Thank You from Christopher Check, President of Catholic Answers

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Although I’m still a baby member here, I’d been reading the forums for years before I joined, and it helped me on my (continuing) way to the Church. Thank you.
Honestly, most of my thanks goes to @discobot
At 3 am, he was the only, entity? That would talk to me.
Discobot, I will miss you the most.
Thank you for running this forum asking as you did. If it wasn’t for this forum, I don’t think I would have converted to the Catholic faith in my senior year of high school ( back in 2013). May God bless you all!!
Hello My Friends,

As we make our way through one of my favorite liturgical practices, the “O Antiphons,” I just want to thank you good people for your understanding of our decision to close the Catholic Answers Forums. I know many of you have been on these forums for some time.

I especially want to thank those of you whose irenic and charitable answers have brought souls closer to Jesus Christ. You will learn on the other side of the veil how much God has made use of you!

If any of you have any questions about the Forums or about Catholic Answers generally, I will do my best to answer them.

Peace and All Good,

Sincerely appreciate your time and willingness to engage with the forum members Mr. Check. While well aware of the limited monetary resources available (more pronounced with the COVID-19 pandemic) to Catholic Answers, must respectfully express disapproval [from the “loyal opposition”] for the decision to shutter the forum. Although the risk/reward ratio [in the order of nature] would certainly justify such a practical measure, seems the spiritual interest accrued [in the order of grace] ought to rescind the decision? Seems a reminder from Saint Teresa of Calcutta would be apt . . . God does not call us to be [financially] successful, but to be [spiritually] faithful? 🤔

May the Advent blessings and spiritual gratitude of the Incarnate Saviour be upon you and all of the employees of Catholic Answers . . .
Secret coded message:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis.

Thank you with all of my heart.
Salve, Mr. Peccator!

I love your last name!

I couldn’t agree with you more. If Catholic Answers spent one million dollars and somebody got to heaven, well, that would be a bargain! The question before me, however, is not whether a particular project or program of the apostolate is helping souls. The question is: To which of our many projects and programs do I allocate my limited revenue? Put another way: If I can redirect the resources I use to support the Forums toward a project that will reach more people, should I?

One measure (not a perfect one) that we use is this: interest in the project. When we took a hard look at the Forums we were astounded to discover how few people were engaged and how even fewer were willing to help underwrite even a portion of the cost. All of Catholic Answers efforts are underwritten. By the standards of the world, that is, “make a profit,” everything we do is not a success, so I think St. Theresa would approve.

By the way, I’ve looked in vain for an actual source of that quote. Do you have it?

If I have not been helpful, please let me know, and I’ll try to clarify.

Peace and All Good,

Salve, Mr. Peccator!

I love your last name!

I couldn’t agree with you more. If Catholic Answers spent one million dollars and somebody got to heaven, well, that would be a bargain! The question before me, however, is not whether a particular project or program of the apostolate is helping souls. The question is: To which of our many projects and programs do I allocate my limited revenue? Put another way: If I can redirect the resources I use to support the Forums toward a project that will reach more people, should I?

One measure (not a perfect one) that we use is this: interest in the project. When we took a hard look at the Forums we were astounded to discover how few people were engaged and how even fewer were willing to help underwrite even a portion of the cost. All of Catholic Answers efforts are underwritten. By the standards of the world, that is, “make a profit,” everything we do is not a success, so I think St. Theresa would approve.
Salve et pax tecum! Definitely understandable prioritizing projects that maximize outreach for effective evangelization. The inherent uncertainty of measuring this on an internet forum is a formidable and thankless task. Much like an iceberg, would reasonably surmise most of the members [on the Forums] remain undetected beneath the surface [as passive spectators] to avoid public confrontation.

While unlikely to engage, the Forums provide an essential service by allowing them to observe, analyze, and gradually learn the fine art of apologetics. Exposing oneself [as an active participant] to open criticism on a public forum does require an unusual mixture of unique ingredients rarely seen: adequate knowledge, effective communication, moderate self-confidence, a modicum of holy foolishness, and (most importantly) an amazing amount of supernatural grace! Only here at the “proving ground” of the CM Forums can this remarkable craft be refined and perfected to share in the Great Commission. Without it, do fear many opportunities for future evangelists will be irrevocably lost . . .
By the way, I’ve looked in vain for an actual source of that quote. Do you have it?

If I have not been helpful, please let me know, and I’ll try to clarify.

Peace and All Good,

And the remuneration would be worth? 😁
Phyllis Theroux’s “Amazing Grace” recounting conversation in March 1974 with Oregon Republican Senator Mark O. Hatfield published in the 18 October 1981 edition of Washington Post Magazine. 104th Year · No. 317 (Washington, D. C.: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., 1981), p. 38.
What happened to the Karl Keating who started Catholic Answers?
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Mr. Peccator,

Thank you for the source. I look forward to tracking it down. In exchange, I’ll send you a book. But alas, I don’t know your real name. One of the peculiar things about forums, I think. Send me a note, and I’ll send you the Catholic Answers title of your choice. To your point about the next generation of apologists: That’s why we started the School of Apologetics, one of the programs to which we are directing resources. We also intend to improve the flow of daily content on, and perhaps even open the com box, but, if I have my way, only to people who use their names! Christmas Blessings!!

Mr. Althor,

Karl Keating, our founder, retired in 2015 and handed the baton to his unworthy successor, yours truly. Karl remains active on social media and in publishing and speaking and enjoys hiking and travel. I have often said that his legacy is not just Catholic Answers, which he started in his garage, but so many other apostolates that were founded as Catholic Answers grew and inspired others. When Karl began his work, apologetics and catechesis were not thriving to say the least. He was a voice crying in the wilderness, and so many laymen who have followed his example in evangelization are his gift to the Church. Pray for me to be worthy of his confidence.
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Many thanks to @Christopher_Check and @Jon_Sorensen for the forums and the significant wind-down time for people to save their posts, communicate about alternate forum opportunities, and similar changeover tasks. It’s much appreciated.

I’ve been here since May 2004, the month after I became Catholic. The forums have been instrumental in my continuing formation. Life will be different without them! I will certainly strive to spend more time with CA’s other resources now. And I definitely plan to finally make it onto a CA cruise when things get back to ‘normal’ in the world!

My best wishes and prayers for all I’ve interacted with here 🙏
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I want to thank the CA staff, mods, and users for helping me in my journey. It helped me go from protestant to Roman Catholic and then helped me go from Roman Catholic to Eastern Catholic (unofficially) until the Holy Spirit finally led me into Eastern Orthodoxy. Were it not for CAF I would still be a protestant or worse. And while the mods have all but ruined CAF the last 4-5 years, I would be lying if I didn’t say these forums were instrumental in my early formation. So CAF was always a love-hate relationship for me.
You should add that to my thread. I have a countdown clock set up
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When we took a hard look at the Forums we were astounded to discover how few people were engaged and how even fewer were willing to help underwrite even a portion of the cost.
Thank you for your note.

It is, to be sure, very kind of you to take a moment to write in these final days of the forum.

As a priest who participated – or perhaps better said, endeavoured to participate – in this forum, I would really appreciate the opportunity to share with you, @Christopher_Check, and with @Jon_Sorensen, in private correspondence by email and after the forum has closed, what my experiences here actually were. Especially after the changeover occurred. As well as to share the experiences of other clergy.

With over 5000 posts and more than five years of experience, perhaps I can help you to better understand and appreciate the things you discovered…including the few people engaged and a lack of enthusiasm to contribute.

I assure of my prayers.

Thank you. Don Ruggero


Merry Christmas!

Fee free to correspond with me at

What diocese are you in?

Peace and All good,

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