Ah so were back to the “I dont understand this, therefore god did it”.
Ah so we’re back to the “God did it, therefore I refuse to understand…”
So of course atheism does not explain those things, it doesn’t try to.
If atheism does not explain anything it is useless and worthless…
" The most economical, adequate, coherent, intelligible, probable, verifiable and fertile explanation of these facts is a rational, free, good, purposeful and loving Creator."
Why? What’s your rational justification for this position?
Let me spell it out for you:
1.The most adequate explanation of rational beings is a Rational Being.
2.The most inadequate explanation of rational beings is a set of irrational particles.
3.The most adequate explanation of free beings is a Free Being.
4.The most inadequate explanation of free beings is a set of particles which are not free.
5.The most adequate explanation of moral beings is a Moral Being.
6.The most inadequate explanation of moral beings is a set of amoral particles.
7.The most adequate explanation of purposeful beings is a Purposeful Being.
8.The most inadequate explanation of purposeful beings is a set of purposeless particles.
9.The most adequate explanation of beings with a capacity for love is a Loving Being.
10.The most inadequate explanation of beings with a capacity for love is a set of particles without a capacity for love.