:twocents: …
“profitable”-affording profits; yielding advantageous returns or results.
does not equal “sufficient” - enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end.
(definitions from Webster’s dictionary)
And yes, you must accept the entire bible, not just parts and pieces. “Man does not live by bread alone, but by
every word that comes from the mouth of God”
If you were in a play, could you just study the script (no rehearsals) and then show up on opening night? When you learned to drive a car, did you just study the operator’s manual then get behind the wheel? Did someone teach you how to cook or were you born knowing what “julienne” and “par-boil” mean? How much does a physician learn outside of the classroom? (I don’t care if I’m dying, show it to me in the medical textbook before you lay a hand on me)
When Jesus gave Peter the keys, and said “…upon this rock I will build my church…” or each time Jesus taught them something, they didn’t then just turn around and walk away until they met again for the recording of the next bible passage. Peter and the other apostles, must have had many questions at every turn. Just like an actor in a play, or a student driver, or a beginner cook might have questions that aren’t addressed in the script, manual, or cookbook. And Jesus answered them, much like a directors, driving instructor or chef,…they didn’t stop and say oh let’s sit down and write all this down so it’s all in the bible because if it’s not in the bible then people don’t have to listen to it so if we don’t get it in the bible then it’s too late …how ridiculous is that? Jesus taught these men and then told them to go out and teach. He didn’t tell them to write a book and then tell them to condemn anyone who did not read it and ONLY it. No, the book, the Good Book, inspired by the Holy Spirit and profitable for teaching, not sufficient, but profitable, came much later.
So, the traditions and teachings of the Catholic church are not whimsically made up as we go along. They are lessons that were taught, by Jesus himself to his apostles and handed down generation by generation to the present day. But they came directly from Jesus-how special is that?. That makes them sacred and we cherish them.
So you have a problem with the Immaculate Conception or the Assumption of Mary? Well, take an historical perspective - spend a little time with how they came about and why. This woman carried Christ - *Christ, our Lord and Saviour - *in her womb, bore Him, nursed Him, nurtured and cared for Him, how intimate is that? How close they must have been. Who else on earth was that close to Jesus? No one. Mary HAD to have been sinless to care and love for Jesus - God - in such a way.