The doctrines of the Church have not changed. Pope Francis may have signed a peace declaration with men of other religions but he did not change doctrine. The Catholic church is still the only place to find salvation. Salvation is of the Catholic church, not anywhere else.Such changes do not come that easily for some, much like one of my former neighbors decades ago who was terribly angry with Pope John and Vatican II and the changes that came out of it.
I grew up in an era that if your best friend got married in one of those “other churches” you couldn’t even go to the service let alone stand up for the wedding. I’m glad those days are gone, but some don’t see it that way, which is their right of course.
Going to a wedding of two non-Catholics in a non-Catholic church is one thing but a Catholic should not stand up for or support a Catholic marrying outside the Church without permission from their priest.
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