It appears that atheism is a delusion…
AND those deeply flawed arguments are attempts by atheists to fool themselves into believing their delusion.
Well, where to start.
I guess with the seemingly novel (at least to the guy who made the video - someone called Newburg?)that mystical experiences can be neurologically exhibited. Was there a surprise there? If you imagine any mystical experience, be it God or Shiva or Banquo’s ghost then it will trigger certain areas of the brain.
And nothing happens within the brain that hasn’t been filtered by billions of years of natural selection. It is all there for a purpose. Fear of the unknown, anthropomorphism, social cohesion, hope. The list is literally endless and if you couple that fact with a lack of knowledge as to how the world works and we have a core set of psychological intuitions that lead to the supernatural experiences and hence to religion.
It doesn’t mean that Banquo’s ghost is any more real than Shiva. But it does mean that the main question Newburg asks: ‘Do you really believe in your religion?’, is a resounding Yes.
The main paper that he quotes from (The Origins Of Religious Disbelief by Norezenyan and Gervais. says that:
‘Our (neurological and entirely natural) cognitive biases make us prone and receptive to religious ideas’.
That is, go with the flow and you end up with almost everyone else. Experiencing religious ideas. Be they Islamic, Christian, Jainism, Hinduism or any other flavour you care to mention.
Newburg goes on to say that this somehow proves that children are not indoctrinated with mystical experiences. Well, no-one that I have aver read has actually said that. But the paper does go to say that children, having this tendency, as we all do, are THEN inculcated with specific religions via the culture in which they live. Heavens, who would have thought that children grow up holding the same religious beliefs as the majority of their peers.
Another little gem of cherry picking is his claim that atheist are angry against God. So that they must, deep down, really believe because it’s impossible to be angry at something imaginary. He quotes another study and flashes that on screen. But if you pause and read the relevant passage, it says:
‘…anger towards God, particularly on measures emphasising past experience and IMAGES OF A HYPOTHETICAL GOD’. My emphasis.
So if you pretend that God exists for the sake of the survey, then are asked if you could be angry at such a hypothetical entity, then the reasonable answer, hypothetically, might be ‘yes’.
He goes on to quote from the paper I mentioned above:
‘Non-belief requires some hard cognitive work to reject belief’.
This is a supposition early in the piece. And the authors go on to propose, as one of their intended findings:
'…that disbelief DOES NOT always require hard or explicit cognitive effort and that rational deliberation is (only) one of several routes to disbelief’c
So not only are they comparing ‘hard cognitive work’ with ‘rational deliberation’, they are saying that it isn’t the only method by which one becomes an atheist.
And a little gem from the paper, which Newburg certainly skipped over, is one of the 4 specified requirements for belief (apart from going with the neurological flow, having an ability to imagine a god or gods and cultural indoctrination), being an ability:
‘…to maintain this commitment without further analytic cognitive processing’.
Ouch. No wonder he left that out. And they go on to say that religion is far less common is areas of society where there are a greater proportion of analytic thinkers (scientist were used as an example) and more common in societies where poverty, high infant mortality and short life spans were the rule rather than the exception. To quote again:
‘Analytic thinking erodes religious beliefs’.
And their conclusion:
‘…it becomes evident that under the right conditions, a theism can flourish and reach a viable cultural equilibrium and…the beginning of a novel transition in human history - the existence of religious disbelief and societies without a belief in gods’.
Maybe Newburhg and you should read what you post before you post it. There’s a lot of interesting stuff behind the grade school video. If only you look.