The book of Daniel

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If anything, this show can be seen as a good example of why a married clergy is not “the answer.” As this show clearly demonstrates, a priest having a wife and kids brings up its own unique set a problems! So one can take comfort in seeing this show as an endorsement for a celibate priesthood.
Unfortunately, because the show has the family being SO dysfunctional, it’s a tad too unrealistic to be used as a good example of why a celibate clergy is a good thing.

Certainly, this priest, in this situation, has too much on his plate at home.

Keep in mind, too, that the Latin Church is the only one with mandatory celibacy. The Eastern Churches allow married men to be ordained. Many of these priests manage to balance their vocation to Orders and to marriage. I am curious how many of them feel like they’re successful at it however…
Reverend Daniel is really the only good character on the show. Funny that… on a show that’s supposedly “attacking Christianity,” the only good Christian character is the Christian minister.
For such a “good Christian” it surprised me that he asked the couple that came to him for pre-marital counseling, “How are things in the bedroom?” I don’t think pre-marital sex has been okayed by the Episcopal Church, has it?
I would like to make a suggestion. Before you condemn a show, it might be a good idea to at least watch it. After watching it, analyze what was good about it and what was not so good about it.

People complain that the characters on TV never go to church or have any kind of spiritual life. This show is at least an attempt to remedy that situation.

There was a guy on Catholic Answers Live recently who represented an organization called “Decent Movies.” He said that Catholic Christians should go into this type of profession and create good shows. He said that many of the people who do the writing for these shows are not Christian and don’t have a clue what to write.

I read in the paper that the guy who wrote “The Book of Daniel” actually grew up Catholic. With the Jesus character, he wanted to show how Catholics have a relationship with Jesus.

I watched the first episode, and I didn’t find it too terribly offensive. The Episcopalian priest who was the main character was very charismatic. I thought the Jesus character was a little bland compared to him. I just loved it when the Jesus character (sitting next to him in the car) said, “You’re tailgating.”

The part I found a little offensive was when the priest asked the premarital couple, “How’s your sex life?” It would probably offend some people when the teen-age son was trying to have sex with his girl friend. However, instead, he fell out the window and broke his arm when the parents came home.

The show itself doesn’t seem too different to me than “Joan of Arcadia” or “Touched by an Angel,” except that the characters were a lot more dysfunctional.

If you condemn a show before you even see it, nobody will want to take the risk of writing shows about religion. I think that such shows are rather refreshing, if done with good taste.
Oh my, where can I even begin with this show?

Well, let me say that I actually liked it!

As an Anglican-Use Catholic and one who was active with the Anglican Church of Canada for many years, I can only say that this show got almost everything down right about the goings-on in the Anglican/Episcopal Church. The look, the feel, the scandals brewing just beneath the surface, — yes, it was all there!

But that is what made the show so enjoyable to me. It was real, not some white-washed, covered-up, saccharine sweet series. The people were very real to me, for I have known people just like them, flawed Christians who truly love and serve the Lord, even though they are not perfect. Things happen in their lives, and how they handle them reflects how any of us handle them. Even in a married priest’s family, there are still things that happen: a child can be gay or experiment with things they should not, or a spouse can be a complete slosh. Any Roman Catholic who thinks that a married priesthood will automatically solve all the problems of a priest should look no further than this show.

My favourite characters were Fr. Daniel and Jesus. The befuddled parish priest (done so well by Aidan Quinn) was too perfect for words. Even his addiction is real, for I have known a lot of priests, both Anglican and Roman Catholic, who struggle with something. And Jesus? I liked the way they used him here. Haven’t we all imagined conversations with Jesus at one time? Or better yet, wouldn’t it be great to actually have him physically appear to you on a regular basis?

I don’t know if this show is going to make it, but at least I can appreciate it as something that hits close to home for me. I give it a positive plus, so far.
I would like to make a suggestion. Before you condemn a show, it might be a good idea to at least watch it. After watching it, analyze what was good about it and what was not so good about it.

People complain that the characters on TV never go to church or have any kind of spiritual life. This show is at least an attempt to remedy that situation.

There was a guy on Catholic Answers Live recently who represented an organization called “Decent Movies.” He said that Catholic Christians should go into this type of profession and create good shows. He said that many of the people who do the writing for these shows are not Christian and don’t have a clue what to write.

I read in the paper that the guy who wrote “The Book of Daniel” actually grew up Catholic. With the Jesus character, he wanted to show how Catholics have a relationship with Jesus.

I watched the first episode, and I didn’t find it too terribly offensive. The Episcopalian priest who was the main character was very charismatic. I thought the Jesus character was a little bland compared to him. I just loved it when the Jesus character (sitting next to him in the car) said, “You’re tailgating.”

The part I found a little offensive was when the priest asked the premarital couple, “How’s your sex life?” It would probably offend some people when the teen-age son was trying to have sex with his girl friend. However, instead, he fell out the window and broke his arm when the parents came home.

The show itself doesn’t seem too different to me than “Joan of Arcadia” or “Touched by an Angel,” except that the characters were a lot more dysfunctional.

If you condemn a show before you even see it, nobody will want to take the risk of writing shows about religion. I think that such shows are rather refreshing, if done with good taste.
IAnd you can’t tell the difference from ‘Joan of Arcadia" and Touched by Angel’ and this 'Daniel" show then no wonder you liked it…just my opinion of course

One does not have to waste their time watching shows like that to know it is no good. Do you need to “watch” porn movies to know porn is bad? If enough data is out on a movie or book, then that is plenty enough to decide whether to wactch/read or not. I have not read the Dav Vinci Code to know it is against the faith, against the Church, against Christ, and against Opus Dei.

Networks do not deserve our viewership when they make such garbage.
I am not going to intend to watch it. I suppose one of these days when I channel surf I may catch a few minutes of it, but I long ago decided that the computer is more fun that the TV. Now I use any available time I have to listen to my favorite radio stations while posting on this forum. So I limit even that, but I refuse to watch poorly planned “church lite”,made for TV, nonsense. To me it falls into the same category as all the media hype about the priest scandals. The MSM can’t wait to report more sick stories, and they tend to focus on the priests. Lately they are happy to slam and Christian religion.
I would like to make a suggestion. Before you condemn a show, it might be a good idea to at least watch it. After watching it, analyze what was good about it and what was not so good about it.
I watched it for a half hour which is all I could take from this blasphemous piece of trash!
The show itself doesn’t seem too different to me than “Joan of Arcadia” or “Touched by an Angel,” except that the characters were a lot more dysfunctional.
I totally disagree with you, “Joan of Arcadia” and “Touched By An Angel” at least they had a good message. This is just another excuse to poke fun and ridicule Christianity, IMO.
If you condemn a show before you even see it, nobody will want to take the risk of writing shows about religion. I think that such shows are rather refreshing, if done with good taste.
There was certainly enough media hype given about this show so again, I disagree with you. I wish I hadn’t even watched it!

Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented today on the new NBC show, “The Book of Daniel,” which premiers January 6:

“The father dabbles in drugs, the wife is a boozer, the daughter is a dope dealer, one son is a homosexual, the other son is a womanizer, the sister-in-law is a bisexual, the brother-in-law is a thief, and the father’s father is an adulterer. Just your ordinary Christian family—in the eyes of Hollywood, that is. That both the fathers in ‘The Book of Daniel’ are Episcopalian priests is no coincidence: the desire to paint this Christian family as totally dysfunctional is the work of an embittered ex-Catholic homosexual, Jack Kenny.

“A self-described ‘recovering Catholic,’ Kenny is quick to dismiss the ‘myths’ surrounding Jesus, but is far less skeptical about Buddhist teachings on reincarnation. Regarding heaven, Kenny—ever the deep thinker—opines that ‘I don’t know specifically what’s going on up there.’ It would be interesting to know how much time he has spent wondering about ‘what’s going on down there.’

Go here for the rest:
I watched it out of curiosity to see if it was as bad as the hype. Some things I noted:

Everyone was sleeping with everyone else. Clearly the message is that no matter what the church preaches, no one, including the bishops, is going to really follow it.

The lead character that we are supposed to admire gives a sermon on why temptation is good, because he is looking for ways to justify his own sin, and potentially leads members of his flock astray (his one son said,“I was listeneing Dad; sin is good.”

The Jesus character said “Let him be a kid” when the dad attempted to exercise a little parental authority to stop his son from sleeping with a 16 year old girl. Message: parents have no control, kids will do whatever they want, so don’t even try.

The dad is advised by Jesus to talk to his daughter as an adult, even though she displays a total lack of judgement in selling drugs, lying, and pirating software.

The children use every opportunity to belittle each other, made to seem like harmless teasing.

Pre-marital sex is made to seem the norm, and when the engaged couple has a problem (getting high to have sex) the priest says “is that all” then has to back pedal to cover himself. The Jesus character’s only comment is about Daniel sharing too much info.

The Catholic priest is a stereotype, with no qualms about illegal mob affiliations. It is made to seem completely normal.

I could go on, but there were too many things. Basically, it was all about sex, drugs, and stolen money. There was a quick scene where an old person was taken off life support (implicit approval of euthanasia? We are given no details) which I took as a sop to dealing with “real” issues. But nothing about real Christain values.
God invented the remote control so people could change the channel without even getting off the couch.
Good review TAS2000! Right up there with Bill Donahue!

I did watch every lousy minute of the show because I like to know what is going on and decide for myself. It was garbage and very derogatory to Christians in general, and some of us in particular.

I do not plan to watch it again and I do plan to let advertisers and NBC know how I feel. That is the least I can do to defend morality. It doesn’t take much time and it will make a difference if enough folks do the same. I am not silent any longer. I have even been able to reach producers by phone and politley give them pause for thought and I think that is important.

Small, but important changes in one soul at a time. That might be all I can do, but at least I’m not srinking from even small insults to morality. I’m getting too old to put up with this stuff! I speak up.
The Hollywood types are so angry that us Christians are running the country that they retaliate with trash. Tsk Tsk. :tsktsk:
I understand that advertisers are already pulling their ads and that NBC’s lost a few million $. A Knoxville NBC Affiliate asked a group of ministers to watch the show and they said that is was even worse than they expected and deeply offensive to Christians.

I watched it and I still can’t believe that those who produce it actually think that they’re “cutting edge” Lol. It’s just so BAD and their worldview is mind numbingly BORING and infantile. I think that a lot of people will start coming back to the Church when they realize just how bored they are. This kind of show helps!
susie g.:
For such a “good Christian” it surprised me that he asked the couple that came to him for pre-marital counseling, “How are things in the bedroom?” I don’t think pre-marital sex has been okayed by the Episcopal Church, has it?
I don’t think this is anti-christian.I think its a criticism of Episcopalianism. The Episcopalian church has given up the creator for the creature, as Saint Paul said. They have surrendered to the MTV generation.This ministers ( lets remember there is no such thing as an Episcopal priest ) family is a caractature of an Episcopalian family that has given up on Jesus,the Bible and Tradition.
This ministers ( lets remember there is no such thing as an Episcopal priest )
Um, yes there is. It is the second-level clergyman in the three-fold ministry of the Episcopal Church. Deacon, Priest, and Bishop.

If they call that minister a priest, then let’s not be so disrespectful and call him something else. Good lord, Jesus called us to love one another, not to belittle!
We didn’t watch the show. It may be well produced, written and/or acted but I just don’t see how it can lead people to turn to Jesus based on the premises presented in the opening episode so I won’t bother. We don’t have any problems with shows like this being produced or aired.

As my kids put it:
I don’t get how this guy who has been buddies with Jesus most of his life, having conversations with him all along the way to the point of becoming a priest, would have such a messed up family.

Something’s not right. It doesn’t make sense that Jesus wouldn’t have helped him early on so that these problems with his wife and kids could have been nipped in the bud.

Either this show is going to send the message that a close relationship with Jesus doesn’t really help you, or it’s going to show why priests shouldn’t be married. We doubt it’s to help people see why priests shouldn’t be married so why bother watching how they go about explaining why a man of God would have all these problems in his own family. One or two, yeah, but every single member of the family has serious issues!

Then again, we’re still mourning the loss of Joan of Arcadia…
Please go to this site to stop advertisers from supporting the book of Daniel.
Follow the link below to take action on this important issue. Go to to sign.
Looks like it may be working:
Advertisers drop 'Book of Daniel’
Protests continue against NBC show about ‘Christian’ family
Posted: January 10, 2006
8:26 p.m. Eastern
© 2006

Three of the five national advertisers that had commercials run during the debut airing of NBC’s controversial “Book of Daniel” will no longer advertise on the program, states the organization leading the protest against the show.

Full Story
I do not think the show will last more than a couple more shows.

So, I’m just curious… anybody know what the Episcopalians think about this show?

Doesn’t it stand to reason that we should take their lead on this, since if the show actually is belittling to Christians, it’s belittling to THEIR denomination first?
So I watched this week’s episode (Had to tape it, it’s on at the same time as Battlestar Galactica, and NOTHING in my life pre-empts BSG unless it’s completely unavoidable). I noticed that the usual major advertisers still had commercials going.

I’ve been defending the show in this forum, mainly because I don’t like to see things get judged without being given a chance. I don’t like the show. It’s like Dallas with a clerical collar.

It’s not offensive to Christians anymore than Roseanne was offensive to drywallers or Dallas was to oil tycoons. It just another caricature of society being told in a certain setting.

Eh… I might tape next week’s episode and give it one more opportunity to show me that it’s not just a primetime soap in the vein of Dallas, Dynasty, or Desperate Housewives. If it continues to be like those shows… I won’t have to tape it anymore.
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