Life is made up of concentric circles of meaning. Physical and temporal.
There are people close to you who are very important indeed. Spouse, children, parents, close friends. As that familial circle increases, the emotional attachment and meaning you personally attach to them decreases. Until at some point, there is no meaning at all.
We are all distantly related in some way but there are billions of people all over the world who have no meaning to you. That’s not to say that you wouldn’t care about them if you knew them. But you don’t. And it is impossible to care about someone you don’t know exists. And they have no interest in you either.
If you simply ceased to exist, then they wouldn’t care and it would have no effect on them at all. Just as the fact that the 500 or so people who have died while you read up to this point have no meaning to you.
Even people directly related tou you have no meaning. Keep going back on your father’s line and the meaning that these men have to you descreases. You propbably have no emotional attachment to your great great great grandfather at all, even if you know who he was.
Let’s face it, there have been whole nations that have long gone, whole races of people, entire civilisations long gone that we know nothing about. And their meaning in the grand scheme of things? All those people with hopes and dreams and loves and ambitions? All ultimately meaningless. Except to themselves and their small circles of interest.
But does that mean we all have bleak and meaningless lives? That we shouldn’t care about others? Well, that’s up to you, Peter. You can just go short term and pour yourself anothe g and t and put on some Pink Floyd or you can go long term and maybe do something about global warming or raise a family or work for Medicins sans Frontiere.
Just because life is ultimately meaningless doesn’t mean those circles of immediate and personal meaning don’t exist.
Anyway, I’m going short term right now. Another g and t and, yes, some Pink Floyd while I’m cooking. Learning To Fly first up… After all, I will be coming back as an eagle.