it is ENTIRELY possible for someone that started at universe day one to have experienced ONLY 6000 years, but for us looking back through time, for it to be 12.5 billion. This is a because of the way PHYSICS works. And yes, it is testable, just not to that level.
- Well, great e=mc2, what created the energy There are two parts that I want to show on this… One… i think the answer is VERY VERY simple. its called GOD… However, this equation is only partially correct… e=mc2 is rest energy… in other words… absolute zero mph. Einstein equation is actually e = (1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2))mc^2. Why am I saying this, because I want to show you that energy is ALSO Dependant on speed relative to the speed of light. Keep in mind speed denotes passage of time, which also means, energy is a function of time as well… Throw in time dilation because of the incredible mass and the problem is not as strait forward as it seems.
By the way, scientist do have a theory that does explain where the energy came from, sorta… you know what else… they can almost test it…
These problems are far more complicated than people seem to want to give them credit for. Big Bang is NOT some hi in the sky idea someone came up with while smokin’ some peyote. There is an INCREDIBLE amount of physics behind it, and not just physics lay-people understand. Physics that requires pages and pages to solve.
There is another requirement for these theories… any theory they develope MUST fit and be able to support other areas of the Natural word. Example… if you develop a mathematical equation to explain the Big Bang. if you apply the equation to nature, and come up with the mass of a baseball to = the sun… the hypothesis is WRONG
It doesnt fir Nature… All these
THEORIES hold true when applied to other areas of nature.
Please… PLEASE…
Physics is not an armchair item that has whims of someones mood. Unless you have a PhD or some comparable training in the specific field. Please do NOT assume it isn’t true because YOU do not understand it. Would you want a McDonald’s Burger Flipper performing brain surgery? Then why do we as lay people think we know better than those that spent their lives investing in Physics…
There is no conspiracy’s. Popularity Doesn’t matter to TRUTH. Even popular theories fall away when SCIENCE proves them otherwise… research Ether…
If you really want to see how complicated the whole Idea of the creation of the universe is to Physicist, google “why is gravity so weak” This is one of the problems that has to be worked out for an accurate creation theory.
I know someone will say “what is my authority for saying this” My authority is that I have a degree in Physics, and I know whats required… I also know NOT to comment on areas of Physics i am not fully aware of.
ALL that being said… there is NOTHING wrong with God creating the universe. Science cannot contradict Scripture, and vice versa
In Christ