What I meant is that I cannot make a judgement about whether God is “good” or “evil.” He will be what he will be, and so everything is what it is. That doesn’t mean we can’t make moral judgments about each other, though we must understand that we could be wrong.If God is neither separate nor omnibenevolent, then neither good nor evil actually exist. All you have left is what just is – and that is neither evil nor good. That entails morality is a delusion. I don’t think you can hold that position consistently, since you will at some point be compelled to characterize acts such as murder, rape, torture, abuse, lying, fraud as acts which are more than just discomforting to you, but wrong or evil in themselves because they contravene what ought to be.
You wouldn’t be able to make a case that things really OUGHT to be a certain way to be better (and neither would the atheist) without some transcendent source of value that is more than just que sera, sera, a phrase which presents a whimsical facade, but doesn’t support any substantial ethical system whatsoever.
Again, you might pretend that is okay with you, but that pose-ition will crumble at the first hint of injustice, which positively presumes that things really ought to be a certain way to make any moral claims on others.
I don’t suppose you would excuse the actions of the driver of the truck in Nice with que sera, sera on the grounds that you don’t need to account for either good or evil, because things just are.
On the other hand, stranger things are believed. For example, by the driver of the truck who supposes that running over women and children is a “good” thing. You just don’t think of it as either good or evil, just what is.
Speaking of tautology, isn’t “it is what it is” a tautology? The question is, “Should it be?”
I have no idea how the universe as a whole “ought” to be, but I can affirm that what the driver in Nice did was heinously wrong. Not because God didn’t will it, but because it had a bad effect and also destroyed the dignity of the driver. I don’t need to account for God’s complicity in this though, like a traditional theist must.