But it is not regarded as the ultimate reality…
Sure it is, why wouldn’t it be? To an atheist ulimate reality is physical reality.
How would you prove that? The fact that you are reasoning implies that you believe reason is valuable. If value is a purely subjective concept the universe is objectively valueless and we are deluded. We are living in a fool’s paradise. Or is it a fool’s inferno?
Why do I need to prove it? Nothing is worth more that what it’s value is percieved or understood to be (of course that understanding or perception varries from individual to individual). 1000 years ago electricity was valued by nobody, now it’s the third most valuable commodity in the world (water and food being the first two). Electricity hasn’t changed over the last 1000 years, but our understanding of it and ability to harness it has. Taking religion out of the picture for a second, can you think of anything that has value beyond it’s percived utilitarian value?
I do believe reasoning is valuable, sadly others do not.
Again, what is paradise is a matter of perception? I can enjoy a well cooked piece of meat regardless as to whether it has intrinsic value or not. A god does not need to exist for me to know that Apple is my favorite pie. Value does not have to be intrinsic (in fact it’s a tautology to say that something is valuable because it is valuable) and it doesn’t have to make sense…it’s a matter of perception and applicibility.
Traffic lights have a meaning for those who understand their purpose.
Correct, and it’s meaning was assigned to it (as opposed to being intrinsic), red could mean go just as easily as green. What does a universe “mean”.
The physical universe is meaningless for those who believe it has no purpose.
Meaning and purpose have two seperate meanings. Even if you agree that the universe has a purpose or value that still doesn’t mean it has a meaning. The word makes no sense to me in this context.
(Meaning and purpose are related but they are not synonyms.)
Agreed. Red light means ‘stop’ and the purpose of stopping is to avoid car accidents.
Do catholics believe that the universe possess a conciousness? I was one for most of my life and never heard this. I know most people like to say that the god is apart of everything, but logically god cannot be apart of his creation.
(To believe in consciousness is not to explain its origin.
I agree.
In that case they are agnostics, strictly speaking.
I actually agree with you on this. Most people who call themselves atheists are actually agnostics. I myself am a strong agnostic, in that I feel that it is impossible to exclude the possbility of a god’s existence, but assume the negative until shown otherwise.
How would you defend the assumption that all the evidence indicates there is no God? And presumably they believe there is no evidence for the existence of God?
I make no attempt to defend that assumption, as there could not possibly be evidence to prove that a non-physical being that resides in another realm of existence in fact does not exist. IMHO the evidence for a god’s existence is actually most likely evidence of other more plausible alternatives. In a court of law both sides present evidence to support their claim, however when the claims are contradictory then only one can be correct (this does not necessarily mean that their evidence was false, just that the conclusions based upon that evidence were unnecessary). Some people believe that natural disasters are evidence of a god’s existence and wrath and perhaps they are, or perhaps they are evidence of something else entirely.
Even if an individual action is purposeful it is ultimately purposeless for the simple reason that it can be explained in terms of the purposeless activity of molecules - according to the atheist.
Again, I believe that purpose is a soley subjective concept, god or no.
It is possible that consciousness, like value, is an illusion.
It’s just barely concievable that mine is the only true consciousness, and everyone else is an illusion. Even then, there is at least one conscious individual so consciousness does exist.
Even if it is real it is still the result of the unconscious activity of molecules - according to the atheist. And then you have a real problem on your hands…
This would not discredit consciousness even remotely as it would still exist and still be just as real as it would be if your beliefs are true…it will just end once an individual’s brain dies. Just out of curiosity, what would that problem be?