey, it’s better than embracing self-destructive nihilism I suppose.
I am a cradle catholic, so, how do i feel about pagans ? same as I feel about everything else from homosexuals, muslims , democrats, communists, the IRS, etc, As long as they dont get in the way of me living my life and don’t bother me, I honestly do not give a flip what they do. I could care less. They are not going to " Destroy the world or the Church " so wtf should i care for, and lets pretend they could, If that is even a remote chance, and some how I become the last Catholic on the face of the planet, then at that point in time, I’ll start caring and go postal.
Beyond the paragraph above, we know absolutely nothing of Celtic paganism. In the eighteenth century, a Welsh eccentric composed, for impressionable London friends, a description of Druidism. This is the root of modern druidry and as literally every single academic or person of even the most basic grasp of the historical evidence will tell you, this “druidry” bears no resemblance whatsoever to the historical practice of paganism amongst the Celtic peoples.
There is a woman I know whose family are Druids, she was raised Druid. It was not the modern concept of being a druid. Her family had been practicing for hundreds of years. She is now a Christian, having converted, along with her brother, as they became adults, a few years ago. This woman does not speak of druidry in a nice way that ’ we are all happy singing songs, playing our flutes, talking to our many gods’. When she speaks of druidry of the ancient celts, the form practiced within her family, it is dark, truly dark. There is a lot of trauma associated with her family’s practice of this ancient form of paganism.
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She is quite genuine. Her family have been practicing this for 100s of years. She is also very aware of the difference between modern day or reconstructed druidism and the real thing. Christianity survived 2000 years already, as have other practices.
You want my honest opinion. You are communicating with the ‘god of the underworld’…😱’ My opinion is go to confession, become catholic. Repent and believe.
I feel sad for them, for they prefer to lost their souls trying to find some inner-deity, some feminist goddess and worldly happines rather than knowing and loving Our Lord and His truth.
I sincerely hope and pray that they abandon these false gods and false ideologies and turn to the One True Faith.
JWs believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel.
Some of their beliefs seem strange to me such as Michael, and only 144000 in heaven and do not celebrate Christmas, etc. OTOH, I have to admire their stand for pacifism. Although i can agree to admit some exceptions, generally, I am very much against war. So many innocent children were murdered by the US when the Americans dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. I don’t see why children should be brutalized and killed as happens in so many wars in recent times. I recently viewed a video about the American invasion of Iraq and there was a cameraman who caught the private contractors hired by the US just driving by and shooting down innocent civilians who happened to be walking or driving nearby.
Getting back to the topic, about pagans. JW make a big fuss about pagan ideas and beliefs which they claim have been incorporated into mainline Christianity. However, when I asked them why they accept the pagan custom of men taking off their hats when entering their kingdom hall, they did not have answer. I told them that the Jewish custom was for a man to keep his head covered when in the temple, and that it was the Roman pagan custom to remove your hat. Anyway, they do spend a lot of time reading and studying the Bible and they have a huge amount of literature which they oftentimes give out.
I, personally, think paganism is Satanism behind a mask. Not that I think you’re evil, you sound like a nice person, but as G.K. Chesterton once wrote in Orthodoxy, natural worship always turns into something unnatural.
Nature worship is natural enough while the society is young, or, in other words, Pantheism is all right as long as it is the worship of Pan. But Nature has another side which experience and sin are not slow in finding out, and it is no flippancy to say of the god Pan that he soon showed the cloven hoof. The only objection to Natural Religion is that somehow it always becomes unnatural. A man loves Nature in the morning for her innocence and amiability, and at nightfall, if he is loving her still, it is for her darkness and her cruelty. He washes at dawn in clear water as did the Wise Man of the Stoics, yet, somehow at the dark end of the day, he is bathing in hot bull’s blood, as did Julian the Apostate. The mere pursuit of health always leads to something unhealthy. Physical nature must not be made the direct object of obedience; it must be enjoyed, not worshipped. Stars and mountains must not be taken seriously. If they are, we end where the pagan nature worship ended. Because the earth is kind, we can imitate all her cruelties. Because sexuality is sane, we can all go mad about sexuality. Mere optimism had reached its insane and appropriate termination. The theory that everything was good had become an orgy of everything that was bad.
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