I was right, I did know where it was going. Attempting to take ownership of the unknown and make it seem like God is the only answer. Why aren’t I surprised?
What makes you think your thoughts are physical? Do you regard truth as physical? And…free will?
I don’t know. Nobody does. That…does…not…mean…that…God…exists.
I’m afraid that is a physicalist assumption. It is equally possible that the only reality is immaterial.
Possible, but not equally so. Your statement is pure speculation unlike the physical reality that we all (except you, apparently) experience. Unless you’re saying that this is all happening inside your head?
After all our primary datum is mental activity, is it not?
I don’t see how it can be as it’s not objective. But perhaps I misunderstand your point.
Yes! But more than a part…
You have evidence of this?
You regard God as a gap when in fact He is the foundation. The “**mindless **filling of the latter gap” is a more appropriate description of the attempt to fill the scientific gap with mindless processes.
Can’t you see the paradox in what you’ve just said? And I don’t regard God as
anything, I just see a bunch of theists filling the gaps in human knowledge with God, for no good reason other than to sustain their own outmoded belief system. Science, on the other hand, accepts that there are gaps in human knowledge and sets about finding rational answers, without preconceptions.
Do you favour an infinite regress?
I don’t really know, but I know that a rational, logical discussion on the subject could not conclude that, “God did it, period.” That explains precisely nothing.
Monistic theism is the simplest and richest explanation of reality.
Simplistic, yes - simple, no.
In a court of law a person is not regarded as a stopgap but as a responsible agent beyond whom there is no need to look further for ultimate responsibility. Why? Is every legal system throughout the world based on an illusion?
This is a relevant point how? Btw, I’d love to put God in the dock. Genocide, fratricide, matricide, coercion, blackmail – the list goes on. He’d never get out!!!
I suspect that you know that reductionism and atomism are illogical
How so? Can you present your logical refutation - one that does not pluck an imaginary force or entity out of the sky to prop up your assertions?
but your free will enables you to opt for them rather than a holistic view of reality. You constantly imply that the mind or self is an entity yet you derive it from a multitude of physical events.
The problem being…?
It wasn’t an arbitrary choice of words because atheism is literally ab-surd, i.e. without a surd. It implies that everything exists in a mindless void, without a rational foundation, without direction, value, purpose or source of unity and integration.
No, it denies the existence of God based on the lack of evidence. No more, no less. The problem is that theists make it sound more than it is because that’s the only way they can attempt to show that it’s ‘absurd.’
I can say exactly the same about physicalism or materialism or scientism. What is the evidence that **everything **is derived from physical energy, material objects or scientific data? There is none whatsoever
True - there is no evidence that
everything comes from these properties - by definition, that doesn’t prove
… whereas the evidence for God is the highest aspect of reality of which we are aware and have direct personal experience.
This is not evidence. It’s speculation born of both ignorance and
a denial of ignorance.
This is hardly surprising because we are made in God’s image.
Do you have a photo of him? How else would you know this?
Your constant reliance on reason presupposes that the fundamental Reality is rational rather than irrational
… and is purposeful rather than purposeless.
Hmmm, depends on how you class ‘purposeful.’ If you class it as ‘serving an ultimate purpose’, then no, there is no reason to suspect that reality is purposeful.
How we live is the best indication of what we really believe…
Quite so - you lead a life where you practise religion, so it’s evident that you are religious. It proves nothing.