No, you will have the power to avoid all such and the intelligence and will to freely choose the good always.When you are in heaven, do you have the power to commit a mortal sin or to do bad?
Committing mortal sin doesn’t involve power, it is the lack of power – a fault – that would lead anyone to commit sin or do bad.
It would be like asking whether God has the power to sin. Why would he choose to? His omniscience and omnibenevolence would not lead him to do so and his omnipotence would prevent him from failing to live up to what omniscience and omnibenevolence determine.
In Heaven, we will freely will what God freely wills. It is a contradiction in terms to ask if we would have the power to commit sin because sin by its very nature transgresses what the all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good nature of God wills. Sin is only committed in weakness. It is a dysfunction of power and not power fully active and working.