Science does not even offer a “best explanation” for the Big Bang. Yes, that it happened, but not how.
Atheism offers no why.
Religion goes to the why.
It would be interesting to hear you explain how it will be possible EVER for science to explain how it happened when it only happened once fourteen billion years ago and there was no one but God and the angels to witness it.
C: We’re not sure about how we got here, are we?
S: Yeah, it was entirely natural. The science is in.
C: Damn. How about all the flora and fauna?
S: Yep, same thing. We know how it happened.
C: Continents, seas and stuff?
S: Natural. We’ve worked out the processes.
C: Well, how about the whole planet?
S: Natural accretion of interstellar particles and dust. Star stuff. Same with the sun.
C: And all the other stars I suppose.
S: You got it.
C: But hang on. If we go back far enough, when everything started…
S: You mean when this observable universe started?
C: Yeah. We don’t know what caused that, do we?
S: No. There’s a limit past which we can’t investigate.
C: Yes! That’s where we can put God.