The great mis-understanding
First of all, your among the many philosophers on this thread who write in a way that is unintelligible to me; not because it’s unintelligible, but because it’s an entirely different language to what I am use to.
OK. Just ask for clarification. Sometimes that is a process of experimenting among ourselves as to what form clarification is necessary to be intelligible for some folks.
Before The Big Bang?
Thirdly, all I’m saying is, to speak of a before, it is as if your speaking of a Big Bang being a product of time;
No. I am saying that there are different kinds of time and that linear time is a product of the Big Bang.
something happening within time and space.
Nothing happened between time and space. But something happened. Something still within physics. Rather than something which goes beyond the ability of physics to predict.
The only new principle I have proposed is that there might be a requirement in the Membrane realm that entropy = 0 there. Did I lose you on entropy?
Unless one holds to a multi-verse theory, we cannot speak of a before,
I do not ‘hold’ to a multiverse theory. However, I entertained the notion of a multiverse theory for the purposes of this discussion.
From there I examined the possibilities which could arise. One possibility is that the multiverse theory explains the physics involved in linear time being a property of our universe and non-linear time being a property of the Membrane realm from where our universe may have emerged.
Getting these distinctions defined (linear and non linear) is important in order to move ahead to understanding God’s ‘eternity’ and our temporality; God’s everlasting life and our mortality.
and God cannot be thought of as preceding in time;
My purpose all along was to point out that there are different kinds of time and that even the linear time with which we are familiar in our universe changes as a function of gravity or at least is relative.
assuming we believe that God acts outside of time, and acknowledging that a true God cannot be in time as if to say he is a product of it,
Let’s assume that.
Unless one believes that he made time and space first, before the Big Bang;
My suggestion is that He made space and linear time by means of the Big Bang not before the Big Bang.
but I’m not sure that such a concept makes any sense or does Gods nature any justice.
I agree.
This in fact is where I am going. But with physics as a methodology.
I am aware however that this may have already been mentioned, and if so, then I apologize for the intrusion.
It was mentioned. However, you are communicating to me that you have not understood it. And that is fair enough. If you need clarification, then let me know which parts are giving you trouble and we’ll go from there. Expect other folks to offer clarification too.
The multiverse theory
Some of the atheists that I have come across through cyber space seem to be advocating the multi-verse theory as scientific; they are waving it around as an alternative or a refutation of the un-caused cause argument.
Help is at hand! I’ve given you a refutation of their refutation.