I’ve heard recently an argument that while the Bible does say homosexual acts are wrong ( for example the purity laws in Leviticus), these laws are now morally neutral because no one is put to death for insulting parents and divorce is common place. MPR (that’s Minnesota Public Radio–you know, liberal radio) aired a program on Speaking of Faith on homosexual marriage and this was brought up speakingoffaith.publicradio.org/programs/2004/05/13_gaymarriage/
Of course one of her guests also said that the over riding theme of the Bible and Christianity was inclusive and supportive of homosexuality—what???
Anyway, what is the argument and explaination to support the old testament teaching? Thanks
Of course one of her guests also said that the over riding theme of the Bible and Christianity was inclusive and supportive of homosexuality—what???
Anyway, what is the argument and explaination to support the old testament teaching? Thanks