Perhaps you could summarise, or point me towards a small synopsis somewhere?
There is some repetition in these three posts but they will give you an idea of my views:
“So it is with the parts of the universe: each creature exists first for its own proper activity and well-being; second, lower creatures are for the higher, as plants and beasts are for men; third, each is for the integrity of the whole; last, the whole universe with all its parts is ordered to God as to its end, by copying and sharing forth divine goodness to the glory of God.” - St Thomas Aquinas
In other words there is a hierarchy of purposes in the universe. Evolutionary development, of which St Thomas was unaware, is further evidence for the continuity of purpose in the world. He did not regard the individual parts of the universe as perfectly good in themselves but only as contributing to the perfection of the whole. He specifically states that “a bodily creature is good in its nature, not unboundedly so, but in a partial and contracted manner. Hence the conflict of one thing with another, though both in themselves are good”. That is why evil is an inevitable consequence of Design.
Design implies that there are definite purposes in life. Each of us has a particular vocation for which we have specific talents and abilities. We have an obligation to develop our potentialities to the best of our ability because life is a gift. We persevere in the search for truth and meaning because the universe is rational and everything ultimately fits into an intelligible pattern. Purpose is not a rare phenomenon but the dominant feature of existence. Good fulfils purpose and evil frustrates it. Justice reflects the intrinsic worth of every person and after death we shall all receive exactly what we deserve. We are all free, equal, brothers and sisters with a right to life because we exist by Design. We exist in order to choose what to believe, how to live and who to love - ourselves or others.
Even if we knew nothing about the Designer there is no evidence whatsoever that Design can exist without a Designer. Evidence for design is evidence for a designer. We know that from our direct experience of both. Design is the result of conscious, rational, purposeful activity and not due to unconscious, irrational, purposeless events.
We also know that the Designer of this vast and magnificent universe must have immense insight, power and creativity. We associate insight, power and creativity not with the brain but with the mind. Physicalists believe the mind cannot exist without the brain but there is no rational basis for this assumption. There is no evidence that the brain is conscious of itself, has insight into its own activity, has free will or the power to control itself. That is why human beings have always distinguished the mind from the brain.
Our primary data are our thoughts, feelings and sensations. We infer that the body exists from the evidence of our senses but the fundamental reality is our intangible stream of thoughts, emotions and decisions. The power of the mind and the intangible nature of all that we consider most precious - truth, goodness, freedom and love - imply that a Designer is the only adequate explanation of the Design in the universe. The pursuit of the truth in both philosophy and science presupposes the existence of purpose, the power of intelligence and the intelligibility of the universe:
"The highest formal unity, which is based on concepts of reason alone, is the systematical and purposeful unity of things, and it is the speculative interest of reason which makes it necessary to regard all order in the world as if it had originated in the purpose of a supreme wisdom. Such a principle opens to our reason in the field of experience quite new views, how to connect the things of the world according to teleological laws and thus to arrive at their greatest systematic unity…
For the purely speculative use of reason, therefore, the Supreme Being, remains, no doubt, an ideal only but an ideal without a flaw, a concept which finishes and crowns the whole of human knowledge and the objective reality of which, though it cannot be proved can neither be disproved in that way." (Immanuel Kant)
I should add that Kant is not referring to the empirical evidence for Design.but to the metaphysical concept of the Supreme Being - which remains the most powerful, elegant, adequate, economical, fertile and inspiring explanation of our existence.
Intelligent Design is the most powerful, comprehensive and fertile explanation of the immensely complex universe, the exquisite richness and variety of nature, the origin and infinite value of life, the progressive development of living organisms, the existence of rational beings with their power of self-determination, their transcendence of their environment, their ability to distinguish good and evil, and their capacity for love and self-sacrifice. The success of science demonstrates the superiority of intelligence over blind forces like random mutations and natural selection.
Design explains the order and intelligibility of the universe - for which no other explanation has been given. It accounts for all the most important aspects of existence: truth, goodness, freedom, beauty, justice, love, the right to life and the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. Belief in Design is a glorious vision of reality which is in accord with the deepest yearnings and the highest aspirations of the human spirit. It interprets evolution not as the descent of man but as the ascent to God. It is verified by the power and ultimate responsibility of each individual for his or her destiny. To reject Design implies that rational, free, conscious, moral persons have been produced by the blind interplay of irrational, determined, unconscious and amoral forces. To deny the primacy of intelligence is to undermine the validity of reason - the logical consequence of which is total scepticism and nihilism.