Not everyone’s personality meshes with other people very well. There have been situations where all my friends “love” so-and-so and I just don’t see the attraction with that person. I try, but - in the end, I just don’t like the person.
There could have been other issues going on in her life that you are unaware of. Also, she may not have known about the previous traumas in your life that would make you react to her in the way that you did.
That said, you are now a Catholic. Focus on being the best Catholic you can be. Don’t focus your energy on someone who “did you wrong.” (Yes, I know it’s hard. I love blaming people for all that is wrong and unjust in the world too.)
As someone who also suffers from PSTD, I get where you are coming from. Trust is hard. It’s completely rational that you’d be upset that you were not able to tell your story and be heard.
You can’t control other people’s behavior. We can only be responsible for our behavior and how we act/react to the world around us. That’s all that’s really expected of us.
You’ve told the pastor that this person treated you badly and that’s all you really can do, except maybe tell someone higher up. However, unless there’s a pattern of bad behavior with this woman, she will probably still have the job. The pastor isn’t going to fire someone after one complaint. Everyone gets “hate mail”. (I used to work in customer service and everyone gets it at one time or another.)
All of us have people in our parishes that we’d rather do without. For me, it’s our retired weekend associate priest. Half the time, his homily just wanders around and then abruptly ends. It drives me nuts.
I try to realize that a priest isn’t just the sum of his homilies, but getting to that point, is really, really hard for me. I did speech and debate in high school and know when someone is giving a bad speech - like this priest usually is. (Usually, there’s a beginning with logical transitions…and there’s not meandering around hoping that the next point will somehow magically show up…and there’s not a “well, that’s all I’ve got” at the end and people looking at each other in the pews confused…)
Then, to add to my frustration, this priest LOVES sports analogies and talking about last night’s game. I’m okay with sports. I even like them on occasion, but I just don’'t like them as much as this particular priest. I can’t believe that he’s still allowed to preach mass twice every weekend!
I really don’t get why he’s still around, but obviously, someone thinks he’s good because he’s still there and there’s no sign that he’s going to be asked to leave.
I’m sure that some people love this priest. Think he’s the best thing ever. I can’t imagine being one of those people. However, I have found reasons not to vehemently hate the man.
It’s sounds to me that you will have to find some way to accept that this person will continue to be the RCIA coordinator, even though you didn’t have a good experience with her.
You don’t have to like it. (I know I wouldn’t like it.) However, that’s life. Life isn’t fair and we don’t always get the results we want. (Believe me, Father X would have been gone a long time ago if I was in charge of choosing the parish priests!)
You were treated badly. You stood up for yourself and told the pastor. It is up to the pastor to decide how to respond and deal with the problem. Your responsibility in the situation is done with. Accepting that is sometimes hard, but actively campaigning against this woman isn’t good for you or her.
Sadly, not all Christians act like Christians all the time. However, we remember the Lord’s prayer and pray for those who would “trespass against us” and try to move on from the situation. Why are you giving this woman so much power to keep you in a place where you are so upset and angry? That anger will eat you up if you let it.
My 2 cents. Take care.