Then how do you say you know God exists certainly?
I think it fitting that my commenting that I could not understand your post should later be followed by one on my part that was as unintelligible. I seem to have thrown in one too many negatives
What I meant to say is that I cannot see how God cannot exist.
God is in everything as its Creator. His existence and His nature are self-evident.
However, like when I stub my toe, you have to stretch your imagination to comprehend what is my absolute reality - ouch!
How are we to communicate?
There is nothing I can say that your mind cannot negate.
Additionally, you have to be able to hear what the words are poorly describing. I can only use terms which relate to that which is of this world, and if you think that their common meaning is what I mean, well, it will sound like nonsense. So, if you do not know what I am talking about, you cannot know.
I’ll try anyway:
God is to be seen in the miracle, the mystery of everything,
each person, in their struggles, in their pain and the overwhelming meaning of the experience in their life;
He is seen in the love that pierces the heart of creation
timeless and with no spatial dimension, an ocean of compassion
fills every nook and cranny, every moment in time.
He who is Love Itself, brings all this into existence and comforts us, His children in our suffering.
One of the problems with intellectualization is that it reduces life to a bunch of problems to be solved.
The abyss of ignorance becomes filled with data and facts which dull the mind as they entrap the soul, which might otherwise soar joyously.
We yearn to know Him ever more profoundly, to know the truth, that love that fills us with hope, joy, and peace;
we hunger for our Home, the Source of all this beauty, where we are together united in His infinite love.