I would like to make a suggestion. Before you condemn a show, it might be a good idea to at least watch it. After watching it, analyze what was good about it and what was not so good about it.
People complain that the characters on TV never go to church or have any kind of spiritual life. This show is at least an attempt to remedy that situation.
There was a guy on Catholic Answers Live recently who represented an organization called “Decent Movies.” He said that Catholic Christians should go into this type of profession and create good shows. He said that many of the people who do the writing for these shows are not Christian and don’t have a clue what to write.
I read in the paper that the guy who wrote “The Book of Daniel” actually grew up Catholic. With the Jesus character, he wanted to show how Catholics have a relationship with Jesus.
I watched the first episode, and I didn’t find it too terribly offensive. The Episcopalian priest who was the main character was very charismatic. I thought the Jesus character was a little bland compared to him. I just loved it when the Jesus character (sitting next to him in the car) said, “You’re tailgating.”
The part I found a little offensive was when the priest asked the premarital couple, “How’s your sex life?” It would probably offend some people when the teen-age son was trying to have sex with his girl friend. However, instead, he fell out the window and broke his arm when the parents came home.
The show itself doesn’t seem too different to me than “Joan of Arcadia” or “Touched by an Angel,” except that the characters were a lot more dysfunctional.
If you condemn a show before you even see it, nobody will want to take the risk of writing shows about religion. I think that such shows are rather refreshing, if done with good taste.