Movement has a rather specific meaning in physics, one that is considerably more precise than the one you seem to be invoking.The Unmoved Mover argument isn’t working with ignorance, but with the fact that things move and are moved. Now, if moving things exist in the universe, then the universe, in part, is moved, which means it can’t be be the Unmoved Mover.
This is the definition that most modern people tend to have to use (Einstein shot the Newtonian specific definition down). Otherwise, they don’t have a definition, and a lot of scientists are saying meaningless things.
If, for example, you are correct that the universe isn’t the sum of things that move, you are saying that not everything follows the laws of motion, and that some things in the universe are timeless, which I don’t think a scientist would agree to.
Furthermore, you would have then simply defined the Unmoved Mover with moving things: you would just have shifted the meaning of the word universe to include what I called the universe with the Unmoved Mover, which just confused the point.
Christi pax,
The universe, or at least the observable universe is defined as that which we can observe; more precisely all matter and energy that we can observe; the cosmos.Lucretius
Movement, as in movement of particles and movement of space itself, are aspects of the universe, so it seems rather peculiar to pick them out as being special. Almost as if you’re invoking views on the universe that predate modern physics and cosmology. Why not talk about other critical aspects, like the relative strength of the various fundamental interactions? The latter is just as important as some vague notion of “movement”.
And even then, I still don’t see why I need to invoke an unseen unevidenced entity to explain any of it. I’m comfortable saying “I don’t know”, and not just trying to use circular reasoning to justify a particular view I hold.