The universe is everything. There is nothing beyond the universe. Therefore there is nothing to expand into.Have you noticed that, we speak of the big bang giving birth to time space and matter, yet the universe is expanding; but in to what?
However, I hear ya. I think this has to do with the no-boundary condition of the universe. It is simply that the size – among other things – of the universe is undefined. it is fuzzy.
Now I did propose some mind-candy at the end of my previous post on the notion that entropy increases in our emergent universe (and this would mean that space increases) in order to have a no-entropy primordial slime but one with increasing order and information. The primordial slime is the realm of Membranes from which our universe emerged.
This notion would mean that physics does not break.
They don’t avoid it. Some of it they can explain. Some of it they can’t – yet. You do realize that we have not come to the end of physics yet. There are theories missing. When we get them all we will have the Grand Unified Theory, thusfar no more than a castle in the sky.Why do scientists avoid this phenoemon?
But this is best handled on a new thread. Otherwise we’ll derail this one. And this one is too interesting.